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100 Kanji you need to know in N5 level

100 Kanji you need to know in N5 level

Kanji Meaning Onyomi Kunyomi Vocab with Kanji
One ichi, itsu hito(tsu), hito 一人 (one person, alone)
Two ni futa(tsu), futa 二人 (two people, pair)
Three san mit(tsu), mi 三日 (3rd day of the month)
Four shi yo(tsu), yo, yon 四日 (4th day of the month)
Five go itsu(tsu), itsu 五日 (5th day of the month)
Six roku mut(tsu), mu 六日 (6th day of the month)
Seven shichi nana(tsu), nana 七日 (7th day of the month)
Eight hachi yat(tsu), ya 八日 (8th day of the month)
Nine kyuu, ku kokono(tsu), kokono 九日 (9th day of the month)
Ten juu, ji tou, to 十日 (10th day of the month)
Hundred hyaku 百万円 (1 million Yen)
Thousand sen chi 千万円 (10 million Yen)
Ten thousand man, ban 万年筆 (fountain pen)
Yen, circle, and round en maru(i) 円い (round)
Day, sun nichi, jitsu hi, ka 明日 (tomorrow)
Week shuu 毎週 (every week)
Month, moon getsu, gatsu tsuki 月曜日 (Monday)
Year nen toshi 今年 (this year), 去年 (last year)
Time, hour ji toki 時計 (clock, watch)
Time frame, span of time kan, ken aida 時間 (time, hours)
Minute, part, to understand, to divide bun, bu, fun wa(karu) 三十分 (thirty minutes), 自分 (oneself)
Noon go 午前 (morning, A.M.)
Before zen mae 名前 (name)
After, later, behind go, kou ato 午後 (afternoon, P.M.)
Now kon, kin ima 今晩 (this evening), 今朝 (this morning)
Before, ahead, future sen saki 先週 (last week), 先生 (teacher, master)
To come rai ku(ru) 来月 (next month), 来る (to come)
Half, middle han naka(ba) 半分 (half)
Every, each mai 毎日(every day)
What, which, how many ka nan, nani 何曜日 (what day of the week)
Person jin, nin hito 人々 (people)
Man, boy, male dan, nan otoko 男の子 (boy)
Woman, girl, female jo, nyo onna, me 女の子 (girl)
Child shi, su ko 子供 (child)
Mother bo haha 母 (mother)
Father fu chichi 父 (father)
Friend yuu tomo 友達 (friend)
Fire ka hi 火曜日 (Tuesday)
Water sui mizu 水曜日 (Wednesday)
Tree, wood moku, boku ki, ko 木曜日 (Thursday)
Earth, ground do, to tsuchi 土曜日 (Saturday)
Money, gold kin, kon kane 金曜日 (Friday)
Book, source hon moto 日本語 (Japanese)
River sen kawa 川 (river)
Flower ka hana 花火 (fireworks)
Spirit ki, ke 元気 (healthy, spirit, fine)
Life, to live, to be born, to grow sei, shou i(kiru), u(mareru), ha(yasu) 生徒 (pupil)
Fish gyo sakana 魚 (fish)
Heaven ten ame, ama 天気 (weather)
Sky, empty kuu sora, a(keru) 空 (sky)
Mountain san yama 山 (mountain)
Rain u ame 雨 (rain)
Electricity den 電気 (electricity)
Car, vehicle sha kuruma 電車 (electric train)
Language, word, to chat go kata(ru) 英語 (English)
Ear ji mimi 耳 (ear)
Hand shu te 手紙 (letter)
Foot, to add soku ashi, ta(su) 足 (foot)
Eye moku me 目 (eye)
Mouth kou, ku kuchi 出口 (exit)
Name mei, myou na 名前 (name)
Shop ten mise 喫茶店 (coffee shop)
Station eki 駅前 (in front of the station)
Street, path, way dou michi 道具 (tool)
Shrine, society sha yashiro 社長 (president of a company)
Country koku kuni 外国人 (foreigner)
Outside gai, ge soto, hazu(reru), hoka 外国 (foreign country)
School, learning gaku mana(bu) 大学 (university)
School kou 学校 (school)
Up, above shou, jou ue, u, a(geru) 上着 (jacket)
Down, below ka, ge ku(daru), shita 靴下 (socks)
Middle, center, inner, between chuu naka 日中 (during the day, midday)
North hoku kita 北 (north)
西 West sai, sei nishi 西 (west)
East tou higashi 東京 (Tokyo)
South nan minami 南 (south)
Right yuu migi 右 (right)
Left sa hidari 左 (left)
To see, to be visible, to show ken mi(ru) 見せる (to show)
To hear, to listen, to ask mon, bun ki(ku) 聞く (to listen, to hear)
To write sho ka(ku) 辞書 (dictionary)
To read doku yo(mu) 読む (to read)
To talk, conversation wa hanashi, hana(su) 電話 (telephone)
To buy
bai ka(u) 買い物 (shopping)
To go, to carry out kou i(ku), okona(u) 銀行 (bank)
To go out, to leave shutsu de(ru), da(su) 出かける (to go out)
To enter, to put in nyuu hai(ru), i(reru) 入口 (entrance)
To rest, break, holiday, vacation kyuu yasu(mu), yasu(mi) 休む (to take a day off)
To eat, food shoku ta(beru) 食堂 (dining room)
To drink, a drink in no(mu) 飲み物 (beverage)
To talk, word gen, gon i(u) 言う (to say)
To stand ritsu ta(tsu) 立つ (to stand)
To meet, society kai, e a(u) 会社 (company)
A lot, many ta oo(i) 多い (many), 多分 (probably)
A little, few shou suko(shi), suku(nai) 少ない (few)
Old ko furu(i) 古い (old)
New shin atara(shii) 新しい (new), 新聞 (newspaper)
Big, a lot dai, tai oo(kii) 大きい (big), 大変 (dreadful, immense)
Little, small shou chii(sai), ko 小さい (little)
Cheap, safety, peace an yasu(i) 安い (cheap)
Expensive, high kou taka(i) 高い (expensive)
Long, leader chou naga(i) 長い (long), 部長 (manager)
White haku, byaku shiro, shiro(i) 白い (white), 面白い (interesting)

Read more:
Kanji Look and Learn – Lesson 1
40 Easy Kanji You Must-Know for the JLPT N5 – Part 1