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1945 Common Kanji

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1945 Kanji List in Japanese

No. KANJI Reading/ ON-YOMI KUN-YOMI Meaning
1 Nichi, Jitsu hi, ka sun, day, Sunday
2 Ichi, Itsu hito, hito(tsu) one, a
3 Koku kuni country
4 Juu, Jiq too, to ten
5 Dai, Tai oo, oo(kii), oo(ini) large, many, great, severe, very
6 Kai, E a(u) meeting, party, assembly, association, understanding,
7 Jin, Nin hito man, human being, character, other people
8 Nen toshi year, age, time of life
9 Ni futa, futa(tsu) two, second
10 Hon moto book, this, main, true, real, origin, basis
11 San mi, mi(tsu), mit(tsu) three
12 Chuu naka center, middle, inside, during, within
13 Choo naga(i) head, chief, merit, long, lengthy
14 Shutsu, Sui de(ru), da(su) appear, come out, put out, take out
15 Sei, Shoo matsurigoto government, rule
16 Go itsu, itsu(tsu) five
17 Ji, Shi mizuka(ra) oneself, personally
18 Ji, Zu koto thing, matter
19 Sha mono person, thing
20 Sha yashiro Shinto shrine, association, company
21 Getsu, Gatsu tsuki moon, month, Monday
22 Shi yo, yo(tsu), yot(tsu), yon four
23 Bun, Fun, Bu wa(keru), wa(kareru), wa(karu), wa(katsu) ration, a minute of time, divide, separate, branch off, understand
24 Ji toki hour, o’clock, time
25 Goo, Gaq, Kaq a(u), a(wasu), a(waseru) fit, join together, combine, mix, one-tenth
26 Doo ona(ji) same, equal, similar, changeless
27 Kyuu, Ku kokono, kokono(tsu) nine
28 Joo, Shoo ue, uwa, kami, a(geru), a(garu), nobo(ru), nobo(seru), nobo(su) up, top, raise, go up, best, upper part, government
29 Koo, Gyoo, An i(ku), yu(ku), okona(u) go, do, carry out, perform, party, journey, line, religious austerities
30 Min tami people, nation
31 Zen mae front, ago, before
32 Gyoo, Goo waza vocation, industry, undertaking, conduct
33 Sei, Shoo i(kiru), i(kasu), i(keru), u(mareru), u(mu), o(u), ha(eru), ha(yasu), ki, nama live, revive, keep, be born, grow, subsistence, student
34 Gi consultation, debate, consideration
35 Go, Koo nochi, ushi(ro), ato, oku(reru) back, after, rear, behind
36 Shin atara(shii), ara(ta), nii new, novel, recent
37 Bu department, faculty, part, volume
38 Ken mi(ru), mi(eru), mi(seru) see, idea, opinion
39 Too higashi east
40 Kan, Ken aida, ma interval, space, between, among, six feet
41 Chi, Ji earth, land, soil, region, foundation, fabric
42 Teki mato mark, target, object, the point, adjective ending
43 Joo ba place, grounds, range
44 Hachi ya, ya(tsu), yat(tsu), yoo eight
45 Nyuu i(ru), i(reru), hai(ru) go in, enter, put in, insert
46 Hoo kata direction, way, side, square
47 Roku mu, mu(tsu), mut(tsu), mui six
48 Shi ichi city, town, market
49 Hatsu, Hotsu discharge (of a gun), emit, publish, utter
50 In member, number, the one in charge
51 Tai, Tsui face, confront, be opposite, in answer to, pair, set
52 Kin, Kon kane, kana gold, money, Friday,
53 Shi, Su ko child, offspring, seed
54 Nai, Dai uchi inside, interior, within, between
55 Tei, Joo sada(meru), sada(maru), sada(ka) establish, decide, be settled
56 Gaku mana(bu) learning, study, science, scholarship, erudition
57 Koo taka(i), taka, taka(maru), taka(meru) high
58 Shu te, ta hand, arm, help, means, skill
59 En maru(i) circle, tranquil, yen
60 Ritsu, Ryuu ta(tsu), ta(teru) stand, rise, set up, establish
61 Kai, E mawa(ru), mawa(su) time, round, go around
62 Ren tsura(naru), tsura(neru), tsu(reru) party, set, range, put in a row, take (someone) along
63 Sen era(bu) select, choose
64 Den ta rice field, paddy field
65 Shichi nana, nana(tsu), nano seven
66 Dai, Tai ka(waru), ka(eru), yo, shiro replace, change, period, fee
67 Ryoku, Riki chikara strength, energy, force, power, influence
68 Kon, Kin ima now, the present, the coming, this
69 Bei, Mai kome rice, U.S.A.
70 Hyaku hundred, great number, all
71 Soo, Shoo ai together, mutually, aspect, physiognomy, minister of state
72 Kan seki barrier, checkin station, gateway, related to
73 Mei, Myoo a(kari), aka(rui), aka(rumu), aka(ramu), aki(raka), a(keru), a(ku), a(kuru), a(kasu) light, bright, clear, dawn, divulge
74 Kai hira(ku), hira(keru), a(ku), a(keru) opening
75 Kyoo, Kei capital, ten quadrillion, abbreviation of Kyoto, abbreviation of Tokyo
76 Mon to(u), to(i), ton ask, question, accuse
77 Tai, Tei karada the body, style, appearance
78 Jitsu mi, mino(ru) truth, sincerity, kindness, faith, essence, seed, substance, ripen
79 Ketsu ki(meru), ki(maru) decision, vote
80 Shu, Su nushi, omo main thing, master, Load, employer
81 Doo ugo(ku), ugo(kasu) move, operate, run, shift, change
82 Hyoo omote, arawa(su), arawa(reru) table, list, surface, express, be revealed
83 Moku, Boku me, ma eye, item, regard as
84 Tsuu, Tsu too(ru), too(su), kayo(u) walk along, pass by, pierce, commute, run, expert
85 Ka, Ke ba(keru), ba(kasu) change into, transform
86 Chi, Ji osa(meru), osa(maru), nao(ru), nao(su) govern, be at peace, cure, heal
87 Zen matta(ku) all, entirely
88 Do, To, Taku tabi degree, extent, limit, a time, redeem
89 Too a(taru), a(teru) right, appropriateness, hit, strike, guess right, apply, succeed
90 Ri reason, truth, principle
91 San yama mountain, hill
92 Shoo chii(sai), ko, o small, short, pretty, trivial
93 Kei, Kyoo he(ru) longitude, sutra, warp
94 Sei control, restrain, govern, establish
95 Hoo, Haq, Hoq law, principle, regulation, way
96 Ka, Ge shita, shimo, moto, sa(geru), sa(garu), kuda(ru), kuda(su), kuda(saru), o(rosu), o(riru) low class, inferiority
97 Sen chi thousand, many
98 Man, Ban ten thousand, fully
99 Yaku promise, approximately, economize
100 Sen ikusa, tataka(u) war, battle, game, match
101 Gai, Ge soto, hoka, ha(zusu), hazu(reru) outside, without, take off
102 Sai motto(mo) most
103 調 Choo shira(beru), totono(u), totono(eru) tune, style of writing, test, examine, prepare, be arranged
104 Ya no field, the Opposition, rustic
105 Gen arawa(reru), arawa(su) appear, present, exciting, actual
106 Fu, Bu negation, bad, clumsy, ugly
107 Koo ooyake public, official, formal, prince, duke, lord
108 Ki, Ke spirit, intention, bent, mood, temper, air
109 Shoo ka(tsu), masa(ru) win, excel, victory, beauty spot
110 Ka, Ke ie, ya house, family, person, profession
111 Shu to(ru) take, fetch, receive, adopt (a measure), choose
112 I mind, thought, intention, meaning, significance
113 Saku, Sa tsuku(ru) make, build, a work, a production, tillage, harvest
114 Sen kawa river, stream, brook
115 Yoo i(ru) main point, aim, need
116 Yoo mochi(iru) business, use, adopt (a method), employ
117 Ken, Gon authority, power, rights, concession
118 Sei, Shoo sex, gender, nature, quality
119 Gen, Gon i(u), koto word, phrase, speech, statement
120 Shi uji family, clan, surname
121 Mu tsuto(meru) duty, play (the part of)
122 Sho tokoro place, locality, part
123 Wa hana(su), hanashi talk, chat, conversation
124 Ki, Go time, term, season, opportunity, expect, rely on
125 Ki hata opportunity, occasion, machine, airplane
126 Sei, Joo na(ru), na(su) perform, accomplish, become, set in, turn into, consist of
127 Dai subject, topic, title, question
128 Rai ku(ru), kita(ru), kita(su) come, cause, arrive, next, since
129 Soo whole, general, total
130 San u(mu), u(mareru), ubu bear, produce, be born, native (of a place), property
131 Shu kubi head, neck, beginning, the first
132 Kyoo, Goo tsuyo(i), tsuyo(maru), tsuyo(meru), shi(iru) strength, strong person, force
133 Ken prefecture, district (in China)
134 Suu, Su kazu, kazo(eru) number, figure, count, calculate, numbers, numerical, fate
135 Kyoo co-operation
136 Shi omo(u) think, consider, regard as, anticipate, imagine
137 Setsu moo(keru) prepare, establish, organize, enact
138 Ho tamo(tsu) keep, support, last
139 Ji mo(tsu) hold, have, maintain, last long
140 Ku ward, district, section
141 Kai arata(meru), arata(maru) change, renew, reform, improve, examine
142 I with, by, by means of, because, in view of
143 Doo, Too michi road, street, course, moral doctrine, reason
144 To, Tsu miyako capital, metropolis
145 Wa, O yawa(ragu), yawa(rageru), nago(mu), nago(yaka) sum, peace, soften, moderate, relax, get quiet, genial
146 Ju u(keru), u(karu) receive
147 An yasu(i) cheap, inexpensive, be rested, feel at ease
148 Ka kuwa(eru), kuwa(waru) addition, increase
149 Zoku tsuzu(ku), tsuzu(keru) continue
150 Ten point, mark, score, a detail, items
151 Shin susu(mu), susu(meru) advance, be promoted, move forward
152 Hei, Byoo tai(ra), hira flat, calm, a plain, common, level
153 Kyoo oshi(eru), oso(waru) teach, faith
154 Sei, Shoo tada(shii), tada(su), masa right, original, plus, genuine, just, punctual
155 Gen hara field, original, primitive
156 Shi sasa(eru) support, prop, check, branch
157 Ta oo(i) many, much, frequent
158 Sei, Se yo society, generation, world, age, life
159 So ku(mu), kumi construct, unite with, set
160 Kai circle, world, boundary, limits
161 Kyo a(geru), a(garu) raise, plan, behavior, actions, celebrate (a ceremony), join (hands in an effort)
162 Ki shiru(su) write down, record, remember
163 Hoo muku(iru) reward, repay, revenge, news, retribution
164 Sho ka(ku) write, handwriting, letter, note, book
165 Shin kokoro heart, motive, core
166 Bun, Mon fumi literary text, sentence, letter, art
167 Hoku kita north
168 Mei, Myoo na distinguished, noted, wise, name
169 Shi yubi, sa(su) finger, point to, indicate
170 I entrust to, minute
171 Shi resources, capital, materials, quality
172 Sho haji(me), haji(mete), hatsu, ui, so(meru) beginning, first
173 Jo, Nyo, Nyoo onna, me woman, female, girl, daughter
174 In mansion, temple, palace, hospital, school, institution, congress, ex-emperor
175 Kyoo tomo both, including, together with
176 Gen, Gan moto beginning, origin, base, yuan
177 Kai umi sea, ocean
178 Kin chika(i) early, near, akin to, friendly
179 Dai number, order, test
180 Bai u(ru), u(reru) sell, deal in
181 Too shima island
182 Sen saki the future, priority, precedence
183 Too su(beru) control, supervise, govern, relationship, lineage
184 Den electricity, lightning
185 Butsu, Motsu mono thing, object, matter, something,
186 Sai su(mu), su(masu) end, finish, save
187 Kan the Government, officials, the authorities, body functions
188 Sui mizu water, Wednesday
189 Too na(geru) throw, hurl, invest in
190 Koo mu(ku), mu(keru), mu(kau), mu(koo) face, oppose, proceed to, tend toward
191 Ha group, party, faction, sect, send
192 Shin truth, faith, trust, signal
193 Ketsu musu(bu), yu(u), yu(waeru) tie, bind, make (contracts, treaties and friendships), finish
194 Juu, Choo e, omo(i), kasa(neru), kasa(naru) heavy, serious, pile up, nest of boxes
195 Dan, Ton group, party, circle
196 Zei tax, duty
197 Yo previously, I, myself
198 Han, Ban stamp, judge, guess, decide
199 Katsu living, being helped, resuscitation
200 Koo kanga(eru) thought, research, treatise
201 Go 11 a.m.-1 p.m., 7th zodiac sign
202 Koo, Ku artisan, manufacture, work, carpenter
203 Sei, Shoo kaeri(miru), habu(ku) look back, examine oneself, omit, curtail, ministry, department, province (in China)
204 Chi shi(ru) know, acquaintance, understand, sense
205 Ga, Kaku picture, drawing, painting, demarcation, divide, stroke (in a character)
206 In hi(ku), hi(keru) draw, pull, lead (horses or captives), quate, retire
207 Kyoku bureau, central, situation
208 Da u(tsu) strike, shoot
209 Han, Hon, Tan so(ru), so(rasu) antithesis, warp, bend, oppose
210 Koo maji(waru), maji(eru), maji(ru), ma(zaru), ma(zeru), ka(u), ka(wasu) coming and going, association, mix, exchange
