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Learn JLPT N5 Grammar: ~とき (toki)

Learn JLPT N5 Grammar: ~とき (toki)

Meaning: When (when, what to do)

How to use:
N + の + とき、~
Adjectives ending in い + い + とき、~
Adjectives ending in な + とき、~
V + とき、~

Describe a state or an event happening at the same time

V- る時(before) when. The action in the following clause happened before the action in the previous clause

V- た時(after) when. After one action is performed, another happens.

Example sentences:

1. 暇な時は、どんなことをして過ごしますか?
Himana toki wa, don’na koto o shite sugoshimasu ka?
What do you usually do in your free time?

2. 東京へ行くとき夜行バスを使っていた。
Tōkyō e iku toki yokōbasu o tsukatte ita.
When I went to Tokyo I used the night bus

3. 火事や地震が起きたとき、エレベータを使用しないでください。
Kaji ya jishin ga okita toki, erebēta o shiyō shinaide kudasai.
In the event of a fire or earthquake, please do not use the elevator

4. 子どもの時、田舎の小さな村に住んでいました。
Kodomo no toki, inaka no chīsana mura ni sunde imashita.
When I was a child, I lived in a small village in the countryside.