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Learn JLPT N1 Grammar: ときたら (tokitara)

Learn JLPT N1 Grammar: ときたら (tokitara)

Meaning: when it comes to; concerning ~

How to use: Noun + ときたら

Use in spoken words, raise problems, your close characters to express discontent.
The back of the sentence is not good to express dissatisfaction and criticism. Normal expressions do not express the will or aspirations or mandates of the speaker.

Example sentences:

1. ここの連中ときたら、何でも信じ込むんだから。
koko no renchuu tokitara, nan demo shinjikomun dakara.
People here will believe anything.

2. あの辺ときたら、とてもたくさんの人が歩いていました。
ano hen tokitara, totemo takusan no hito ga aruite imashita.
There were a large number of people walking around that area.

3. 働き者で気立てがいいときたら、皆に好かれるのも無理はない。
hatarakimono de kidate ga ī tokitara, mina ni suka reru no mo murihanai.
If you work hard and count well like that, it will not be difficult for people to love you.

4. 最近のテレビときたら、似たような番組ばかりでつまらないだ。
saikin no terebi tokitara, nita youna bangumi bakari de tsumaranai da.
When it comes to TV lately, it’s pretty boring with mostly only similar programs.

5. うちの息子ときたら、夏休みになると部屋にこもってゲームばかりする。
uchi no musuko tokitara, natsuyasumi ni naru to heya ni komotte geemu bakari suru.
My son always locks himself up in his room and plays games all day when summer holiday comes.