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Learn JLPT N4 Grammar: やすい (yasui)

Learn JLPT N4 Grammar: やすい (yasui)

Meaning: easy to; likely to…

Used to indicate that doing something is easy.

Used to denote the property of a subject (person or thing) that is easy to change, or to indicate that something is easy to happen.

How to use:  Verb ます (stem form)  + やすい

Example sentences:

1. このペンはとても書きやすい。
kono pen wa totemo kaki yasui.
This pen is very easy to write with.

2. そのおもちゃは壊れやすくて危ない。
sono omocha wa koware yasukute abunai.
The toy is fragile and dangerous.

3. 彼は太りやすい体質なので、食べ過ぎないようにしているそうだ。
kare wa futori yasui taishitsunanode, tabe suginai yō ni shite iru sōda.
He is prone to gaining weight, so he tries not to overeat.

4. その町は物価も安く、人も親切で住みやすいところです
sono machi wa bukka mo yasuku, hito mo shinsetsude sumi yasui tokorodesu
That city has cheap things, and the people are kind, so it’s an easy place to live

5. 人の内面は、非常に感受性が豊かで傷つきやすいものだ。
hito no naimen wa, hijou ni kanjusei ga yutaka de kizutsuki yasui mono da.
People are very tender, very sensitive inside.

6. ここは気をつけて。この岩棚は砂ですべりやすいから。
koko wa ki o tsukete. kono iwatana wa suna de suberi yasui kara.
Careful here. This ledge is slippery with sand.