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JLPT N4 Reading Practice – Day 3 (with Answers & Vocabulary )

JLPT N4 Reading Practice – Day 3 (with Answers & Vocabulary )



When I was a kid, I hated cow’s milk, so I didn’t drink it at all. However, after reaching level 2, I started drinking milk. That’s because in a book it says “if drinking milk will increase height”. At first, I hated drinking milk. However, gradually feel the delicious taste of milk. Now I drink a lot every day. I don’t drink because I want to increase my height. It’s because I find milk really delicious.

Why did this person start drinking milk?
1. Because you can drink milk.
2. Because of middle school
3. Because I want to be higher
4. Because I think milk is really delicious

Answers: 3


However, after reaching level 2, I started drinking milk. That’s because in a book it says “if drinking milk will increase height”.

That is, after reading the sentence “drinking milk, you will become tall” in the book, the author started drinking milk. → the author started drinking milk because he wanted to increase his height.