JLPT N4 Reading Practice – Day 4 (with Answers & Vocabulary )
京都大学霊長類研究所には「アイ」という有名なチンパンジーが飼われています。研究所ではチンパンジーに言葉を覚えさせる研究をしているのですが、このアイはすでに約 100 の言葉を覚えていて、1 けたの数字なら 5 つまで同時に記憶できるそうです。
1. アイは 100 の言葉を同時に記憶することができる。
2. アイの覚えた言葉はアユムも覚えることができる。
3. アイは数字の 3 と 4 を同時に記憶することができる。
4. アイはアユムが言葉を覚えるのを楽しみにしている。
霊長類 (れいちょうるい) :Primates
チンパンジー: Gorilla
At Kyoto University’s Primate Laboratory, a famous chimpanzee named AI is being raised. It is said that the research institute is working on how to make chimpanzees remember words, this AI has previously memorized about 100 words, and if it is alphanumeric characters, it can simultaneously memorize up to 5 characters. . Recently, the AI gave birth and was named Ayumu. How the AI was able to pass on the words and wisdom that it remembered to Ayumu, expanding the study of this issue is also very interesting.
Which sentence matches the content of this passage?
1. AI can memorize 100 words simultaneously.
2. Words that AI can remember, Ayumu can also remember
3. AI can remember 3, 4 digits at the same time
4. AI is expecting Ayumu to be able to memorize vocabulary
Answers: 4
How the AI was able to pass on the words and wisdom that it remembered to Ayumu, expanding the study of this issue is also very interesting.