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3000 Most common Japanese words

3000 Most common Japanese words

I’ve been studying Japanese on an off for a while, and I was curious about if what I’m studying is actually useful. Ended up making a Google Sheet (feel free to make a copy) that lists the 3000 most common words used in everyday Japanese, covering around 70% of spoken conversations a person might have day-to-day.

No. japanese pronounciation Mean English
1 行く iku go
2 見る miru see, look at
3 多い ooi a lot of, many
4 ie home, household
5 これ kore this, this one
6 それ sore that, that one
7 watashi I
8 仕事 shigoto work, job
9 いつ itsu when
10 する suru do, make
11 出る deru go out, leave
12 使う tsukau use, make use of
13 tokoro place
14 作る tsukuru make, create
15 思う omou think
16 持つ motsu have, possess
17 買う kau buy
18 時間 jikan time, hour
19 知る shiru know
20 同じ onaji same, identical
21 ima now
22 新しい atarashii new
23 なる naru become
24 まだ mada (not) yet, still
25 あと ato after
26 聞く kiku hear, ask
27 言う iu say, tell
28 少ない sukunai few, little
29 高い takai high, tall
30 子供 kodomo child
31 そう sou so, that way
32 もう mou already, yet
33 学生 gakusei student
34 熱い atsui hot (to touch)
35 どうぞ douzo please
36 午後 gogo afternoon, p.m.
37 長い nagai long
38 hon book, volume
39 今年 kotoshi this year (colloquial)
40 よく yoku often, well
41 彼女 kanojo she, one’s girlfriend
42 どう dou how, what
43 言葉 kotoba word, language
44 kao face
45 終わる owaru finish, end
46 一つ hitotsu one (thing)
47 あげる ageru give, offer (colloquial)
48 こう kou like this, such
49 学校 gakkou school
50 くれる kureru be given
51 始める hajimeru start (something)
52 起きる okiru get up, get out of bed
53 haru spring
54 午前 gozen morning, a.m.
55 betsu another, different
56 どこ doko where
57 部屋 heya room
58 若い wakai young
59 kuruma car, automobile
60 置く oku put, place
61 住む sumu live, reside
62 働く hataraku work
63 難しい muzukashii difficult
64 先生 sensei teacher
65 立つ tatsu stand, rise
66 呼ぶ yobu call, name
67 大学 daigaku university, college
68 安い yasui cheap, inexpensive
69 もっと motto more
70 帰る kaeru go back home
71 分かる wakaru understand
72 広い hiroi wide, big
73 suu number
74 近い chikai near, close
75 そこ soko there
76 走る hashiru run
77 入れる ireru put in
78 教える oshieru teach, tell
79 歩く aruku walk, go on foot
80 会う au meet
81 書く kaku write
82 atama head
83 売る uru sell
84 大好き daisuki like (something) a lot
85 karada body, physique
86 直ぐ sugu at once, soon
87 飛ぶ tobu fly
88 とても totemo very (colloquial)
89 dare who
90 好き suki favorite, liked
91 読む yomu read
92 tsugi next
93 あなた anata you
94 飲む nomu drink
95 古い furui old
96 質問 shitsumon question
97 今日 kyou today (colloquial)
98 友達 tomodachi friend, companion (colloquial)
99 早い hayai early
100 どれ dore what, which
101 美しい utsukushii beautiful
102 いつも itsumo always (colloquial)
103 ashi leg, foot
104 起こす okosu wake (someone) up
105 見せる miseru show
106 musume daughter, girl
107 楽しむ tanoshimu enjoy
108 iro color
109 みんな minna everybody (colloquial)
110 取る toru take, get
111 勉強 benkyou study
112 できる dekiru can do, be good at
113 短い mijikai short, brief
114 落ちる ochiru fall, come down
115 息子 musuko son
116 白い shiroi white, blank
117 飛行機 hikouki airplane
118 病気 byouki illness
119 fuyu winter
120 toshi year, age
121 重い omoi heavy
122 mune chest, breast
123 払う harau pay (money, respect, attention, etc.)