211 Hin shina refinement, dignity, article, quality, type
212 Kai, Ge to(ku), to(kasu), to(keru) untie,release, solve, understanding, explanation
213 Sa investigate
214 Nin maka(seru), maka(su) entrust to, leave to, responsibility, mission
215 Saku plan, scheme, means, whip
216 ko(mu), ko(meru) be crowded, include, concentrate on
217 Ryoo dominion, territory, possession, govern
218 Ri ki(ku) advantage, interest, take effect
219 Ji, Shi tsu(gu), tsugi order, times, next, below
220 Sai kiwa time, occasion, when
221 Shuu atsu(maru), atsu(meru), tsudo(u) collection, gathering
222 Men omo, omote, tsura mask, aspect, face, surface
223 Toku e(ru), u(ru) profit, advantage, benefit, get, acquire
224 Gen he(ru), he(rasu) decrease, rduce, decline
225 Soku kawa side, beside
226 Son mura village, hamlet
227 Kei haka(ru), haka(rau) measure, compute, plan, scheme, total, meter,
228 Hen ka(waru), ka(eru) change, be different, vary, something strange
229 Kaku kawa tanned leather
230 Ron discuss, argue, discourse
231 Betsu waka(reru) branch off, split be divided, bid farewell
232 使 Shi tsuka(u) use, messenger
233 Koku tsu(geru) tell, inform, bid
234 Choku, Jiki tada(chini), nao(su), nao(ru) honest, frank, simple, correct, direct, soon
235 Choo asa morning, forenoon, dynasty, reign, epoch
236 Koo hiro(i), hiro(maru), hiro(meru), hiro(garu), hiro(geru) wide, spread out, extend, reach to
237 Ki kuwada(teru) plan, intend, attempt, undertake
238 Nin mito(meru) recognize, appreciate, discern
239 Oku 100,000,000
240 Setsu, Sai ki(ru), ki(reru) cut, carve, slice, break off, earnest
241 Kyuu moto(meru) want, seek, pursue (pleasure), hunt (a job)
242 Ken matter, case, item
243 Zoo ma(su), fu(eru), fu(yasu) increase, add to
244 Han naka(ba) half, semi-, middle, partly
245 Kan feeling, sense, emotion, impression, intuition
246 Sha kuruma vehicle, vehicle, cart
247 Koo school, (printing) proof, comparison, correction, investigation
248 西 Sei, Sai nishi west
249 Sai, Sei year, age, time
250 Ji, Shi shime(su) show, indicate, point out
251 Ken, Kon ta(teru), ta(tsu) build, raise
252 Ka atai price, cost, value, worth
253 Fu tsu(keru), tsu(ku) attach, put on, place, be connected, follow
254 Sei ikio(i) force, energy, authority, impetus, course (of events), tendency
255 Dan, Nan otoko man, male, baron, counter for sons
256 Zai a(ru) there is, exist, outskirts, suburbs, country
257 Joo, Sei nasa(ke) feeling, emotion, sympathy
258 Shi haji(meru), haji(maru) beginning
259 Dai, Tai stand, pedestal, table, the decade of one’s age
260 Bun, Mon ki(ku), ki(koeru) hear, learn of, inquire, follow advice
261 Ki moto, motoi radical (in chemistry), foundation, basis
262 Kaku onoono each
263 San mai(ru) go, call, visit a shrine, three
264 Hi tsui(yasu), tsui(eru) expenses, spend, consume, waste
265 Boku, Moku ki, ko tree, wood, timber, Thursday
266 En perform, play, render, stage
267 Mu, Bu na(i) nothing, nil, negation
268 Hoo hana(su), hana(tsu), hana(reru) set free, release, liberate, free oneself from, shoot
269 Saku the past, yesterday, last (year)
270 Toku special
271 Un hako(bu) go around, carry, transport, destiny, fortune
272 Kei kaka(ru), kakari concern oneself in, have to do with
273 Juu su(mu), su(mau) live, reside, inhabit
274 Hai yabu(reru) defeat, reversal, be defeated
275 I kurai rank, place, grade, dignity, nobility
276 Shi watakushi I, private affairs
277 Eki, Yaku war, exacted unpaid labor, position, duty, role
278 Ka ha(tasu), ha(teru), ha(te) fruit, reward
279 Gun army, force, troops
280 Sei, Shoo I well
281 Kaku, Koo status, rank, capacity, standard, case (in grammer)
282 Ryoo charge, allowance, materials
283 Go kata(ru), kata(rau) word, speech, language, term
284 Shoku employment, work
285 Shuu o(waru), o(eru) end, be over, complete
286 Kyuu, Guu, Ku miya palace, Imperial Palace, Shinto shrine
287 Ken investigation
288 Shi shi(nu) death
289 Hitsu kanara(zu) certainly, positively, invariably
290 Shiki ceremony, method, style, formula, model
291 Shoo suku(nai), suko(shi) few, a little, seldom, a small quantity, young
292 Ka su(giru), su(gosu), ayama(tsu), ayama(chi) excess, pass, elapse, error
293 Shi to(maru), to(meru) stop, cease, be choked
294 Katsu wa(ru), wari, wa(reru), sa(ku) divide, separate, break, dilute
295 Koo, Ku kuchi mouth, speech, nozzle
296 Kaku tashi(ka), tashi(kameru) firm, tight, solid, sure, accurate
297 Sai ta(tsu), saba(ku) cut out (a suit), cut off, judge
298 Chi o(ku) place, put, set, leave
299 Tei sa(geru) take along, carry in the hand
300 Ryuu, Ru naga(reru), naga(su) current, flow, float, pour, wash away
301 Noo ability, talent, capacity
302 Yuu, U a(ru) have, possess, there is
303 Choo machi town, block, street, 2.45 acres, 119 yards
304 Taku sawa swamp, marsh, dale, valley, plenty
305 Kyuu tama globe, sphere, ball, bulb
306 Seki, Shaku, Koku ishi stone, pebble, 4.96 bushels
307 Gi justice, morality, humanity, honor, loyalty
308 Yu, Yuu, Yui yoshi reason, means, depend on, way
309 Sai, Sa futata(bi) again, twice
310 Ei itona(mu) build, camp, performing
311 Ryoo old Japanese coin, both, two
312 Shin, Jin kami, kan, koo god, deity, mind, soul
313 Hi kura(beru) ratio, compare, balance
314 Yoo form, looks, put into, permit, accept
315 Ki standard, measure
316 Soo oku(ru) send, transmit, see off
317 Shoo ki(eru), ke(su) disappear, extinguish, blow out, turn off
318 Gin silver
319 Joo condition, circumstances, form, letter
320 Yu send, transport
321 Ken to(gu) sharpen, grind, scour
322 Dan conversation, talk, discuss
323 Setsu, Zei to(ku) explain, preach, teach, opinion, comment, theory
324 Joo tsune, toko normal conditions, regular course of events, endless
325 Oo answer, reply to, meet, yes, all right
326 Kuu sora, a(ku), a(keru), kara air, emptiness, vanity, hollow, void
327 Fu, Fuu otto husband, man
328 Soo araso(u) dispute, argue, be at variance, compete
329 Shin mi body, person
330 Yuu yasa(shii), sugu(reru) gentle, affectionate, excel, actor
331 I chiga(u), chiga(eru) differ, be mistaken, break (a law)
332 Go defend, protect
333 Ten mise shop, store
334 Do, To tsuchi earth, soil, ground, Saturday
335 Sotsu, Ritsu hiki(iru) lead, spearhead (a group), rate, proportion, frank
336 Shi samurai, man, gentleman, scholar
337 San calculation, number, plan
338 Iku soda(tsu), soda(teru) raise, grow, grow up
339 Hai kuba(ru) distribute, serve (food), allocate
340 Jutsu art, skill, means, trick, magic
341 Shoo akina(u) trade, merchant, quotient
342 Shuu osa(meru), osa(maru) income, accept, obtain, finish
343 Bu, Mu military affairs, arms, brave
344 Shuu su province, state, continent
345 Doo michibi(ku) guide, lead, conduct
346 Noo agriculture, farmers
347 Koo kama(eru), kama(u) build, keep house, take a posture
348 Gi utaga(u) doubt, distrust, be suspicious of
349 Zan noko(ru), noko(su) remainder, balance
350 Yo ata(eru) give, award, provide
351 Soku ashi, ta(riru), ta(ru), ta(su) foot, leg, counter for pairs of footwear, be sufficient, add to
352 Ka nani, nan what
353 Dan ta(tsu), kotowa(ru) conclude, judge, cut off, end
354 Shin ma truth, reality, genuineness, just, right, pure, true
355 Ten koro(garu), koro(geru), koro(gasu), koro(bu) roll over, tumble, fall down, change, turn
356 Gaku, Raku tano(shii), tano(shimu) music, comfort, ease, pleasure, concluding program
357 Shi, Se hodoko(su) give alms, perform, carry out
358 Choo government office
359 Ban watch, guard, number, order
360 Gai injury, damage, mischief, interference
361 En help, save
362 Kyuu kiwa(meru) investigate thoroly, master, carry to extremes
363 Ka good, passable, approval, safe to say, ability to do
364 Ki o(kiru), o(koru), o(kosu) get up, rise, awake, occur,
365 Shi see, look at, regard as
366 Fuku accompany, add to, sub-, additional
367 Sen line, track, wire
368 Kyuu iso(gu) emergency, suddenness, haste, steep
369 Rei tato(eru) compare to, custom, example, case
370 Shoku, Jiki ku(u), ku(rau), ta(beru) eat, consume, bite at, food, eating, appetite
371 Ho ogina(u) supply, make up (losses), compensate for
372 Gaku hitai forehead, tablet, plaque, sum, amount
373 Shoo proof, evidence, certificate
374 Kan mansion, large building, hall
375 Shitsu, Shichi, Chi substance, quality, temperament, pawn
376 Gen kagi(ru) limit, restrict, confine
377 Nan kata(i), muzuka(shii) difficult, impossible, hard, troublesome
378 Sei make, manufacture
379 Kan observe, guard, administer, conduct, director
380 Sei, Shoo koe, kowa voice, tone, alarm, song
381 Jun apply correspondingly, be proportionate to, conform to
382 Raku o(chiru), o(tosu) fall, drop, lose, omit
383 Byoo, Hei ya(mu), yamai get sick, illness, bad habit, passion
384 Choo ha(ru) stretch, tighten, strain, insist on (one’s own way)
385 Yoo ha leaf, foliage, plane
386 Kei admonish, warn
387 Gi waza art, ability, skill, feat
388 Shi kokoro(miru), tame(su) test, try, attempt, experiment
389 Ei gifted person, wit, England
390 Shoo matsu pine
391 Tan katsu(gu), nina(u) shoulder (a load), bear a burden
392 Kan miki trunk, main
393 Kei view, scene
394 Bi sona(eru), sona(waru) furnish, equip, prepare, possess
395 Boo fuse(gu) defend, protect, keep away, prevent
396 Nan, Na minami south
397 Bi utsuku(shii) beautiful, picturesque, sweet (voice), noble
398 Roo labor, toil, trouble
399 Koku tani valley
400 Tai condition, figure, appearance
401 saki cape, spit, promontory
402 Chaku, Jaku ki(ru), k(seru), tsu(ku), tsu(keru) put on, wear, arrive at, attain to
403 Oo yoko horizontal, horizontal direction, side, selfish
404 Ei utsu(ru), utsu(su), ha(eru) reflecting, projection, shine on,
405 Kei,Gyoo kata, katachi shape, form
406 Seki seat, mat, a place,
407 Iki region, limits, stage, level
408 Tai ma(tsu) wait, treat
409 Shoo, Zoo image, shape, elephant
410 Jo tasu(keru), tasu(karu), suke help, save, rescue
411 Ten expand
412 Oku ya house, roof
413 Doo hatara(ku) work, labor, act
414 Sa help
415 Taku home, house, our home, my husband
416 Hyoo label, ballot, ticket, sign
417 Den tsuta(waru), tsuta(eru), tsuta(u) be transmitted, report, go along, teach, legend, biography
418 Fuku fortune, blessing, luck, wealth
419 Soo, Saq haya(i), haya(maru), haya(meru) quick, brisk, early, premature
420 Shin investigate, judge, accurate
421 Kyoo, Kei sakai boundary, region, condition, stage
422 Kyoo situation, state
423 Shi, Ji tsuka(eru) serve, work for
424 Joo article, clause, line
425 Joo no(ru), no(seru) ride, get up on, power (in math), multiplication, vehicle,
426 Soo, So think, consider, imagine
427 To wata(ru), wata(su) cross, ferry, hand over, transfer
428 Ji aza character, letter, word
429 Zoo tsuku(ru) make, create
430 Mi aji, aji(wau) taste, appreciate, zest
431 Nen sense, idea, thought, desire
432 Fu ma(keru), ma(kasu), o(u) negative, minus, be defeated, bear
433 Shin oya, shita(shii), shita(shimu) intimacy, parents, relative
434 Jutsu no(beru) state, speak, relate, mention
435 Sa sa(su) difference, discrepancy, margin, balance
436 Zoku family, relatives, tribe
437 Tsui o(u) drive away, chase, follow, persue (pleasure)
438 Ken, Gen testing, effect
439 Ko individual, article counter
440 Jaku, Nyaku waka(i), mo(shikuwa) young, some
441 So utta(eru) sue, complain of (pain), appeal to
442 Tei hiku(i), hiku(meru), hiku(maru) low, short, humble
443 Ryoo haka(ru) quantity, magnanimity
444 Zen, Nen so, such
445 Doku hito(ri) alone
446 Kyoo, Ku sona(eru), tomo offer, serve (a meal) supply
447 Sai hoso(i), hoso(ru), koma(ka), koma(kai) thin, slender, small, detailed
448 Ju sazu(keru), sazu(karu) give, grant
449 I medicine, the healing art, doctor
450 Ei go around, protection
451 Ki utsuwa container, utensil, tool, set, ability
452 On, In oto, ne sound, noise, pronunciation, tone
453 Ka hana flower
454 Too, Zu, To atama, kashira head
455 Sei totono(eru), totono(u) arrange
456 Zai, Sai money, wealth, property
457 Mon kado gate, gateway, private school
458 Chi ne, atai price, cost, value
