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Encouraging phrases in Japanese

Encouraging phrases in Japanese

1. 遅すぎることはない
It’s never too late.

2. あきらめないで
Do not give up.

3. きっとうまくいくよ
It will be fine.

4. 頑張ってね
Do your best

5. 君なら出来るよ
Good luck.

6. 心配いらない よ
Don’t let it bother you.

7. 諦めちゃ だめだ
There’s no point in regretting.

8. やがてはその悲しみを乗り越えるだろう
You cannot afford to lose.

9. きみがちゃんとできることは知ってるんだ
I know you can do it carefully.

10. 覆水盆に返らずってとこか
I’m sure you will get over this pain.

11. 落ち着けば考えも変わるはずだ
I believe you will feel differently when you calm down.

Ways to say go for it in Japanese

頑張れ (ganbare): Try your best.
頑張ろう(ganbarou): Let’s try together.
頑張って (ganbatte): do your best
頑張ってよ (gambatteyo): Do your best there.

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