124 軽い karui light (of weight)
125 見つける mitsukeru find
126 忘れる wasureru forget, leave behind
127 sake alcohol, rice wine
128 どちら dochira which (polite)
129 ane (one’s own) older sister
130 覚える oboeru memorize, learn
131 狭い semai narrow, small
132 赤い akai red
133 着る kiru wear, put on
134 笑う warau laugh, smile
135 一番 ichiban most, best
136 授業 jugyou class session, lecture
137 shuu week
138 漢字 kanji Chinese character
139 自転車 jitensha bicycle
140 電車 densha train
141 探す sagasu search for, look for
142 kami paper
143 歌う utau sing
144 遅い osoi slow, late
145 kubi neck
146 速い hayai fast
147 一緒に issho ni together, at the same time
148 今月 kongetsu this month
149 遊ぶ asobu play
150 遠い tooi far, distant
151 弱い yowai weak
152 mimi ear
153 座る suwaru sit, sit down
154 migi right
155 浴びる abiru take (a shower)
156 kata shoulder
157 寝る neru lie down and sleep, go to sleep
158 消す kesu switch off, turn off
159 元気 genki healthy, energetic
160 全部 zenbu all, whole
161 去年 kyonen last year (colloquial)
162 引く hiku draw, pull
163 図書館 toshokan library
164 上げる ageru raise, lift
165 midori green
166 ude arm
167 ドア doa door (loan word)
168 女の子 onna no ko little girl
169 男の子 otoko no ko boy
170 私たち watashitachi we (colloquial)
171 近く chikaku near, close to
172 やる yaru do, give
173 かなり kanari fairly, rather
174 kuni country
175 起こる okoru happen
176 aki autumn, fall
177 送る okuru send
178 死ぬ shinu die
179 気持ち kimochi feeling, sensation
180 乗る noru ride, take
181 いる iru be present, stay
182 ki tree, wood
183 開ける akeru open, unlock (doors, windows, etc.)
184 閉める shimeru shut, close (doors, windows, etc.)
185 続く tsuzuku continue, follow
186 お医者さん oishasan doctor (polite)
187 en Japanese yen
188 ここ koko here
189 待つ matsu wait, wait for
190 低い hikui low, short
191 もらう morau receive
192 食べる taberu eat
193 ani (one’s own) older brother
194 名前 namae name
195 otto husband
196 ichi one
197 結婚 kekkon marriage
198 oya parent
199 話す hanasu speak, talk
200 少し sukoshi a bit, a little while
201 閉じる tojiru shut, close (books, eyes, etc.)
202 toki time, moment
203 kome rice (grain)
204 切る kiru cut
205 楽しい tanoshii fun, enjoyable
206 fuku clothes (colloquial)
207 後ろ ushiro back, behind
208 嬉しい ureshii happy, glad
209 koshi waist, lower back
210 日曜日 nichiyoubi Sunday
211 hiru daytime, midday
212 お母さん okaasan mother (colloquial)
213 大学生 daigakusei university student
214 終わり owari end, conclusion
215 se height, stature
216 手伝う tetsudau help, assist
217 hana nose
218 起きる okiru occur, happen, wake up, get up
219 載せる noseru place, put on
220 悲しい kanashii sad
221 しゃべる shaberu chat, talk
222 近く chikaku in the near future, before long
223 甘い amai sweet
224 テーブル te-buru table
225 食べ物 tabemono food (colloquial)
226 始まる hajimaru begin
227 ゲーム ge-mu game
228 juu ten
229 天気 tenki weather
230 暑い atsui hot (of weather)
231 太い futoi thick, fat
232 ban evening, night (from sunset to bedtime)
233 土曜日 doyoubi Saturday
234 痛い itai sore, painful
235 お父さん otousan father, dad (colloquial)
236 多分 tabun probably, perhaps
237 時計 tokei clock, watch
238 泊まる tomaru stay overnight
239 どうして doushite how come
240 掛ける kakeru hang, put on
241 曲がる magaru make a turn, turn
242 お腹 onaka stomach, belly
243 ミーティング mi-tingu meeting
244 嫌い kirai dislike (habitual)
245 金曜日 kinyoubi Friday
246 要る iru need, require
247 無い nai to not be
248 風邪 kaze cold (illness)
249 黄色い kiiroi yellow
250 優しい yasashii gentle, kind
251 晴れる hareru be sunny, clear up
252 汚い kitanai dirty
253 茶色 chairo brown
254 空く suku be empty, become less crowded
255 上る noboru go up, climb
256 ご飯 gohan meal, cooked rice
257 nichi counter for days
258 髪の毛 kaminoke hair, each single hair
259 つける tsukeru switch on, turn on
260 月曜日 getsuyoubi Monday
261 入る hairu enter
262 カタカナ katakana katakana
263 今週 konshuu this week
264 開く hiraku open (books, eyes, etc.)