459 退 Tai shirizo(ku), shirizo(keru) retreat, recede, retire
460 Shu, Su mamo(ru), mo(ri) defend, keep, abide by
461 Ko furu(i), furu(su) old
462 Tai, Ta futo(i), futo(ru) big, thick
463 姿 Shi sugata figure, appearance, posture, portrait
464 Too kota(eru), kota(e) answer, respond, solution
465 Matsu, Batsu sue end, tip, the future
466 Tai party, company, crew, unit
467 Shi kami paper
468 Chuu soso(gu) notes, comment, pour into, pay attention to, concentrate on
469 kabu stump, shares, stocks, counter for small plants
470 Boo, Moo nozo(mu) desire, expect, hope, command (a view of)
471 Gan fuku(mu), fuku(meru) hold in the mouth, bear in mind, contain, include
472 Shu tane seed, species, kind, class
473 Hen kae(su), kae(ru) answer, return, go back
474 Yoo ocean, channel, foreign, Western
475 Shitsu ushina(u) error, fault, disadvantage, loss
476 Hyoo criticize, comment on
477 Yoo sama way, manner
478 Koo kono(mu), su(ku) good, nice, like, be fond of
479 Ei kage shadow, figure
480 Mei, Myoo inochi command, destiny, life,
481 Kei kata model, style, set form, usage
482 Shitsu muro room, apartment, chamber
483 Ro ji road, route, path
484 Ryoo yo(i) good, fine, pleasing, lovely, right
485 Fuku return to, revenge, reward, again
486 Ka allotment, assess, lesson, section
487 Tei hodo limits, extent, degree, distance
488 Kan ring, circle
489 Kaku tower, palace, cabinet (of a government)
490 Koo minato port, harbor
491 Ka course, department, family (in biology), fault, sin
492 Kyoo hibi(ku) sound, grate on, affect
493 Hoo otozu(reru), tazu(neru) visit, call on
494 Ken law
495 Shi history, chronicles
496 Ko to house, door, family, counter for houses
497 Byoo one-sixtieth og a minute (of time, latitude, degree, etc.)
498 Fuu, Fu kaze, kaza wind, air, manners, trend, way, condition
499 Kyoku, Goku kiwa(meru), kiwa(maru), kiwa(mi) end, highest rank, the poles, very, extremely
500 Kyo, Ko sa(ru) leave, pass, be distant from, remove
501 Oo Europe
502 Dan steps, stair, column, scene, rank
503 Kan kuda pipe, tube, wind instrument, control
504 Ten ame,ama sky, air, heavens, celestial sphere
505 Hi mistake, wrong, non-, anti-
506 Bai ka(u) buy, invest in
507 Shoo prize, reward, praise
508 Hen ata(ri), be side, boundary, vicinity
509 Kyoo, Kei kiso(u), se(ru) emulate, compete with
510 Shin fu(ru), fu(ruu) wave, sprincle, brandish, shake, be invigorated
511 Satsu presume, judge, understand, imagine
512 Kan look, spectacle, condition, view
513 Sui o(su) conjecture, recommend
514 I, Eki yasa(shii) easiness, simple, exchange, divination,
515 I utsu(ru), utsu(su) move, change, pass into
516 Sen moppa(ra) mainly, sorely,
517 Shuu, Shu great numbers, multitude, companions
518 Shin moo(su) have the honor to, say, declare
519 Hin hama beach, seashore
520 Shin fuka(i), fuka(maru), fuka(meru) deep, profound, dense, intimate, deepen, get late
521 Ri hana(reru), hana(su) separate, get free, detach, release
522 Toku command, lead, supervise, urge
523 Kaku, Byaku shiro, shira, shiro(i) white, innocence
524 Ki kae(ru), kae(su) return, take one’s leave, come around (time), end in, be due to
525 Geki u(tsu) attack, defeat, destroy, conquer
526 Kyoo hashi bridge
527 Ho, Bu, Fu aru(ku), ayu(mu) walk, step, pace, rate
528 Zai log, timber, material, talent
529 Shiki know, discriminate
530 Yuu o, osu male, hero, great leader, superiority
531 Tatsu reach, amount to, accomplish, notice
532 Roku record
533 Too u(tsu) attack, defeat, destroy, conquer
534 Shun haru spring, Springtime
535 Sen aza(yaka) vivid, brilliant, fresh
536 Seki, Shaku aka, aka(i), aka(ramu), aka(rameru) red, crimson, scarlet, Communist
537 Koo ki(ku) efficacy, efficiency, effect, success
538 Hi koomu(ru) receive, sustain (an injury), be subjected to (criticism), put on, be covered with
539 Ko yo(bu) call, invoke, summon, name, breathe out
540 Aku, O waru(i) evil, wrong, vice, wickedness
541 U, Yuu migi right
542 Kon ne root (of a plant), root, stamina, origin, foundation
543 Koo hika(ru), hikari shine, glitter, light, honor
544 Ta another, the rest, the other
545 Shoo relate, cross, ford
546 Yuu dissolve, melt
547 Shin hari needle, pin, staple
548 Man mi(chiru), mi(tasu) fullness, enough, satisfy
549 Hei, Hyoo soldier, troops, warfare, strategy
550 Shuu, Shu osa(meru), osa(maru) study, master, govern oneself, conduct oneself well
551 Sho tokoro manage, deal with, condemn
552 Ho to(raeru), to(rawareru), to(ru), tsuka(maeru), tsuka(maru) catch, capture, be arrested
553 Seki tsu(mu), tsu(moru) pile up, load, accumulate, amount to, product (in math)
554 Ka kawa river, stream
555 Gan maru, maru(i), maru(meru) round, pills
556 Hen a(mu) knit, compile, edit
557 Shi teacher, exemplary person
558 Ka uta, uta(u) sing, recite, chant, carol
559 Shin mori woods, grove, silent, hushed
560 Tetsu iron, steel
561 Hei nami, mara(beru), nara(bu), nara(bini) line up, rank with, equal, arrange, common, besides
562 Ai love, affetion, favorite, admire, appreciate
563 Sei, Shoo ao, ao(i) blue, green, green light, young
564 Seki se(meru) condemn, blame, torture, urge
565 Tan one, single, simple
566 Kyaku, Kaku visitor, guest, passenger
567 Shuu aki autumn
568 En sono garden, yard, plantation, farm
569 Ken, Kon present, dedicate, offer, counter for drinks
570 Rin hayashi forest
571 Zoo kura storehoure, warehouse, keep, hide
572 Mo, Bo copy, imitate, mock
573 Kei system, lineage, faction, connection
574 Ken ticket, coupon, bond, certificate
575 Sei, Shoo kiyo(i), kiyo(maru), kiyo(meru) clean, pure, noble, purify
576 Fu woman, wife, bride
577 Ya yo, yoru evening, night
578 Kaku core, kernel, nucleus
579 Fu, Fuu to(mu), tomi be rich, abound in, furtune, wealth
580 Setsu tsu(gu) join, touch, contact, encounter, receive (visitors)
581 Joo shiro castle, citadel
582 Han sell, trade
583 Sei, Shin ko(u), u(keru) request, ask
584 Kyuu, Ku hisa(shii) long, long continued
585 Too, To nobo(ru) ascend to, climb
586 Zu, To haka(ru) drawing, plan, chart, graph, books
587 Doku, Toku, Too yo(mu) read
588 Eki, Yaku gain, benefit, use, advantage
589 Koku kuro, kuro(i) black, dark
590 Kai be in between, mediate, concern oneself with, shell
591 貿 Boo exchange
592 Noo brain, memory
593 Koo sooroo season, weather
594 Son, Zon exist, think
595 Goo number, item, title, call, assume the name of
596 Kichi, Kitsu good luck, joy, congratulations
597 Jo, Ji nozo(ku) remove, abolish, exclude, except, division (in math)
598 Kyuu old, old things, old times, old friend, former
599 Choo ko(eru), ko(su) exceed, surpass, go beyond
600 Ken suko(yaka) healthy, vigorous, sound, strong
601 Shoo sawa(ru) hinder, interfere with, affect, harm
602 Sa hidari left
603 Bo haha mother, cause
604 Ken kewa(shii) steep, severe, angry, sharp (eyes)
605 Geki hage(shii) violent, get excited, be enraged, urge
606 Teki tsu(mu) pick, pluck, trim, clip
607 Oo middle
608 Hi criticize, correct
609 Za suwa(ru) seat, throne, a gathering, stand
610 Ben speech, dialect, argue, petal, distinguish
611 Sai moyoo(su) hold (a meeting), give (a dinner), feel
612 Ji, Ni child
613 Koo e the Yangtze
614 Kyuu wage, gift, wage grade
615 Gu tool, vessel, means, ingredients (in a dish)
616 Satsu, Sai, Setsu koro(su) kill, murder, waste (money)
617 Hi to(bu), to(basu) fly, scatter
618 Soku haya(i), haya(meru), sumi(yaka) speedy, prompt, swift
619 Ha nami wave, billows
620 Kai stair, step, grade
621 Yuu tomo friend, companion
622 Ku kuru(shii), kuru(shimu), kuru(shimeru), niga(i), niga(ru) suffering, worry, hardship, bitter
623 Fuku haba width, influence, hanging scroll
624 Geki violent, drama, play
625 Shi conduct, government office
626 Shuu mawa(ri) circuit, lap, circumference
627 Soo hashi(ru) run, turn to, go to excess
628 Mi not yet, 8th zodiac sign
629 Kaku spread out, expand, enlarge
630 Shuu week
631 Juu, Shoo, Ju shitaga(u), shitaga(eru) obey, follow, secondary, retainer, follow
632 Sai to(ru) take, obtain, choose
633 Hi ina no, refuse, deny
634 Shoku, Shiki o(ru) weave
635 Bu ma(u), mai dance, flutter about, circle
636 Sha utsu(su), utsu(ru) copy, photograph
637 Batsu nu(ku), nu(keru), nu(kasu), nu(karu) extract, pull out, root up, omit
638 Shoku, Shiki iro color, countenance, look
639 Ryoo heal, cure
640 Totsu tsu(ku) thrust, pierce, attack
641 Yo ama(ru), ama(su) remain, be too many, leave, I, other
642 Ka hi, ho fire, Tuesday
643 Etsu ko(su), ko(eru) exceed, cross, pass, go
644 Koo se(meru) attack, assault
645 Reki continuation, passing (of time)
646 Kan comletion, end
647 Ha yabu(ru), yabu(reru) tear, break, deatroy, defeat
648 Kyuu yasu(mu), yasu(maru), yasu(meru) rest, take a day off, be absent, sleep
649 Sen fune,funa boat, ship,
650 Ki abu(nai), aya(ui), aya(bumu) dangerous, be afraid of, feel uneasy about
651 Sai debt, loan
652 Koo navigation, cross over
653 Rei tsume(tai), hi(eru), hi(ya), hi(yasu), hi(yakasu), sa(meru), sa(masu) cold, cool down, refrigerate, dampen
654 Hai suta(reru), suta(ru) abandon, discontinue, become useless, die out, be abolished
655 Mei oath, alliance
656 Ko, Ku storehouse, warehouse
657 Koo, Oo emperor
658 Sen shi(meru), urana(u) occupy, hold, get, divine
659 Shoo commander, general, admiral
660 Soo saga(su) search, look for
661 Gen, Gon ogoso(ka), kibi(shii) austere, majestic, severe, strict
662 Kyuu oyo(bu), oyo(bi), oyo(bosu) reach, exert, extend
663 Ki account, narrative, history, annals, geological period
664 Ko yue old, the late, reason, cause, circumstances
665 Soo, Shoo yosoo(u) dress, spruce up, equip
666 Shuu, Ju tsu(ku), tsu(keru) settle in (place), take (a posision), study (under a teacher)
667 Rui fort, rampart, walls, base (in baseball)
668 So, Su principle, element, naked, uncovered, simple
669 Chiku take bamboo
670 I koto diference, uncommonness, strangeness, queerness
671 Yaku kusuri medicine
672 Satsu fuda ticket, paper money, counter for bonds, etc
673 Sei, Joo mo(ru), saka(ru), saka(n) prosper, flourish
674 En no(biru), no(beru), no(basu) postpone, extend, stretching
675 Ba uma, ma horse
676 I, Yui leave behind, bequeath, save, reserve
677 Kyuu grade, class, steps
678 Fu chichi father
679 Koo o(riru), o(rosu), fu(ru) going down, come down, lower, fall, surrender
680 Oo king, rule, magnate, baron
681 Koo lecture, club, association
682 I tie, rope
683 Gan kao face, countenance
684 Kin to level, to average
685 Gyoku tama gem, jewel, precious stone, jade
686 Yu abura oil
687 Ki yoroko(bu) rejoice, be glad, be pleased
688 Rui kind, variety, genus, be similar to
689 Too hito(shii) equal, grade, and so forth
690 Gei art, artistic accomplishment, performance, trick
691 Kaku obo(eru), sa(masu), sa(meru) perceive, realize, understand
692 Sei, Joo shizu, shizu(ka), shizu(maru), shizu(meru) quiet, peace, inactivity
693 Shuu nara(u) learn, take lessons
694 Hyoo signpost, mark, target
695 Han situation, appearance
696 Ka, Ge natsu summer
697 Ei naga(i) long, lengthy, eternity
698 Koo, Kyoo oko(ru), oko(su) rise, flourish, revive, interest, entertainment, pleasure
699 U ha, hane feather
700 Haku, Baku gain, receive, exposition, well informed
701 Gei muka(eru) meet, welcome, invite,
702 Kin prohibition, ban, law
703 Tan mijika(i) short, brief, defect
704 Hi kare, kano he, that
705 Kyoku ma(garu), ma(geru) bend, injustice, fault, music
706 Shin no(biru), no(basu) extend, stretch
707 Kei tsu(gu) succeed to, follow, step-
708 Atsu press, oppress, dominate
709 Seki exploits, unreeling cocoons
710 Rai tano(mu), tano(moshii), tayo(ru) ask, reliable, rely on
711 Ryoo official, companion
712 Koo atsu(i) thick, rich, kind, cordial
713 Tai ka(eru), ka(waru) exchange, replace
714 Hai se, sei, somu(ku), somu(keru) back, behind, act contrary to
715 Gyaku saka, saka(rau) reverse, traitorous, upside down
716 Gan iwa rock, crag, reef
717 Riku land
718 In shirushi seal, mark, print, impress, India
719 Netsu atsu(i) heat, warmth, fever, passion
720 Koo, Kyoo ka, kao(ri), kao(ru) incense, fragrance, odor,
