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Learn JLPT N5 Grammar: ので (node)

Learn JLPT N5 Grammar: ので (node)

Meaning: because of; the reason is that; given that

How to use:
Verb + ので
Noun + なので
いadj + ので
なadj + なので

『ので』 Used to express cause, reason.

Example sentences:

1. 雨が降っていたので、出て行くこともできなかった。
ame ga futte ita node, dete iku koto mo dekinakatta.
I could not go away because of the rain.

2. わたしは引退生活に飽きたので、自分でビジネスを始めた。
watashi wa intai seikatsu ni akita node, jibun de bijinesu o hajimeta.
I was bored with retirement, so I started my own business.

3. 頭痛がひどくなったので、家に帰りましたよ。
zutsuu ga hidoku natta node, ie ni kaerimashita yo.
I had a bad headache so I went directly home.

4. もう遅いのでこれで失礼いたします。
Mō osoinode kore de shitsurei itashimasu.
Since it’s late, I apologize first

Distinguish between 「ので」and 「から」
–> 「ので」Use objective reasons

Basu ga okuretanode, chikoku shimashita.
Because the bus was late, I was late

⇨「から」Dùng nêu lên lý do mang tính chủ quan
Onakagasuita kara, takusan tabemashita.
Because I was hungry, I ate a lot