265 mizu water
266 あれ are that (over there)
267 ni two
268 締める shimeru tighten, fasten
269 まずい mazui bad (taste), distasteful
270 平仮名 hiragana hiragana
271 曇る kumoru become cloudy
272 触る sawaru touch, feel
273 駄目 dame no good
274 飲み物 nomimono beverage, drink
275 木曜日 mokuyoubi Thursday
276 曜日 youbi day of the week
277 そば soba side, vicinity
278 こっち kocchi here, this way (casual)
279 火曜日 kayoubi Tuesday
280 渇く kawaku be thirsty
281 san three
282 水曜日 suiyoubi Wednesday
283 二つ futatsu two (things)
284 今晩 konban this evening, tonight
285 sen thousand
286 六日 muika six days, sixth of the month
287 お姉さん onesan older sister
288 直る naoru be repaired, get fixed
289 ちょっと chotto just a moment, just a little
290 yon four (Japanese origin)
291 これから korekara from now on, after this
292 考える kangaeru think, consider
293 戻る modoru return to a point of departure
294 変える kaeru change (something), alter
295 asa morning
296 ha tooth
297 頑張る ganbaru work hard, do one’s best
298 携帯電話 keitaidenwa cellular phone
299 ame rain
300 kane money (colloquial)
301 易しい yasashii easy, simple (colloquial)
302 お兄さん oniisan older brother
303 大きい ooki big
304 小さい chiisai small
305 辛い karai spicy, hot
306 hachi eight
307 あそこ asoko over there
308 来る kuru come
309 mae front, before
310 五日 itsuka five days, fifth of the month
311 いっぱい ippai full
312 酸っぱい suppai sour
313 違う chigau differ, be wrong
314 細い hosoi thin, slender
315 三つ mittsu three (things)
316 八日 youka eight days, eighth of the month
317 高校生 koukousei high school student
318 上手 jouzu good, skilled
319 強い tsuyoi strong
320 nana seven (Japanese origin)
321 二十日 hatsuka 20 days, 20th of the month
322 hidari left
323 二日 futsuka two days, second of the month
324 四つ yottsu four (things)
325 暖かい atatakai warm
326 ある aru exist, there is
327 いい ii good (informal/spoken form)
328 ue up, above
329 eki train station
330 美味しい oishii tasty
331 昨日 kinou yesterday (colloquial)
332 綺麗 kirei pretty, clean
333 go five
334 九つ kokonotsu nine (things)
335 お願い onegai favor
336 答える kotaeru give an answer
337 saki ahead, first
338 寒い samui cold (temperature of the air)
339 shi four (Chinese origin)
340 三日 mikka three days, third of the month
341 shita under, below
342 大丈夫 daijoubu all right, OK
343 大人 otona adult
344 出す dasu take out
345 chichi (speaker’s) father
346 haha (speaker’s) mother
347 tsuki moon
348 imouto younger sister
349 冷たい tsumetai cold (to touch)
350 otouto younger brother
351 te hand
352 十日 tooka ten days, tenth of the month
353 kuchi mouth
354 natsu summer
355 七つ nanatsu seven (things)
356 時々 tokidoki sometimes
357 nani what
358 hito person
359 一人 hitori one person
360 一日 tsuitachi first of the month
361 九日 kokonoka nine days, ninth of the month
362 hou direction, side
363 hoka other (Japanese origin)
364 boku I, me (usually used by young males)
365 欲しい hoshii want, desire (of the speaker)
366 man ten thousand
367 見える mieru be visible, can see
368 michi street, way
369 五つ itsutsu five (things)
370 me eye
371 八つ yattsu eight (things)
372 止める tomeru stop (a car…). 止める (yameru) give up
373 四日 yokka four days, fourth of the month
374 yoru night (from sunset to sunrise)
375 来年 rainen next year
376 roku six
377 悪い warui bad
378 お手洗い otearai toilet, bathroom
379 ご主人 goshujin (someone else’s) husband
380 本当に hontouni really, truly
381 自分 jibun self, oneself
382 ため tame sake, purpose
383 見つかる mitsukaru be found, be caught
384 休む yasumu take a rest, take a break
385 ゆっくり yukkuri slowly