721 Kaku kado, tsuno horn, angle, corner, square
722 Mai each, every
723 Hoo yuta(ka) abundant, rich, fruitful
724 Rin wa ring, circle, wheel
725 Ryuu, Ru to(meru), to(maru) stop, stay, remain in (a certain condition
726 Jun obedient, order, turn, right
727 Ji ya(meru) word, term, sentence, an address, resign
728 便 Ben, Bin tayo(ri) convenience, chance, letter, excreta
729 San chi(ru), chi(rasu), chi(rakasu), chi(rakaru) scatter, disperse, squander
730 Tei shi(maru), shi(meru) tie, tighten, shut, be fastened
731 Sai tsuma (my) wife
732 In yo(ru) depend on, cause, factor
733 Shin tsu overflow, be full
734 To way, road
735 Zai tsumi sin, crime, blame, fault
736 Soku rule, follow (precedent), be based on, model after
737 Sho many, several, various, all
738 Shi kokoroza(su), kokorozashi plan, intend, aim at
739 Gen minamoto source, origin
740 Wan gulf, bay, inlet
741 Too fu(mu), fu(maeru) step on, trample on, practice, set foot on
742 Futsu hara(u) clear out, drive away, prune, pay
743 Koo saiwa(i), sachi, shiawa(se) happiness, fortune
744 Kyo yuru(su) permit, authorize, acknowledge, forgive,
745 Ryaku abbreviation, abridge, omit
746 Ko kata(meru), kata(maru), kata(i) hard, solidity, set
747 San praise, agreement
748 Sei, Shoo hoshi star
749 Shitsu, Shuu to(ru) take, hold, seize, persist, perform
750 Zen yo(i) good, right, virtue
751 Han printing block or plate, printing, board
752 Sei, Shoo spirit, fairy, energy, purity, refine, details
753 Boo, Moo na(i) die, be ruined, be destroyed
754 Shoku u(eru), u(waru) plant, planting
755 Hoo kuzu(reru), kuzu(su) crumble, be destroyed, demolish
756 Rei modo(ru), modo(su) return, restore, turn back
757 Soo class, stratum, floor
758 Choo ki(ku) listen to
759 Teki suitable, agree with, be adapted to, be capable of
760 Zoku belong to, be subject to, genus
761 Shin furu(u), furu(eru) shake, quiver, vibrate
762 宿 Shuku yado, yado(ru), yado(su) lodging, inn, post town
763 Oo o(su), o(saeru) push, press, stamp
764 Datsu nu(gu), nu(geru) escape from, take off, get rid of
765 Ketsu ka(keru), ka(ku) lack, gap
766 Bi o tail, end
767 Tai chase
768 Shoo clear, bright
769 I kako(mu), kako(u) enclosure
770 Kon marriage
771 Ryo tabi journey, go around
772 Bai double, twice, times
773 Haku sema(ru) press for, urge, force
774 Ho ura creek, bay, beach
775 Too tataka(u) wage war, fight, struggle against
776 Chi ike pond, pool, cistern, reservoir
777 Zoo image, figure
778 Ka property, freight, goods
779 Saku kezu(ru) plane, sharpen, reduce, curtail
780 Ji tera temple
781 Han saka incline, slope, hill
782 Kai kowa(su), kowa(reru) break
783 Ran mida(reru), mida(su) be out of order, be confused, war
784 Tai o(biru), obi belt, carry, wear, zone, region
785 Gan kishi bank, shore, coast, brink
786 Ken tsuka(u), tsuka(wasu) send, give, donate, do for (someone)
787 Kin tighten, hard
788 Do tsuto(meru) be diligent, exert oneself
789 Ren ne(ru) gloss, train, polish, refine
790 Koo peace, healthy
791 Chi oku(reru), oku(rasu), oso(i) be late, be delayed, retard, late, slow
792 Ki throw away, renounce, resign
793 Kei penalty, sentence, punishment
794 Sen proclaim, announce
795 Hi sa(keru) avoid, evade
796 Cho arawa(su), ichijiru(shii) literary work, write, publish, remarkable, phenomenal
797 Boo fusa house, room, tassel
798 tsuka mound, hillock, tumulus
799 Kin, Gon tsuto(meru), tsuto(maru) work, function, properly
800 Fuku dress, yield to, abide by, serve (in the army)
801 Rin nozo(mu) face, front on, attend, command a view of
802 Soku haka(ru) measure, fathom
803 Waku mado(u) be perplexed, hesitate
804 Kyo big, large, great
805 Shoo nobo(ru) rise, ascend, climb
806 I do, try, play, practice
807 Tei stop, halt, stay
808 En, On too(i) far, distant, remote, alienate
809 Kei karu(i), karo(yaka) light, trifling, simple, undignified
810 Choo kiza(su), kiza(shi) sign, omen, indication, trillion
811 Kon ma(jiru), ma(zaru), ma(zeru) mix, confound, confuse, be mixed, mingle
812 Chuu oki offing, open sea
813 Maku, Baku curtain, ab act (in a play), end
814 Ga congratulations, compliments, joy of the occasion
815 Sai no(seru), no(ru) ride, get up on, record
816 Soo start, originate, wound
817 Jin battle array, camp, position
818 Boo, Baku aba(ku), aba(reru) violence, force, rage, disclose
819 Too tao(reru), tao(su) fall, break down, be ruined, knock down
820 Fu widely, generally
821 Zatsu, Zoo miscellany, miscellaneous
822 Chiku kizu(ku) build, construct
823 Toku virtue, goodness, gain
824 Ki season
825 Mitsu secret, denseness (of population), minute, private
826 Fu u(ku), u(kareru), u(kabu), u(kaberu) float, be in high spirits, surface
827 Rei order, command, law
828 Ju tree, wood
829 Kei, E megu(mu) blessing, kindness, charity
830 Gi rule, ceremony, case, affair,
831 Hoo country, Japanese
832 Han oka(su) offense, crime, commit, sin against, violate
833 Shoo tsugu(nau) make up for, recompense, redeem (one’s faults)
834 Yoku osa(eru) restrain, suppress
835 Zetsu ta(eru), ta(yasu), ta(tsu) become extinct, exterminate, sever, be beyond (words), cut off
836 So arrange, action
837 Baku burst open, pop
838 Kan publishing, carve, engrave
839 ku(ru) reel (thread), wind, spin, turn (pages)
840 Ki tatto(i), tooto(i), tatto(bu), tooto(bu) noble, value, precious, respect, honor
841 Tei niwa yard, courtyard, garden
842 Roo o(iru), fu(keru) aging, old age
843 Kan wazura(u) be anxious, disease
844 Tei soko bottom, base, depth
845 Yuu post, mail
846 Jun ten-day period
847 Son soko(nau), soko(neru) less, disadvantage, handicap, harm, hurt, lose
848 To party, companions, people, useless, walk
849 Shoo uketamawa(ru) receive, accept, take
850 Kyoo oso(reru), oso(roshii) fear, be overawed, be apprehensive
851 Rei age
852 Ryuu high, noble, prosperity
853 Shi records, document, magagine
854 Taku choose, select
855 Kyo i(ru) residence, exist, stay in
856 Ri ura inside, reserve, undersurface, rear
857 Eki post town, stage, station
858 Sotsu suddenly, graduate, die, soldier, private
859 Shoo kizu, ita(mu), ita(meru) wound, scar, weak point, be damaged, hurt
860 Yuu, Yu aso(bu) play, enjoy oneself
861 Ko yato(u) employ, hire
862 Hei awa(seru) put together, unite
863 Ju request, need
864 Hoo da(ku), ida(ku), kaka(eru) hug, hold in the arms, have
865 Kei kaka(geru) put up, hang out, display
866 Koo sara, fu(keru), fu(kasu) renew, change, more and more
867 Kan yuru(i), yuru(yaka), yuru(mu), yuru(meru) loosen, relax, be unguarded, be moderate
868 Byoo ega(ku) paint, sketch, draw, describe
869 O kega(su), kega(reru), kega(rawashii), yogo(su), yogo(reru), kitana(i) make dirty, stain, disgrace
870 Shoo mane(ku) beckon to, invite, cause
871 Yoku hos(suru), ho(shii) covetousness, greed, desire, want
872 Sen so(meru), so(maru), shi(miru), shi(mi) dye, be dyed, be imbued with, be tainted with
873 Soo hoomu(ru) bury, shelve
874 Yoo yashina(u) bring up, foster, develop, nurtue, manure
875 Raku kara(mu), kara(maru) coil around, stick to, twist around
876 Yaku wake translation
877 Bo tsuno(ru) gather (contributions), campaign (for students)
878 Fuku double, compound, multiple, again
879 Koku kiza(mu) time, carving, cutting
880 Ketsu chi blood, consanguinity
881 Ki rare, desire
882 Kin suji muscle, sinew, tendon
883 Kei chigi(ru) pledge, vow, swear, promise
884 Chi ita(su) send, incur, do, cause,
885 Retsu row, rank, line, procession
886 Mei mayo(u) be perplexed, hesitate, go astray, be misguided
887 Kyo, Ko be based on, follow
888 Soku iki son, breath, respiration
889 Soo kana(deru) report to (the emperor), play (an instrument)
890 Koo, Ku merits, success, credit, effect
891 Soo kusa grass, weeds, plants, draft,
892 Ban shallow bowl, platter, tray, board
893 Han, Ban ita board, plank, plate, the stage
894 Ga ware, wa ego, selfishness
895 Sha i(ru) shoot
896 Shoku fu(reru), sawa(ru) touch, feel, be contrary to
897 Shuu hii(deru) excellence, surpass
898 On atata(ka), atata(kai), atata(maru), atata(meru) warm, heat, mild, genial
899 Bo ku(reru), ku(rasu) get dark, (the season) ends
900 Ken, Ke ka(keru), ka(karu) hang on, be suspended from
901 Jaku yowa(i), yowa(ru), yowa(maru), yowa(meru) weakness, the weak
902 Shoo chapter, composition, mark
903 Tetsu withdraw, remove, reject, exclude
904 Noo, Naq, Na, Nan, Too osa(meru), osa(maru) obtain, dedicate, pay, be settled
905 Tsuu ita(i), ita(mu), ita(meru) feel a pain, be hurt, be damaged
906 Gai, Kai machi street, avenue, town
907 Shoo wara(u), e(mu) laugh, smile, ridicule
908 Ei saka(eru), ha(e), ha(eru) prosperity, glory, splendor, honor
909 Kyuu suku(u) save, relieve (suffering), reclaim
910 Gan nega(u) prayer, petition, desire, wish
911 Tan sagu(ru), saga(su) search, look for, spy
912 Chuu naka relation, relationship
913 Yuu abundant, rich, fruitful, fertile
914 Chin hire, rent, wages, charge, fee
915 atsu(kau) handle, deal with, treat, entertain, conduct
916 Ryoo finish, complete, understand
917 waku frame, reel, rim, limit
918 Hi hi(meru) secret, conceal
919 Rei, Rin suzu bell, buzzer
920 Kan ma(ku), maki volume, book, part, reel
921 Shuku chiji(mu), chiji(maru), chiji(meru), chiji(reru), chiji(rasu) shrink, contract, shrivel, wrinkle
922 Setsu o(ru), ori, o(reru) break, fold, bend, yield (oneself), break, give in
923 Too ni(geru), ni(gasu), noga(su), noga(reru) flee, run away, escape
924 Kitsu tsu(meru), tsu(maru), tsu(mu) reprove, rebuke, blame
925 U ame, ama rain
926 Dan hi(ku), hazu(mu), tama spring, bound, bullet, play on,
927 U eaves, roof, house, heaven
928 Choo tori bird
929 Taku entrust with, pretend
930 Doo temple, shrine, hall, reception room, shop
931 Too party, faction, clique, companions
932 Butsu hotoke Buddha
933 Kon koma(ru) be in trouble, be annoyed
934 Soo kura storehouse, warehouse
935 Go taga(i) mutually, reciprocally, together
936 Setsu, Sechi fushi joint, knob, tune, season, period, verse, integrity
937 Kai, E picture, drawing, painting, sketch, illustration
938 todo(keru), todo(ku) report, notify, forward, reach, arrive
939 Shin tsutsushi(mu) be discreet, be cautious, restrain oneself, be moderate
940 Ryo thought, concern
941 Choo call for (someone), sign, symptom, omen
942 Tan hashi, ha, hata origin, end, tip, edge, correct
943 Niku flesh, muscles, meat, seal pad
944 Mai counter for thin flat things, page, sheet
945 Tei, Choo counter for guns, tools, leaves, etc. , 4th calendar sign
946 Shaku ka(riru) borrow, hire, buy on credit
947 Kotsu hone bone, skeleton, frame, backbone
948 Kei katamu(ku), katamu(keru) lean, incline, tilt, be disposed to, concenrtate on
949 Kan return, come around
950 Ri sato village, 2.44 miles
951 Soku taba bundle, sheaf
952 Han, Ban tomona(u) accompany, bring with
953 Seki ato mark, trace, wake, ruins
954 Shu sake, saka sake, rice wine, alcoholic liquor
955 Kun kimi mister (familiar), ruler
956 Oo oku heart, interior, innermost
957 Koo clause, paragraph, item
958 Yaku odo(ru) leap, throb (the heart)
959 Sai wazawa(i) calamity, misfortune, evil
960 Shoo ya(ku), ya(keru) set fire to, burn, be burnt, bake
961 Hei to(jiru), to(zasu), shi(meru), shi(maru) shut, close, lock
962 Seki yuu evening
963 Soku unaga(su) urge, stimulate, incite, quicken
964 Gun mu(reru), mu(re), mura group, crowd
965 se current, torrent, rapids
966 Kyo koba(mu) refuse, repudiate, resist, deny
967 Joo nawa rope, cord
968 Sen zeni money, coin, one-hundredth of a yen
969 Ritsu, Richi law, regulation, rhythm, judge, control
970 Jun purity, innocence
971 Kan brevity, simplicity, letter,
972 Sho, Cho o beginning, inception
973 Zoo, Soo oku(ru) present (something), give to, award to
974 Yoo positive, daytime, sunshine
975 Yo azu(keru), azu(karu) deposite, take charge of, receive
976 Mu yume dream, vision, illusion
977 Nen mo(eru), mo(yasu), mo(su) burn, blaze, glow
978 Kyaku recede, reject, dismiss, ignore
979 ka(keru), ka(karu), kakari hang, cover, sit down, multiply, be suspended from, cost, duty
