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Learn JLPT N1 Grammar: なり (nari)

Learn JLPT N1 Grammar: なり (nari)

Meaning: as soon as

How to use the: Verb-dictionary form + なり

Used in the case of performing an immediate follow-up action. Often the latter is an unexpected, unpredictable action.

Example sentences:
1, 家に帰るなり自分の部屋に閉じこもって出てこない。
ienikaeru nari jibun no heya ni tojikomotte detekonai.
As soon as I go home, I can’t get out of my room.

2, 立ち上がるなり目まいがして倒れそうになった。
tachiagaru nari memai ga shite taore-sō ni natta.
As soon as I stood up, I felt dizzy, almost fell down

3, 彼はニュースを聞くなり、家を飛び出していった。
kare wa nyuusu o kiku nari, ie o tobidashite itta.
He rushed out of the house as soon as he heard the news.

4, 会うなり金を貸してくれなどと言うので驚いた。
aunari kin o kashite kure nado to iu node odoroita.
I was surprised because he told me to lend me money.

5, エレベーターのドアが開くなり彼は飛び乗った。
erebeetaa no doa ga hiraku nari kare wa tobinotta.
He dashed inside as soon as the elevator door opened.

6, ぼくがこの話をもちだすなり、棚田は子供のように顔を輝かせたのだ。
boku ga kono hanashi o mochidasu nari, tanada wa kodomo no you ni kao o kagayakaseta no da.
Tanada lit up like a kid when I put the idea to him.

The meaning is similar to が 早 い か or や 否 や