386 六つ muttsu six (things)
387 hana flower
388 動く ugoku move
389 sen line
390 七日 nanoka seven days, seventh of the month
391 以外 igai except for
392 otoko man, male
393 kare he, one’s boyfriend
394 onna woman
395 tsuma woman
396 hyaku hundred
397 atari vicinity
398 mise shop, store
399 閉まる shimaru be shut, be closed
400 問題 mondai problem, question
401 必要 hitsuyou need, necessary
402 もつ motsu last long, be durable
403 開く hiraku open
404 昨年 sakunen last year (formal, often used in writing)
405 治る naoru be cured, get well
406 ドル doru dollar
407 システム shisutemu system (loan word)
408 以上 ijou more than, not less than
409 最近 saikin recent, latest
410 世界 sekai world
411 コンピューター konpyu-ta- computer
412 やる yaru give (to an inferior)
413 意味 imi meaning, sense
414 増える fueru increase, accrue
415 選ぶ erabu choose, elect
416 生活 seikatsu life, living
417 進める susumeru go ahead, proceed
418 続ける tsuzukeru continue, keep up
419 ほとんど hotondo almost, hardly
420 会社 kaisha company, corporation
421 ie house, dwelling
422 多く ooku much, largely
423 hanashi talk, story
424 上がる agaru go up, rise (physical movement)
425 もう mou another, again
426 集める atsumeru collect, gather
427 koe voice, sound
428 初めて hajimete for the first time
429 変わる kawaru change, turn into
430 まず mazu first of all, to begin with
431 社会 shakai society
432 プログラム puroguramu program booklet
433 chikara strength, power
434 今回 konkai this time
435 予定 yotei schedule, plan
436 まま mama as is, still (in the current state)
437 テレビ terebi television
438 減る heru decrease, diminish
439 消える kieru be extinguished, disappear
440 家族 kazoku family, household
441 比べる kuraberu compare, contrast
442 生まれる umareru be born, come into existence
443 ただ tada free
444 これら korera these
445 調べる shiraberu investigate, check
446 事故 jiko accident, trouble
447 電話 denwa telephone, phone call
448 外国 gaikoku foreign country
449 銀行 ginkou bank
450 十分 juubun enough, plentiful
451 あまり amari (not) much
452 写真 shashin photograph
453 繰り返す kurikaesu repeat
454 種類 shurui kind, type
455 意見 iken opinion
456 新聞 shinbun newspaper
457 文章 bunshou sentence, writing
458 目立つ medatsu stand out, be conspicuous
459 相手 aite opponent, the other party
460 病院 byouin hospital
461 厚い atsui thick, bulky
462 忙しい isogashii busy, occupied
463 薄い usui thin, weak
464 kawa river, stream
465 暗い kurai dark, gloomy
466 クラス kurasu class (in school)
467 黒い kuroi black, dark
468 バス basu bus
469 青い aoi blue
470 買い物 kaimono shopping, purchase
471 kusuri drug, medicine
472 砂糖 satou sugar
473 休み yasumi holiday, break
474 郵便局 yuubinkyoku post office
475 住所 juusho address
476 こちら kochira here, this way (polite)
477 財布 saifu purse, wallet
478 パスポート pasupo-to passport
479 椅子 isu chair
480 可愛い kawaii cute, sweet
481 お祖父さん ojiisan grandfather (colloquial)
482 切手 kitte postage stamp
483 涼しい suzushii cool (of temperature)
484 いくつ ikutsu how many, how old
485 メニュー menyu- menu
486 電気 denki electricity, electric light
487 勝つ katsu win
488 負ける makeru lose
489 建てる tateru build, erect
490 日記 nikki diary
491 売り切れ urikire sell out
492 お巡りさん omawarisan police officer (colloquial)
493 目覚まし時計 mezamashitokei alarm clock
494 レシート reshi-to receipt (loan word)
495 ティッシュ tisshu tissue
496 歯ブラシ haburashi toothbrush
497 下りる oriru go down, come down
498 洗う arau wash
499 パート pa-to part-time
500 氏名 shimei full name
501 今夜 konya tonight, this evening
502 夜中 yonaka midnight
503 来週 raishuu next week
504 誰か dareka someone
505 nan what. それはなんですか. What is that?