980 sugi cryptomeria, sugi, Japan cedar
981 Ki wave, sprincle, invigorate, command
982 Juu shibu, shibu(i), shibu(ru) puckery taste (of persimmons), sober, hesitate, be reluctant
983 Shoo name, title, fame, praise
984 Koo hika(eru) draw in, hold back, refrain from
985 Zan for a while, a moment
986 Yuu saso(u) invite, provoke, tempt
987 I, E depend on
988 Yoo day of the week, light, shining
989 Da peace, compromise
990 Shuu, Soo religion, sect, denomination
991 殿 Den, Ten tono, dono hall, mansion, palace
992 Datsu uba(u) take by force, deprive of, disposess
993 Goo great, powerful, excelling, the abbreviation of Australia
994 Shoo introduce, inherit, help
995 Kei uyama(u) respect, honor, revere
996 Tai ka(su) lend, rent, lease
997 Shoo illness, condition of a patient, nature of a disease, symptoms
998 Koo buy
999 Ko kaeri(miru) look back, turn around, examine oneself, take notice of
1000 Ten ceremony, celebration, rule, law
1001 Gi sacrifice
1002 Sen hermit, wizard
1003 In no(mu) drinking
1004 Joo yuzu(ru) turn over, hand over, sell, yield to
1005 Ken range, radius
1006 Shin mi(ru) diagnose, examine
1007 Shoo tona(eru) recite, chant, call
1008 Juu a(teru) fill, apply, assign
1009 Fu kusa(ru), kusa(reru), kusa(rasu) rot, turn sour, let spoil, addle
1010 Sen susu(meru) recommend, advise
1011 Ga elegance, refined taste
1012 Shoo accuse
1013 Satsu to(ru) take (pictures)
1014 Yo homa(re) honor, glory
1015 Hen kata leaf, sheet, flake
1016 Shi sa(su), sa(saru) pierce, sting, calling card
1017 Kan susu(meru) recommend, advise, offer,
1018 Koo,Kan tortoise shell, high (voice), 1st class, former
1019 Too su(ku), su(kasu), su(keru) be transparent, look thru, be seen thru, penetrate
1020 Kei tazusa(eru), tazusa(waru) carry (in the hand), be armed with, participate in
1021 Kan see
1022 Koo hagane steel
1023 Ka, Ke hana flower, petal, shining, luster, China
1024 Gyo, Ryoo fishing, fishery, catch, haul
1025 Shun excellence, genius
1026 Kaku e(ru) get, acquire, gain
1027 Ku phrase, expression, line, 17-syllable poem
1028 Shi happiness, fortune
1029 Haku usu(i), usu(meru), usu(maru), usu(ragu), usu(reru) thin, weak (tea), light, pale, faint
1030 Gun county, district
1031 Noo naya(mu), naya(masu) worry, be troubled, annoy, embarrass
1032 Heki kabe wall, fence, partition
1033 Sei ha(reru), ha(rasu) clear up, (doubts) vanish, be refreshed
1034 Tetsu clear, pierce, go thru, penetrate
1035 Juu gun
1036 In kaku(su), kaku(reru) hide, veil, disguise
1037 Too ine, ina rice plant
1038 Cho store, lay in stock, save, keep
1039 Shoo thrust, brunt, collision
1040 Soo misao, ayatsu(ru) manipulate, operate
1041 Chuu loyalty, devotion, fidelity, faithfulness
1042 Koo tsuna general principles, class (in zoology)
1043 Zai medicine, drug, dose
1044 Fun magi(reru), magi(rasu), magi(rawasu), magi(rawashii) be mistaken for, go astray, divert
1045 Ka, Ke kari feigned, temporary, informal, fleeting
1046 Sen izumi spring, fountain (head), source
1047 Chuu stop, reside in
1048 shiba lawn, sod, turf
1049 Chuu hashira cylinder, pillar, column, pole, support
1050 Sei makoto sincerity, honesty, truth
1051 Koo filial piety
1052 Aku nigi(ru) grasp, hold
1053 Ko, Ki onore oneself, myself, yourself
1054 kata lagoon
1055 Men manuka(reru) dismiss, escape from, avoid
1056 Shoo te(ru), te(rasu), te(reru) shine, shed light on, compare with
1057 hori moat, canal, ditch
1058 Sha ayama(ru) thank, apologize, refuse
1059 Hi kana(shii), kana(shimu) grieve, be sad, mourn for, regret
1060 Setsu yuki snow, snowfall, rinse
1061 Han example, model, pattern, limit
1062 Zoo viscera, bowels
1063 Mo shige(ru) grow thick, be overgrown, be luxuriant
1064 Yoo yu(reru), yu(ru), yu(ragu), yu(rugu), yu(suru), yu(saburu), yu(suburu) shake, rock, swing
1065 Sai matsu(ru), matsu(ri) celebrate, festival
1066 Koo, Ku mitsu(gu) tribute
1067 Ken ka(neru) combine with, serve as both, hold an additional post
1068 Seki divine, tear, analyze
1069 Go ayama(ru) err, be mistaken, do wrong, mislead
1070 Seki books, domiciliary register, membership
1071 Too nusu(mu) steal, rob, pilfer
1072 An kura(i) dark, be blinded
1073 An proposition, suggestion, plan, idea, expectation
1074 Too fuyu winter
1075 Soo futa a pair, a set
1076 Choo ido(mu) challenge, contend for
1077 Kai imashi(meru) commandment, admonition
1078 沿 En so(u) following along
1079 Hitsu fude writing brush, writing, the pen, literary work
1080 Bin clever, agile
1081 Ka ni shoulder-pole load
1082 Gyo, Go on drive (a cart), control, imperial honorary prefix, honorific prefix
1083 Tei mansion, residence
1084 Sa, Sha suna sand
1085 Hoo tsutsu(mu) wrap, pack up
1086 Jun megu(ru) go around
1087 Tai todokoo(ru) stagnate, be delayed, stay in
1088 Tei, Dai, De otooto younger brother, pupil
1089 Shin oka(su) invate, violate, intrude on
1090 Sha su(teru) throw away, discard, abandon
1091 En shio salt, chlorine
1092 Koo ara(i), a(reru), a(rasu) rough, rude, wild, violent
1093 Tetsu clear, wise, sage, philosophy
1094 Retsu sa(ku), sa(keru) split, tear, crack
1095 Mai u(meru), u(maru), u(moreru) bury, be filled up, be covered
1096 Shi ita(ru) go, arrive, result in
1097 Tan be born
1098 Hi kawa skin, fur, husk
1099 Ken kata(i) hard, tough, rigid, firm, stubborn
1100 Ben exert oneself, be diligent
1101 Tai fukuro bag, sack, pouch
1102 Kin koto harp,
1103 Soo mo mourning, lose
1104 Yoo a(geru), a(garu) praise, rise
1105 Shuu oso(u) attack, succeed to
1106 Hoo takara treasure, valuables, wealth
1107 Katsu tie up, fasten
1108 Han meshi cooked rice, meal, food
1109 musume daughter, girl, young woman
1110 Ku ka(keru), ka(ru) run, gallop, advance
1111 Tei touch, reach, resist
1112 Shoo ko(geru), ko(gasu), ko(gareru), ase(ru) burn, scorch, singe, char, be in a hurry
1113 Wai makana(u) board, supply, finance, bribe
1114 Kai kokoroyo(i) pleasure, enjoyment, well from illness
1115 Koku win, prevail
1116 Ryuu yanagi willow
1117 Hai sakazuki wine glass, sake cup, chalice, congratulatory cup
1118 Moo ke hair, fur, feather
1119 Kyuu su(u) inhale, imbibe, sip, suck
1120 Batsu lineage, pedigree, clique, faction, combine
1121 Sui fu(ku) breathe, blow, play (a wind instrument)
1122 Kan na(reru), na(rasu) get used to, become experienced, customary
1123 Kai fetters, machine, instrument
1124 Rin tona(ru), tonari neighboring, adjoin, nextdoor neighbor
1125 Too go arrive, reach, lead to
1126 Cha, Sa tea, tea leaves, light brown
1127 I dignity, majesty, authority
1128 Bi minute, insignificant, vague, few, faint
1129 Yoku next, following
1130 Koo kata(i) hard, solid
1131 Soo sawa(gu) make a noise, be excited, make a fuss about
1132 Kan joy, pleasure
1133 Sen ara(u) wash
1134 Jin, Ni virtue, humanity, charity, man
1135 Hei gara, e handle, crank
1136 Shin, Jin retainer, subject
1137 Juu, Nyuu yawa(raka), yawa(rakai) soft, tender, gentle, mellow, week
1138 Myoo strange, mystery, excellent
1139 Kei congratulate
1140 Kyoo odoro(ku), odoro(kasu) be surprised, be frightened, be amazed
1141 Kun lesson, rule, Japanese reading (of a character)
1142 Kyo be distant
1143 Shi ha tooth
1144 Rei, Rai salutation, bow, courtesy, thanks
1145 Kan cry, scream, yell, call, summon
1146 Ki sude(ni) previously, already, long ago
1147 Ze right, justice
1148 Eki liquid, juice, sap, secretion
1149 Shoo toko, yuka bed, floor
1150 Sai religious purification
1151 Saku rope, cord, search for
1152 Chuu air, space, sky, heaven, interval of time
1153 Fuu, Hoo seal, close up, blockade, fief
1154 Kyoo, Goo village, native place, country
1155 Boo wasu(reru) forget
1156 Sei equal, similar
1157 Soo mado window
1158 Shu omomuki tone, aspect
1159 Kaku comparison, contrast
1160 Shaku explain, excuse
1161 Moo ami net, network
1162 Ji ni(ru) resemble
1163 Kan kimo liver, importance
1164 Shi poem, poetry
1165 Fu shi(ku) spread, pave, sit (on a cushion)
1166 Noo ko(i) dark, deep, saturated, thick
1167 I koromo garment
1168 Doo warabe child
1169 Gyuu ushi beef, cattle, cow, bull, ox
1170 Roo man, husband
1171 Roo hoga(raka) clear, bright, cheerful, sunny
1172 Nyuu chichi, chi milk, the breasts
1173 San su(i) acid, bitterness, sour
1174 Ki hata flag, standard, ensign, pennant
1175 Tei chastity, constancy, righteousness
1176 Kei, Kyoo ani elder brother
1177 Bai ume plum, plum tree
1178 Boku strike, hit, beat,
1179 Ei oyo(gu) swim
1180 Son tatto(i), tooto(i), tatto(bu), tooto(bu) respect, value
1181 Choo shio tide, salt water
1182 Katsu sube(ru), name(raka) slide, be slippery, smooth
1183 Shoo numa swamp, bog, pond, lake
1184 Sa kusari chain, connection, shut, close
1185 Koo ore
1186 Gyo uo, sakana fish
1187 Ha supremacy, leadership, domination, champion
1188 Kyoo mune, muna chest, heart,
1189 Sha house, inn, hut, mansion
1190 Shoku kaza(ru) ornament, exhibit, be ostentatious
1191 Wan ude arm, ability, talent
1192 Chuu hiru daytime, midday, noon
1193 Soku immediately, namely, conform to
1194 Yoku tsubasa wing, plane
1195 Kan tsuranu(ku) pierce, 8.3/1 pounds
1196 Kon nengo(ro) kind, courteous, hospitable, cordial
1197 Sen asa(i) shallow, superficial, slight (connection), pale
1198 Seki, Shaku mukashi antiquity, old times
1199 Ma asa flax, hemp, linen
1200 Ryoku, Roku midori green, verdure
1201 Shin ne(ru), ne(kasu) sleep, lie down, put to sleep
1202 Teki kataki enemy, foe, opponent, fight against
1203 Hai actor
1204 hata, hatake field, farm, plantation, one’s specialty
