Learn JLPT N5 Grammar: なければなりません (nakereba narimasen)
Meaning: Must
How to use: Vない + なければなりません
This sentence pattern denotes that a certain object must do something regardless of the will of the object performing the action. Note that this sentence pattern does not have a negative meaning
Example sentences:
1. 薬を飲まなければなりません。
Kusuri o nomanakereba narimasen.
I have to take medicine
2. 毎日一時間日本語を勉強しなければなりません。
Mainichi ichijikan nihongo o benkyou shinakereba narimasen.
I have to study Japanese for 1 hour every day
3. 宿題をしなければなりません。
Shukudai wo shi nakereba narimasen.
I have to do homework.
4. 明日、会社へ行かなければならない
Ashita, kaisha e ikanakereba naranai
I have to go to work tomorrow.