506 今朝 kesa this morning
507 寿司 sushi sushi
508 履く haku put on (shoes), wear (pants, skirt)
509 おじさん ojisan uncle
510 おばさん obasan aunt
511 お祖母さん obaasan grandmother (colloquial)
512 いとこ itoko cousin
513 辞書 jisho dictionary (category)
514 朝ご飯 asagohan breakfast
515 shiro white
516 どっち docchi which (casual)
517 そっち socchi there (casual)
518 明日 ashita tomorrow (colloquial)
519 明後日 myougonichi/asatte day after tomorrow (colloquial)
520 一昨日 ototoi the day before yesterday (colloquial)
521 niwa garden, yard
522 左側 hidarigawa left side
523 右側 migigawa right side
524 yubi finger, toe
525 眼鏡 megane glasses
526 kaban bag, handbag
527 あっち acchi other side, over there (casual)
528 大人しい otonashii gentle, quiet
529 下手 heta not good at
530 厳しい kibishii strict, severe
531 一人で hitoride by oneself, alone
532 答え kotae answer, solution
533 この頃 konogoro these days, recently
534 残念 zannen regretful, disappointing
535 仕舞う shimau put away, put in
536 心配 shinpai anxiety, worry
537 soto outside, open air
538 大切 taisetsu important, valuable
539 ちょうど choudo just, exactly
540 助ける tasukeru help, save
541 勤める tsutomeru serve, hold a job
542 連れていく tsureteiku take along, bring along (a person)
543 丈夫 joubu healthy, sturdy
544 賑やか nigiyaka lively, exciting
545 眠い nemui sleepy
546 yama mountain
547 hashi bridge
548 止まる tomaru come to a stop, cease
549 降る furu fall, come down (rain, snow, etc.)
550 本当 hontou reality, genuine
551 machi town, city
552 お菓子 okashi sweets, snacks
553 緩い yurui slack, loose
554 良い yoi good (formal/written form)
555 ようこそ youkoso welcome (greeting)
556 お土産 omiyage souvenir (polite)
557 両親 ryoushin parents
558 ウェーター we-ta- waiter
559 ウェートレス we-toresu waitress
560 絶対に zettaini absolutely, definitely
561 ごちそう gochisou feast, treat
562 フォーク fo-ku fork
563 スプーン supu-n spoon
564 bin bottle
565 つく tsuku be on, be switched on
566 醤油 shouyu soy sauce
567 茶碗 chawan rice bowl
568 決める kimeru decide, agree upon
569 感じる kanjiru feel, sense
570 生きる ikiru live (one’s life)
571 動かす ugokasu move (something)
572 壊れる kowareru break, break down
573 復習 fukushuu review
574 mayu eyebrow
575 kyaku visitor, customer
576 tsukue desk
577 風呂 furo bath
578 yu hot water
579 ぬるい nurui tepid, lukewarm
580 風邪薬 kazegusuri cold medicine
581 靴下 kutsushita socks
582 タバコ tabako tobacco, cigarette
583 アイスコーヒー aisuko-hi- iced coffee
584 天ぷら tempura Japanese deep-fried food
585 niku flesh, meat
586 昨夜 sakuya last night, last evening (colloquial)
587 流行る hayaru be in fashion, be popular
588 連れて来る tsuretekuru bring (a person)
589 kata person (polite form)
590 rei zero
591 kumo cloud
592 sora sky
593 人気 ninki popularity
594 兄さん niisan (one’s own) older brother (polite)
595 姉さん neesan (one’s own) older sister (polite)
596 平成 heisei Heisei era
597 毎月 maitsuki every month
598 半日 hannichi half a day
599 半月 hantsuki half a month
600 なるほど naruhodo I see, really
601 つまり tsumari in short, that is to say
602 そのまま sonomama as it is, just like that
603 はっきり hakkiri clearly
604 大変 taihen awful, hard
605 簡単 kantan simple, easy
606 似ている niteiru look like, resemble
607 驚く odoroku be surprised, be startled
608 iya/ kira-i dislike (situational)
609 喧嘩 kenka fight, argument