1205 Tai calm ,peace
1206 Ken kata shoulder
1207 Shi mune purport, principle, will
1208 Yoku a(biru), a(biseru) bathe in, pour on
1209 Ro, Roo tsuyu dew, Russia, openly
1210 Tan sumi charcoal, coal
1211 Jiku axis, axle, shaft, stem
1212 I nagusa(meru), nagusa(mu) amuse oneself, console
1213 Hoo gun, cannon
1214 Ken tsurugi sword
1215 En honoo flame, blaze, inflammation
1216 Ken, Gen kira(u), iya dislike, hate, disagreeable, be unwilling (to do something),
1217 寿 Ju kotobuki age, longevity
1218 Jo beginning, preface, order
1219 Shi ya arrow
1220 Metsu horo(biru), horo(bosu) be ruined, destroy, overthrow
1221 Shoo kuwa(shii) full, detailed, minute
1222 Kan ochii(ru), otoshii(reru) fall into, lapse into, cave in, sink
1223 Ki kagaya(ku) shine, twinkle, brilliant
1224 Mei na(ku), na(ru), na(rasu) (animals and birds) cry, sound, ring
1225 Tei emperor, the god of heaven
1226 Yoo odo(ru), odo(ri) dance
1227 Ma rub, polish, be about to reach
1228 Sei sacrifice, offering
1229 Ko orphan, alone
1230 Ki forking road, branch
1231 Kan ama(i), ama(eru), ama(yakasu) sweet, be content with, lenient, coax
1232 Hin, Bin mazu(shii) poor, destitute, meager
1233 Shuku, Shuu iwa(u) celebration, congratulations,
1234 Kutsu ho(ru) dig, core, excavate
1235 Boo fuku(ramu), fuku(reru) swell, get thick
1236 Oo sakura flowering cherry, cherry blossoms
1237 Juu tate length, height, self-indulgent
1238 Ryuu tatsu dragon
1239 Ka kase(gu) work, earn money
1240 Boku maki shepherd, feed
1241 Yoo koshi hips, waist, loins
1242 Kyoo obiya(kasu), odo(su), odo(kasu) threaten, coerce
1243 Too yu hot water,
1244 Mi charm, fascinate, bewitch
1245 Ji mimi ear
1246 Roo waves, billows
1247 Ko mizuumi lake
1248 Haku to(maru), to(meru) stay at, ride at anchor
1249 Guu meet, treat, entertain, receive
1250 So ishizue foundation stone, cornerstone
1251 Koo ,Oo ki, ko yellow
1252 Sei saint, sage, great master, holiness
1253 Sai na side dish, greens, vegetables
1254 Jin tsu(kusu), tsu(kiru), tsu(kasu) use up, serve, work for
1255 Han frequency, grow thick, be luxuriant
1256 Shi eda branch, bow, twig, limb
1257 Batsu, Bachi punishment, penalty, retribution
1258 Rei hage(mu), hage(masu) be diligent, encourage, inspire
1259 Kei open, say
1260 Doku poison, virus, venom, harm
1261 Satsu su(ru) print
1262 Chin shizu(mu), shizu(meru) sink, cave in, feel depressed, submerge
1263 Yoo osana(i) infant, children
1264 Yuu isa(mu) bravery, cheer up, be in high spirits
1265 Bai indemnify
1266 Do ika(ru), oko(ru) become angry, be offended, become excited
1267 Fuku hara belly, stomach, abdomen, heart, courage
1268 Un kumo cloud
1269 Don kumo(ru) cloud up, fog up, be gloomy
1270 Hen katayo(ru) lean, incline, be biased, side
1271 So ancestor, founder, originator
1272 Ken kashiko(i) wisdom, cleverness
1273 Ten so(eru), so(u) accompany, add to, append, attach
1274 Chin mezura(shii) rare, curious, strange, unusual
1275 Joo take 10 feet
1276 Ro furnace, kiln
1277 Rin companion, morals
1278 Kyaku, Kya ashi leg, skid, undercarriage
1279 En fuchi chance, relation, connection, fate, marriage alliance, veranda
1280 Gei kujira whale
1281 Sen fine, slender
1282 Hi ko(eru), koe,ko(yasu), ko(yashi) get fat, fertilize, night soil, manure
1283 稿 Koo copy, manuscript, draft
1284 Gan stubborn
1285 Ken inu dog
1286 Nan yawa(raka), yawa(rakai) soft
1287 Sha ni(ru), ni(eru), ni(yasu) boil, cook, be boiled
1288 Koo always
1289 Chuu mushi worm, vermin, bug, insect
1290 Koo suburbs, rural area
1291 Tai ta(eru) endure, tolerate
1292 Shun matata(ku) wink, blink, instant, moment
1293 Too, Zu mame beans, peas
1294 hako box, case, chest
1295 Koo shibo(ru), shi(meru), shi(maru) strangle, constrict, wring
1296 Sai irodo(ru) color, paint, make up
1297 Kiku chrysanthemum
1298 En kemu(ru), kemuri, kemu(i) smoke
1299 A rank next, come after, Asia, sub-, -ous (in acids)
1300 Taku open, clear, break up (land), rubbed copy
1301 Boku manservant, I
1302 Ran column (in a newspaper), blank, railing
1303 Chin state, relate, old
1304 Ryoo, Roo kate food, provisions
1305 Hoo theca, sac
1306 Ran tamago egg, spawn
1307 Gi itsuwa(ru), nise lie, deceive, pretend
1308 Taku table, desk, excellent
1309 Kai mina all, everybody, everything
1310 Kan ho(su), hi(ru) parch, get dry, ebb, recede
1311 Hi tsuka(reru), tsuka(rasu) get tired, grow weary, exhaust
1312 Oku think, remember
1313 Fun ko,kona dust, powder, flour
1314 Ko hoko(ru) boast of, be proud of
1315 On kindness, goodness, favor, mercy, blessing, benefit
1316 簿 Bo record, book
1317 Shi ito thread
1318 Fu kowa(i) fear, be timid, get nervous
1319 Shi haka(ru) consult with
1320 Kyuu oka hill, knoll, rising ground
1321 Tei imperial court, government office
1322 Ren ko(u), koi, koi(shii) be in love
1323 Tan red, sincerity
1324 Yoo embrace, hug, protect
1325 Koo seize, arrest
1326 Ketsu ana hole, gap, cave, hiding place
1327 Go sato(ru) perceive, realize, attain enlightenment
1328 kaki fence, hedge, wall
1329 Roo mo(ru), mo(reru), mo(rasu) leak, escape, spill, be excluded
1330 Shu koto especially, above all
1331 Kyoo sema(i), saba(meru), seba(maru) narrow, contract, reduce
1332 Satsu, Saku volume, book counter
1333 Kyoo kagami mirror, speculum
1334 Moku dama(ru) be silent, stop speaking
1335 Kan leniency, generosity
1336 Joo surplus
1337 Botsu sink, hide, disappear
1338 Ran see
1339 Man lazinss, ridicule
1340 Too koo(ru), kogo(eru) freeze, be chilled, be frozen
1341 Gan, Gen manako eye,
1342 Ji nourishing, be luxuriant
1343 So haba(mu) separate from, prevent, stop
1344 Oo go, sometimes, ancient times
1345 Shoo clear
1346 Joo clean, pure
1347 Choo ko(riru), ko(rasu), ko(rashimeru) chastise, punish
1348 Min nemu(ru), nemu(i) sleep, die
1349 Kan samu(i) cold, deserted, poor, midwinter, coldest season
1350 Sen hiso(mu), mogu(ru) conceal, hide, dive
1351 Chitsu order
1352 Gai be sad, sigh, lament
1353 Kin fungus, germ, bacteria
1354 Choo ho(ru) carve, engrave, sculpture, inscribe
1355 Koo, Ku beni, kurenai red, crimson, deep red
1356 Koo measuring rod, scales
1357 Choo ha(neru), to(bu) leap, spring up, jump, hop
1358 Juku u(reru) ripen, mellow, mature
1359 Haku, Hyoo clap (one’s hand), beat (in music)
1360 Boo oka(su) risk, dare
1361 In kage, kage(ru) shadow, negative, melancholy, secret, inactivity
1362 Choo itada(ku), itadaki receive, accept, head, top of the head, summit, peak
1363 Jin tazu(neru) look for, ask (someone) a question, common, fathom
1364 Kyuu na(ku) cry, weep, wail, moan
1365 Sa sosonoka(su) tempt, seduce, instigate, promote
1366 Son mago grandchild, descendants
1367 Hai fellow, people, companion
1368 Ki strangeness, curiosity, eccentricity, odd
1369 Ki yo(ru), yo(seru) let approach, gather, add up, contribute to
1370 Bo haka grave, tomb
1371 Fun fog
1372 Sei attack the rebellious
1373 Kan warship
1374 Shoo further, still, just like
1375 Juku private school, boarding school, gate house
1376 Man involuntarily, in spite of oneself
1377 Kitsu eat, drink, smoke
1378 Fun fu(ku) spout, emit, flush out
1379 Yui, I only, merely
1380 Ken noki eaves, house counter
1381 Hoo kanba(shii) fragrant, balmy, favorable
1382 Kutsu bend, give in, flinch
1383 Mei inscription, engrave, impress upon
1384 Ho shop, store, pave
1385 Hyoo tawara straw bag, bag counter
1386 Ka hima rest, leisure
1387 Sui to(geru) accomplish, attain
1388 Fuku fu(seru), fu(su) lay face down, cover, hide, lie prostrate, yield to
1389 Koo tagaya(su) plow, cultivate
1390 Shoku fu(eru), fu(yasu) increase, multiply, add to, raise
1391 Rei, Ryoo tama soul, spirit
1392 Goo hard, strong
1393 湿 Shitsu shime(ru), shime(su) dampness, moisture
1394 Hatsu kami the hair
1395 Rei zero, nothing, fall
1396 Kai ku(iru), ku(yamu), kuya(shii) repend, regret
1397 Sui ho ear, head (of grain)
1398 Gaku take peak, mountain
1399 Rui namida tear, sympathy
1400 Shoo happiness
1401 Too mune, muna ridge, ridgepole
1402 Bai tsuchika(u) cultivate, foster
1403 Ban evening, night, the end of all things, late
1404 Shoo urge, encourage
1405 Boo samata(geru) disturb, prevent, hinder
1406 Too price rise, rise
1407 Mai imooto younger sister
1408 Hon hirugae(ru), hirugae(su) turn over, change (one’s mind), reverse
1409 Boo isoga(shii) busy, occupied
1410 Kyoo sake(bu) shout, cry for
1411 Yu sato(su) admonish, persuade, make known to
1412 Zui follow, at the mercy of
1413 Nen neba(ru) be sticky, be glutinous, be greasy
1414 Shin hita(su), hita(ru) soak, dip, moisten, drench
1415 Dan, Tan stage, rostrum, terrace, world (of literature, etc.)
1416 Too sugar
1417 Fuku oo(u), kutsugae(su), kutsugae(ru) cover, overturn, capsize
1418 Yoo to(keru), to(kasu), to(ku) melt, dissolve, liquefy
1419 Ma miga(ku) polish, brush (teeth), improve (skill)
1420 Shi ane elder sister
1421 Yuu further, still more, hesitate
1422 Ei surudo(i) pointed, sharpness, keen (sense), violent, shrewd
1423 Boo, Mu haka(ru) plan, devise, deceive, impose on
1424 Jun tate shield, buckler, pretext
1425 Shi ka(u) raising (animals), keep, feed
1426 Kun merit, order of merit
1427 Myaku vein (of ore), blood vessel, pulse, hope
1428 Kyo, Ko emptiness, unpreparedness, untruth
1429 Gen black, profound
1430 Boo stick, pole, bar
1431 Kaku heda(teru), heda(taru) distance, every other, alternate
1432 Hei steps (of the throne)
1433 Ki oni devil, demon, spirits of the dead
1434 Soo ha(ku) sweep
