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Learn JLPT N1 Grammar: ばそれまでだ (ba sore made da)

Learn JLPT N1 Grammar: ばそれまでだ (ba sore made da)

Meaning: if… then it’s over

How to use: Verb (conditional) + ばそれまでだ

There is no other suitable way, to do so, it can’t be helped
Demonstrate determination of the speaker
If …. happened, it all became meaningless

Example sentences:

1. いくら参考書を買っても、使わなければそれまでだ。
ikura sankousho o katte mo, tsukawanakereba sore made da.
No matter how many reference books you buy, if you don’t use them they are meaningless.

2. いくらお金をためでも、死んでしまえばそれまでだ。
ikura okane o tame demo, shinde shimaeba sore made da.
Even if you make a lot of money, it’s pointless if you die.

3. いくら性能がよい機械でも使いこなせなければそれまでだ。
Ikura seinō ga yoi kikai demo tsukaikonasenakereba sore madeda.
Machines with great features, if not used well, are useless.