610 遅れる okureru be late
611 にんじん ninjin carrot
612 ジャガイモ jagaimo potato
613 ナス nasu eggplant
614 やかん yakan kettle
615 話し合う hanashiau discuss, talk over
616 残す nokosu leave, leave undone
617 ごちそうする gochisousuru treat, host (a meal)
618 合う au fit, match
619 当たる ataru (go straight and) hit, strike
620 集まる atsumaru gather, be collected
621 場所 basho place, space
622 umi sea, ocean
623 少年 shounen boy (between 7 and 18 years old)
624 mago grandchild
625 生徒 seito pupil, student
626 高校 koukou high school (for short)
627 年上 toshiue older, senior
628 卒業 sotsugyou graduation
629 運動 undou movement, exercise
630 選手 senshu athlete, (sports) player
631 映画 eiga movie
632 英語 eigo English
633 手紙 tegami letter
634 動物 doubutsu animal
635 oto sound, noise
636 海外 kaigai overseas, abroad
637 外国人 gaikokujin foreigner
638 帰国 kikoku return to one’s country
639 彼ら karera they
640 機械 kikai machine
641 基本 kihon basics
642 今度 kondo this time, next time
643 最後 saigo last
644 最初 saisho first, outset
645 準備 junbi preparation, arrangement
646 進む susumu advance, move forward
647 直接 chokusetsu directly
648 特に tokuni specially, particularly
649 届く todoku reach, be received
650 なぜ naze why
651 並ぶ narabu line up, be parallel
652 運ぶ hakobu carry, transport
653 直す naosu repair, fix
654 反対 hantai oppose, object
655 場合 baai situation, case
656 詳しい kuwashii detailed
657 いたずら itazura mischief, prank
658 お祝い oiwai celebrate
659 くし kushi comb
660 こぼれる koboreru spill, overflow
661 伝える tsutaeru convey, transmit
662 hiza knee
663 hiji elbow
664 makura pillow
665 建物 tatemono building, structure
666 道路 douro road
667 四つ角 yotsukado intersection
668 曲がり角 magarikado corner (to turn)
669 警察 keisatsu police
670 空気 kuuki air, atmosphere
671 スポーツ supo-tsu sport
672 チャンス chansu chance
673 クリーニング kuri-ningu dry cleaning
674 サービス sa-bisu service, on the house
675 グループ guru-pu group
676 自宅 jitaku one’s house, one’s home
677 家庭 katei home, family
678 期間 kikan term, period
679 年度 nendo year, school year
680 経験 keiken experience, knowledge
681 安全 anzen safety, security
682 危険 kiken danger, dangerous
683 注意 chuui attention, care
684 成功 seikou success
685 努力 doryoku endeavor, effort
686 説明 setsumei explanation, description
687 地震 jishin earthquake
688 手術 shujutsu surgical operation
689 火傷 yakedo burn
690 課題 kadai task, assignment
691 ko young child, kid
692 確認 kakunin confirmation
693 実際 jissai reality, actual state
694 国際 kokusai international (used in compound nouns)
695 会議 kaigi conference, meeting
696 提案 teian proposition, proposal
697 事務所 jimusho office, one’s place of business
698 教授 kyouju professor
699 世紀 seiki century
700 あちこち achikochi all over, here and there
701 そちら sochira there, that way (polite)
702 あちら achira over there, that way (polite)
703 もし moshi if, in case of
704 うるさい urusai noisy, annoying
705 固い katai stiff, tight
706 深い fukai deep, profound
707 面白い omoshiroi interesting, amusing
708 全く mattaku entirely, truly
709 半分 hanbun half
710 普通 futsuu normal, regular
711 bun amount, share
712 文化 bunka culture
713 毎日 mainichi every day
714 気を付ける kiwotsukeru be careful about, pay attention to
715 守る mamoru protect, observe
716 もちろん mochiron of course