1435 Jun quasi-, semi-, associate
1436 Chuu extract, excel, choose the best
1437 Hi open
1438 Kyoo kuru(u), kuru(oshii) go insane, lose one’s head, lunatic
1439 Yu heal, cure, recover
1440 Tan awa(i) light, faint, pale
1441 Tei correct
1442 I woof, latitude, parallels of latitude
1443 Ka good, excellent, beautiful
1444 Choo notebook, account book, album, curtain dividing a room
1445 Byoo nae, nawa seedling, sapling, shoot
1446 su(eru), su(waru) set (a table), lay (a foundation), install
1447 Dan atata(ka), atata(kai), atata(maru), atata(meru) warm, heat
1448 Kan Han (Dynasty), (old name for China), masculine suffix
1449 Kei path, diameter
1450 Ji magnetism, porcelain
1451 Kan can
1452 Moo fierce, wild, strong
1453 sa(ku) bloom, blossom
1454 Ryuu tsubu grain, drop
1455 Hai lung
1456 Gyaku shiita(geru) oppress, tyrannize
1457 Sai ability, talent, intelligence
1458 oro(su), oroshi sell at wholesale, grated (vegetables)
1459 Hitsu hiki head
1460 Fu nuno cloth
1461 Itsu deviate from, evade, outstanding, miss (a chance)
1462 Ki wheel track, railway, orbit, rule, road, way of doing
1463 Kan mirror, take warning from,
1464 Soo villa, inn, solemn, gravity,
1465 Kai futokoro, natsu(kashii), natsu(kashimu), natsu(ku), natsu(keru) feeling, dear, longed for, bosom
1466 Juu shiru juice, sap, soup
1467 Koo empress, queen
1468 Retsu violent, severe, extreme, passionate
1469 Tan nage(ku), nage(kawashii) admire, praise, sigh, lament, moan, regret, sad
1470 Tan liver, courage, nerve
1471 Hyoo koori, hi freeze, congeal, ice, hail
1472 Ki Japanese chess
1473 Baku mugi wheat, barley, oats, rye
1474 Too tsutsu pipette, tube
1475 Too hi lamp, light
1476 Hi queen, princess
1477 Jo slowly, deliberately, gently
1478 Sui otoro(eru) decline, weaken, wither, waste away
1479 Kan kawa(ku), kawa(kasu) dry, desiccate
1480 Rai kaminari thunder, thunderbolt
1481 San, Zan miji(me) sad, pitiful, disaster, cruelty, wretchedness
1482 Kaku enclosure
1483 Shoo adorn (one’s person)
1484 To nu(ru) paint, plaster, daub, lacquer
1485 Shi words
1486 Ki ino(ru) pray, wish
1487 Fun furu(u) be invigorated, be spirited, flourish
1488 Sha nana(me) slanting, diagonal, oblique
1489 Mu kiri mist, fog, spray
1490 Jun uruo(u), uruo(su), uru(mu) be watered, profit by, become rich
1491 Zoku customs, the world, vulgarity
1492 Shi abura fat, rouge
1493 Sai planting
1494 On oda(yaka) calm, quiet, peace, moderation
1495 Boku sumi India ink, Chinese ink
1496 Sei, Shoo surname, family name
1497 Kan kanmuri crown, cap, diadem, first, peerless
1498 Shoo clear, crystal
1499 Tei restaurant, mansion, cottage, stage name
1500 ka(ru) cut, shear, reap, trim
1501 Doo copper
1502 Da horse load, pack horse, poor, worthless
1503 tana shelf, ledge, rack, trellis
1504 Gen maboroshi vision, dream, illusion, apparition
1505 Soo su nest, den
1506 Hai oga(mu) worship, pray to, adore, look at (with reverence)
1507 Shuu reward, retribution
1508 Hai exclude, expel, reject, disregard
1509 Koo taku(mi) skill, ingenuity
1510 Ma demon, devil, evil spirit
1511 Shuku quietly, softly, solemnly
1512 Ja injustice, unrighteousness, wickedness
1513 Hoo, Bu tatematsu(ru) offer, present, do respectfully, obey, serve
1514 Etsu joy, rapture, ecstasy, amusement
1515 Satsu su(ru), su(reru) rub, scratch, scrape
1516 Hyoo tadayo(u) float (on the water)
1517 Don nibu(i), nibu(ru) dull, slow, fool
1518 taki waterfall, cascade
1519 Ketsu isagiyo(i) pure, righteous, manly, gallant
1520 Gai shore
1521 Roo corridor, hall, lobby
1522 Eki, Yaku epidemic
1523 Boo tobo(shii) meager, scarce, limited, destitute
1524 Mu hoko halbert, arms
1525 Nin become pregnant
1526 Soo kuwa mulberry
1527 Ka yome, totsu(gu) marry (a man), blame
1528 Maku membrane
1529 綿 Men wata cotton, cotton wool
1530 Han corps, unite, party, order
1531 Chi ha(jiru), haji, ha(jirau), ha(zukashii) shame, feel shy, bashful, disgraceful
1532 Ken humble oneself, condescend, be modest
1533 Retsu oto(ru) be inferior to, be worse than
1534 Kyoo evil, bad luck, disaster
1535 Choo tsu(ru) angle, fish, catch
1536 So uto(i), uto(mu) distant, ignorant of, neglect, rough, sparseness, estrangement
1537 Shuu, Juu hiro(u) pick up, ten
1538 Goku prison, jail
1539 Mon crest, (textile) figures
1540 Shi murasaki purple, violet
1541 sara dish
1542 Ga me sprout, spear, germ
1543 Ryoo misasagi imperial tomb
1544 Joo mu(su), mu(reru), mu(rasu) steam, heat up (with steam), be sultry
1545 Ken appear, be revealed, be discovered
1546 Hoo mine peak, summit, top
1547 Boo tsumu(gu) spin, make yearn
1548 Gi good, fine
1549 Kan ase sweat, perspiration
1550 Kan perception, intuition, the sixth sense
1551 Shin kara(i) hot, salty, severe, 8th calendar sign
1552 Kyuu yumi bow
1553 Koo mizo ditch, gutter, drain
1554 Gyoo, Koo ao(gu), oo(se) look up, look up to
1555 Dei doro mud, mire, dirt
1556 hime princess, young lady of birth, little
1557 Chi young
1558 Too porcelain, pottery
1559 Kaku harvest, reap
1560 Chin shizu(meru), shizu(maru) supress, get quiet, subside, calm down
1561 Sui yo(u) get drunk, feel sick, be spellbound
1562 So ara(i) rough, coarse, not fine, neglect, careless, loose
1563 Seki one of a pair, counter for ships, fish, birds, arrows, etc.
1564 Guu doll, even number, couple, occasional
1565 kai shell, shellfish
1566 Sei chika(u) swear, plegde, vow
1567 Bon Lantern Festival, Festivals of the Dead, tray
1568 Gen tsuru bowstring, chord (in geometry)
1569 Too ita(mu) grieve over
1570 Haku earl, eldest brother, uncle
1571 hada skin, grain, texture, disposition
1572 Seki o(shii), o(shimu) be sparing of, be frugal with, regret, value, regrettable
1573 Shu gem, jewel, bead
1574 Hi monument, tombstone
1575 Ha bundle, bunch, sheaf, coil
1576 Shuu fune, funa boat
1577 Ka ka(keru), ka(karu) build (a bridge), shelf, frame, support, hang up
1578 Ka cakes, fruit
1579 Boku simple, docile
1580 Tei small boat
1581 Yuu ure(eru), ure(i), u(i) grieve, be anxious, sorrow, sad
1582 Too katana sword, saber, knife, blade
1583 Soo manhood, prosperous
1584 Joo earth, soil
1585 Tei tsutsumi dike, bank, embankment
1586 Kai falsify, kidnap
1587 Rui involvement, tie up, pile up, continually
1588 Sho atsu(i) hot, summer heat
1589 Sho government office, (police) station
1590 Choo su(mu), su(masu) be clear, clarify
1591 Fu sign, mark, amulet
1592 Fu urban prefecture, government office
1593 Yoo utai, uta(u) chanting of the noh, chant
1594 Shi limbs, arms and legs
1595 尿 Nyoo urine
1596 Koku severity, cruelty
1597 En namari lead(metal)
1598 Nin shino(bu), shino(baseru) bear, endure, conceal, secrete, hide (oneself)
1599 Shuu kusa(i) ill-smelling, odor, savor
1600 Saku mix, be in discorder
1601 Jaku, Seki sabi, sabi(shii), sabi(reru) quietly, lonely, death of a priest
1602 Shu ka(ru), ka(ri) hunt
1603 Byoo neko cat
1604 Kyoo uyauya(shii) respectful, reverent
1605 Guu sumi corner
1606 Kon tamashii soul, spirit
1607 Too kara Tang (dynasty), China
1608 Kai aya(shii), aya(shimu) strange, mystery, apparition
1609 Sai kuda(ku), kuda(keru) break, crush, pulverize
1610 Ryo captive
1611 Sui ta(reru), ta(rasu) suspend, hang down, slouch
1612 Hin repeat, occur repeatedly
1613 Kai hai ashes
1614 Bi hana nose, snout, muzzle
1615 Boo katawa(ra) side, besides
1616 Sen practice
1617 Go old name for China
1618 Doo hora cavity, cave, excavation
1619 Daku assent, consent, agree to
1620 Hoo salary
1621 Ri ha(ku) put on (the feet), step on, shoes
1622 Boo, Boq priest’s residence, (Buddhist) priest, boy
1623 Koku cereals, grain
1624 Tei offer, present, exhibit, assume (airs)
1625 Zui marrow, pith
1626 Sho all
1627 Soo a(u) meet, encounter
1628 Shoo workman, artisan, means, idea
1629 Fu skin
1630 Ki u(eru) be hungry, starve
1631 Sun one-tenth of a foot, measure, small
1632 Nei peaceful, quiet
1633 Sui ta(ku) cook, boil
1634 Etsu inspection, examine, elapse
1635 Ryoo hostel, dormitory, villa
1636 Sha forgiveness
1637 Fu omomu(ku) proceed to, get become, tend toward
1638 Rei uruwa(shii) beautiful, lovely, graceful
1639 Sai manager, rule
1640 Oo nagu(ru) hit, beat
1641 Tai okota(ru), nama(keru) neglect, be lazy, be idle
1642 I era(i) greatness
1643 Ra silk gauze, thin silk
1644 I stomach, paunch, craw
1645 Hatsu, Hachi bowl, rice tub, pot, brainpan
1646 Gai the said
1647 Ki tsukue desk, table
1648 Fun mound, tomb
1649 Kyoo gorge, ravine
1650 En feast, banquet, party, entertainment
1651 Kyuu kiwa(meru), kiwa(maru) carry to extreme, be destitude, suffer, be perplexed, be cornered
1652 Kan regret, be sorry for
1653 Ka kutsu shoes
1654 San kasa umbrella, parasol
1655 Too tower, steeple, obelisk, monument
1656 Bon, Han mediocrity, approximately
1657 Hei evil, bad custom, breakage, our (humble)
1658 Baku vague, obscure, deserd, wide
1659 Ki riding on horses, counter for horseman
1660 Jun follow
1661 Shoo me(su) call, send for
1662 Jo, Nyo like, such as, as if
1663 Ra hadaka naked body, nude, uncovered
1664 Gu oro(ka) folly, fool,
1665 Shu cinnabar, vermilion
1666 Sen go around
1667 Hoo nu(u) sew, stich, embroider
1668 Kei niwatori chicken
1669 Soo monk, priest
1670 Han carry, transport
1671 Juu kemono animal, beast
1672 Sa falsify, deceive
1673 To ha(ku) disgorge, vomit, confess
1674 Chitsu plug up, obstruct
1675 Hei Shinto offerings of cloth, rope, or cut paper
1676 Ji itsuku(shimu) love, be affectionate to
1677 Baku shiba(ru) bind, tie, fasten, chain, arrest