717 やはり yahari as expected
718 いくら ikura how much (money)
719 よろしく yoroshiku one’s regards
720 どなた donata who (polite)
721 許す yurusu permit, forgive
722 分ける wakeru divide, share
723 自然 shizen nature
724 アパート apa-to apartment, flat
725 ホテル hoteru hotel
726 パソコン pasokon personal computer
727 うまい umai good at
728 明るい akarui bright, cheerful
729 急ぐ isogu hurry, do quickly
730 uta song
731 中学校 chuugakkou junior high school
732 テスト tesuto test
733 ポスト posuto postbox, mailbox
734 ハンカチ hankachi handkerchief
735 kami hair, hairstyle
736 帽子 boushi hat, cap
737 被る kaburu wear, put on (on one’s head)
738 ブラウス burausu blouse
739 週末 shuumatsu weekend
740 先週 senshuu last week
741 再来週 saraishuu the week after next
742 いつか itsuka some time, some day
743 宿題 shukudai homework
744 kagi key, lock
745 kasa umbrella, parasol
746 乗り換える norikaeru change, transfer
747 向かう mukau face, head toward
748 本屋 honya bookstore (colloquial)
749 お茶 ocha tea (polite)
750 改札口 kaisatsuguchi ticket gate
751 晴れ hare fine weather, clear sky
752 バス停 basutei bus stop
753 曇り kumori cloudy weather
754 shio salt
755 たくさん takusan a lot, in large quantity
756 大嫌い daikirai hate
757 naka inside, middle
758 二階 nikai second floor, upstairs
759 無くす nakusu lose, get rid of
760 まあまあ maamaa OK, not bad
761 黄色 kiiro yellow color
762 ランチ ranchi lunch (loan word)
763 sakana fish
764 aji taste, flavor
765 りんご ringo apple
766 みかん mikan tangerine
767 sara plate, counter (for plates or helpings)
768 コーヒー ko-hi- coffee
769 コップ koppu cup, glass
770 二人 futari two persons
771 止む yamu stop, cease
772 kyuu nine
773 昼間 hiruma daytime, during the day
774 いつ頃 itsugoro about when, about what time
775 ji (individual) character, letter
776 nana seven (Chinese origin)
777 お釣り otsuri change (of money)
778 名字 myouji surname, family name
779 おじ oji (one’s own) uncle
780 おば oba (one’s own) aunt
781 祖父 sofu grandfather (formal)
782 祖母 sobo grandmother (formal)
783 大事 daiji importance
784 見方 mikata view, perspective
785 tori bird, poultry
786 inu dog
787 返事 henji reply, answer, response
788 また mata again, also, or
789 年間 nenkan period of one year
790 ao blue, green
791 aka red color
792 信号 shingou signal, traffic light
793 en circle
794 非常に hijouni very, extremely
795 複雑 fukuzatsu complicated, intricate
796 平和 heiwa peace, harmony
797 回る mawaru turn round, go around
798 若者 wakamono young person, youth
799 yuki snow, snowfall
800 うまい umai sweet, delicious
801 思い出す omoidasu recollect, recall
802 聞こえる kikoeru hear, be heard
803 借りる kariru borrow
804 返す kaesu return, repay
805 受け取る uketoru receive, get
806 捨てる suteru discard, abandon
807 一緒 issho together, same (colloquial)
808 遊び asobi play, amusement
809 移す utsusu move, transfer
810 大きさ ookisa size, dimension
811 考え kangae thought, idea
812 空港 kuukou airport (for public transportation)
813 出発 shuppatsu departure, starting
814 地図 chizu map, atlas
815 運転 unten drive
816 降りる oriru get off, land
817 ガス gasu gas (loan word)
818 必ず kanarazu without exception, always
819 カメラ kamera camera
820 通う kayou go to and from, frequent a place
821 急に kyuuni suddenly, unexpectedly
822 サラリーマン sarari-man office worker, company employee