1678 Gi azamu(ku) deceive, cheat, delude
1679 Boo cap, headgear
1680 Choo intestines, bowels, entrails, the heart
1681 Taku wash, pour on, rinse
1682 Kun kao(ru) smell, be fragrant
1683 Sui pure, essence, elegance
1684 Ai awa(re), awa(remu) pity, have mercy on, sympathize with
1685 Too load (a vehicle), ride
1686 tsu(keru), tsu(karu) soak, moisten, pickle, be submerged
1687 Joo tata(mu), tatami mat counter
1688 Shin pregnancy
1689 Futsu wa(ku), wa(kasu) boil, ferment, gush out, heat up (the bath)
1690 Bai go-between
1691 Kaku kara husk, hull, cast-off skin, earth’s crust, eggshell
1692 Reki koyomi calendar, almanac
1693 Ko ka(reru), ka(rasu) wither, die, let dry, age, be seasoned
1694 Chiku takuwa(eru) store, lay in stock, save
1695 Chiku domesticated fowl and animals
1696 Joku hazukashi(meru) humiliate, disgrace, insult
1697 Gi tawamu(reru) play, sport, frolic, joke, flirt with
1698 Jin ha blade, sword
1699 Soo tub, tank, vat
1700 Zoo niku(mu), niku(i), niku(rashii), niku(shimi) hate, detest
1701 Haku ship
1702 Koo fermentation
1703 Hin guest
1704 Go Japanese checkers
1705 Sen oogi fan, folding fan
1706 tsubo area about thirty-six square feet
1707 Tsui fall
1708 Shuu criminal, arrest
1709 Too momo peach
1710 Go pleasure
1711 Ki iku geomerty
1712 Ja, Da hebi snake, serpent
1713 Saku su vinegar
1714 Shin gentleman
1715 Bin bottle, jar, vase
1716 Choo naga(meru) watch, look at, see, scrutinize
1717 Ryoo suzu(shii), suzu(mu) cool, refreshing
1718 Suu pivot
1719 Fu music, record, genealogy
1720 Tan kita(eru) forge, train, discipline, practice, temper
1721 Ko tsuzumi drum
1722 Katsu controle, rule, govern
1723 Ga be hungry, starve
1724 Ton buta pig, hog, swine
1725 Moo blindness, ignorance, ignoramus
1726 Hoo a(kiru), a(kasu) have enough, satiate
1727 Koo flood, vast
1728 Han feudal clan, enclosure
1729 Shitsu illness, disease
1730 Kon many, descendants, elder brother
1731 mata again, on the other hand
1732 Shuku graceful, polite, gentle, pure
1733 Tei spy
1734 Toku kind, cordial, fervent, serious (illness)
1735 Soo dry up
1736 Fun ikidoo(ru) resent, be indignabt, become angry
1737 Kon ura(mu), ura(meshii) bear a grudge, show resentment, hateful
1738 Hoo awa bubble, foam, froth
1739 Jo relate, narrate, describe, confer (a rank)
1740 Teki fue flute, pipe, whistle
1741 Toku shelter, shield, hide
1742 Chi foolish
1743 Soo judge, sergeant
1744 Batsu strike, attack, punish, cut
1745 Sen move, transfer
1746 Gai approximation, condition, situation
1747 Yuu distant, longtime, leisure
1748 Gyoo ko(ru), ko(rasu) freeze, congeal, concentrate
1749 Jin hanaha(da), hanaha(dashii) very, exceedingly, extreme
1750 Zetsu shita tongue, reed, clapper, words
1751 Ka uzu eddy, whirlpool, vortex
1752 Kyoo receive, take
1753 Ni ama nun
1754 Ren purity, honesty, low price
1755 Ketsu excellent
1756 Shaku Japanese foot, rule, measure, length
1757 Daku nigo(ru), nigo(su) uncleanness, be muddy, be impute, prevaricate, voiced sound
1758 Shoo resemble
1759 Hen times, widely
1760 Joo uselessness
1761 Kan article
1762 Fu help, save
1763 Choo tomura(u) mourn for, hold a memorial service for, condole
1764 Hi tobira door
1765 Shoo palm, administer, conduct
1766 Kyuu ku(chiru) decay, rot, remain in seclusion
1767 Ryuu sulphur
1768 En saru monkey
1769 Shoo sunken rock
1770 Bai follow, accompany, attend on
1771 Shoku request, send a message
1772 Joo kamo(su) brew, cause, give rise to
1773 Kan dare
1774 Kan ka(eru), ka(waru) change, replace
1775 Shi heir, succeed to, inherit, follow
1776 Gyoo akatsuki dawn, daybrake, know
1777 Kyoo hasa(mu), hasa(maru) put between, insert, nip, interpose
1778 Koo agree to, consent, comply with
1779 Ryoo shooting, hunting, game
1780 Tai womb, uterus
1781 Doo torso, trunk (of a body)
1782 Kai katamari lump, ingot
1783 Ken kinu silk, silk thread
1784 Kon dark blue, navy blue
1785 Kei iko(i), iko(u) rest, relax, repose
1786 Rin one-tenth of a sen
1787 Ton camp, barracks
1788 Soo sa(su) insert
1789 To sake ladle, the old unit of measuring sake or grain
1790 Setsu take, act in place of
1791 Otsu 2nd calendar sign, 2nd, the latter, quaint
1792 Boo divide
1793 Ei yo(mu) poem, song, singing, recite poems
1794 Sui sleep, doze
1795 Ji samurai wait upon, serve
1796 Raku whey, broth, fruit juice
1797 Ki vapor, steam
1798 Hon run
1799 misaki cape, spit, promontory
1800 Yoo hitsuji sheep
1801 Gin singing, recital, song, poem
1802 Han ho sail
1803 Do manservant, slave, fellow
1804 Kyuu twist (rope), ask, investigate
1805 Kei kuki stem, stalk
1806 Katsu scold, get hoarse
1807 Ki i(mu), i(mawashii) mourning, death anniversary, something detestable
1808 Koo resist, defy, oppose
1809 Koo pit, hole
1810 Zen silent meditation
1811 Kan quiet, leisure, negligence
1812 Tei in turn, sending (parcels) in feudal times
1813 Sei yu(ku) die, pass away
1814 Yu rejoice, pleasure, amusement
1815 Jin fast
1816 Heki kuse habit, peculiality
1817 Koo awa(teru), awa(tadashii) be confused, lose one’s head, be hasty
1818 Matsu paint, erase, rub
1819 Ren refine (metals), train
1820 Sha saegi(ru) interrupt, obstruct, intercept
1821 Shoo saltpeter
1822 I rank, company officer
1823 Teki shizuku, shitata(ru) drop, drip, trickle
1824 Choku imperial decree
1825 Rei servant, follower
1826 Joo lock, close up, pill, counter for pills
1827 Setsu clumsy, unskillful
1828 Tetsu alternate
1829 Gi imitate, compare
1830 Oo old man, venerable
1831 Boo fat
1832 Chuu i(ru) cast, mint, coin
1833 San kaiko silk worm
1834 Hei wall, fence
1835 Shuu ure(eru), ure(i) grieve, lament, sad, gloomy
1836 Hi iya(shii), iya(shimu), iya(shimeru) humble, base, despise
1837 Bo shita(u) yearn for, love dearly, adore, follow
1838 Yoo ordinary, tax paid in labor
1839 Soo mo duckweed, seaweed, anthology
1840 Yoo kama kiln, oven, furnace
1841 Joo girl, daughter, young lady, Miss.
1842 Kei valley
1843 tooge mountain pass, crisis, crest, climax
1844 Ri diarrhea
1845 Kin eri neck, neckband, collar, lapel
1846 Ka calamity, misfortune
1847 Shitsu urushi lacquer, varnish
1848 Koo hole, gap, cave
1849 Zen tsukuro(u) repair, mend, trim
1850 Roo tower, turret, high building
1851 Han rice-paddy ridge, levee
1852 Chaku legitimacy, legitimate child, legitimate wife, direct descent
1853 Seki repel, repulse, reject
1854 Hitsu, Hi flow, soak in, penetrate
1855 Kei hotaru firefly
1856 Bu anado(ru) despise, make light of
1857 Kan casket, coffin
1858 Yuu confine to a room, faint, dim
1859 Kin tsutsushi(mu) be discreet, be moderate, be cautious
1860 Totsu convex
1861 Shuu miniku(i) bad-looking, ugly, indecent
1862 婿 Sei muko son-in-law
1863 Zoku robber, rebel, traitor
1864 In marry
1865 So crop tax, borrowing
1866 Hoo ho(meru) praise, commend
1867 Kan ta(eru) endure, support, withstand, be equal to
1868 Shuku uncle
1869 Ka minority, few, widow,
1870 Kyoo ta(meru) straighten, correct, control (one’s feelings)
1871 Kaku threat, menace
1872 ka mosquito
1873 Jun die a martyr, follow (someone) by committing suicide
1874 Sen bolt, stopper, plug
1875 Setsu steal
1876 Saku shibo(ru) wring, squeeze, press
1877 Shi tamawa(ru) deign to, give, bestow on
1878 Katsu kawa(ku) thirst, dry up, long for
1879 Hi retire, stop
1880 Soo shimo frost
1881 Shin kuchibiru lip
1882 Shaku ku(mu) serving sake, ladle, consider
1883 Ban barbarian
1884 Moo, Koo decrease
1885 Goo beat, torture
1886 Da descend to, lapse into, degenerate, deprave
1887 Oo hollow, sunken
1888 Chiku chase, pursue, accomplish
1889 Fu attach, put on, place, be connected, follow
1890 Yaku misfortune, evil, disaster
1891 Koo marquis, load, daimyo
1892 Shoo masu 1.8 liter
1893 Shi me, mesu female
1894 Shaku peerage, court rank
1895 San crosspiece, frame, shelf, suspension bridge
1896 Chuu heart, mind, inside
1897 Shoo kane bell, gong, chimes, carillon
1898 Hoo nara(u) imitate, follow, emulate
1899 Han, Bon wazura(u), wazura(wasu) be ill, worry, trouble, disturb
1900 Moo, Boo without reason, recklessly
1901 Shoo selection, summary
1902 Ba old woman, grandmother
1903 In rhyme, elegance, tone
1904 Ju Confucianism, Chinese scholar
1905 imo potato
1906 Sui leading (troops)
1907 Da be lazy, be idle
1908 Shi ukaga(u) visit, ask, hear, serve
1909 Boo a certain, that person, somebody
1910 Fu ode, prose poem, tribute, compose
1911 Ichi one
1912 Too smallpox
1913 Katsu brown
1914 Ken economy
1915 Shin takigi firewood, kindling, fuel
1916 Shoo yoi evening, early night hours
1917 Ken mayu cocoon
1918 Shoo mikotonori imperial edict, decree
1919 Zen gradually advancing
1920 Ri an official
1921 Ko arc, arch, bow
1922 se, une thirty tsubo, ridge (in a field)
1923 Hei 3rd calendar sign
1924 Sen pig iron
1925 So model, mold
1926 Gai criminal investigation
1927 Ran overflow, spread over
1928 Kon open up farmland
1929 Too copy
1930 tada(shi) but, however, excepting that
1931 Ka counters for things, individuals
1932 Etsu audience (with a ruler)
1933 Han share, divide
1934 Suu high, noble, respect
1935 Ji emperor’s seal
1936 Sui tsumu weight, plumb bob, sinker, sounding lead
1937 osore fear, anxiety, concern, uneasiness
1938 Jun follow, obey
1939 Ni two, second
1940 Shaku one-tenth of a go, ladle
1941 ka(tsu) also, futhermore
1942 Choo swell, expand
1943 Kin 1.1/3 pounds, catty, axe
1944 monme the older units of weights
1945 Chin imperial we

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