823 給料 kyuuryou salary, pay
824 kyoku piece of music
825 切れる kireru cut well, be sharp
826 正しい tadashii correct, righteous
827 苦しい kurushii painful, agonizing
828 細かい komakai minute, fine
829 静か shizuka quiet, tranquil
830 健康 kenkou health
831 ゴルフ gorufu golf
832 コース ko-su course, route
833 頼む tanomu order, ask for
834 困る komaru be in trouble, not know what to do
835 ずっと zutto all the time, all through
836 例えば tatoeba for example
837 つもり tsumori intention, purpose
838 しばらく shibaraku a little while, a while
839 紹介 shoukai introduction
840 小学校 shougakkou elementary school
841 公園 kouen park, public garden
842 中学 chuugaku junior high
843 成績 seiseki results, grade
844 教科書 kyoukasho textbook, schoolbook
845 seki seat, one’s place
846 教室 kyoushitsu classroom, class
847 教師 kyoushi teacher, instructor
848 試験 shiken exam
849 合格 goukaku pass an examination
850 数学 suugaku mathematics
851 数字 suuji numeric characters
852 音楽 ongaku music
853 食事 shokuji meal
854 kabe wall, partition
855 信じる shinjiru believe, trust
856 育てる sodateru bring up, raise
857 倒れる taoreru fall over
858 落とす otosu drop
859 代わる kawaru substitute, be substituted for
860 タクシー takushi- taxi
861 確か tashika for sure, for certain
862 立てる tateru stand, set up
863 中学生 chuugakusei junior high school student
864 売れる ureru sell, be in demand
865 着く tsuku arrive at, reach
866 決まる kimaru be decided
867 飾る kazaru decorate
868 殺す korosu kill
869 下げる sageru lower, turn down
870 贈る okuru offer, give
871 訪ねる tazuneru visit, go to see
872 打つ utsu hit, strike
873 相談 soudan consultation, advice
874 玄関 genkan entrance, door
875 兄弟 kyoudai sibling
876 長男 chounan eldest son
877 高さ takasa height
878 you things to do
879 時代 jidai age, era
880 位置 ichi position, location
881 季節 kisetsu season
882 ana hole
883 ura the back, the reverse side
884 shima island (Japanese origin)
885 海岸 kaigan seashore, coast
886 ガラス garasu glass (material)
887 自然 shizen natural
888 kaze wind
889 科学 kagaku science
890 太陽 taiyou sun
891 台風 taifuu typhoon
892 kita north
893 uma horse
894 牛肉 gyuuniku beef
895 雑誌 zasshi magazine, journal
896 小説 shousetsu novel
897 大使館 taishikan embassy
898 故障 koshou malfunction, breakdown
899 温度 ondo temperature
900 何か nanika something, some
901 向こう mukou over there, on the other side
902 真ん中 mannaka center, middle (casual)
903 遠く tooku far away, at a distance
904 yoko side, width across
905 つまらない tsumaranai boring, dull
906 素晴らしい subarashii excellent, wonderful
907 毎年 maitoshi/ mainen every year (colloquial)
908 来月 raigetsu next month
909 日時 nichiji date and time
910 夕方 yuugata early evening, at dusk
911 通る tooru pass, go through
912 自動車 jidousha automobile
913 慣れる nareru grow accustomed to, get used to
914 撮る toru take (a photograph), film
915 やっと yatto at last, finally
916 どんどん dondon knock, bang
917 並べる naraberu line up, arrange
918 逃げる nigeru escape, run away
919 渡す watasu hand over, give
920 値段 nedan price
921 両方 ryouhou both
922 約束 yakusoku promise, vow
923 一部 ichibu part
924 ラジオ rajio radio
925 入院 nyuuin be hospitalized
926 ニュース nyu-su news
927 旅行 ryokou travel, trip
928 用意 youi preparation
929 伸びる nobiru stretch, grow
930 パーティー pa-ti- party
931 ビール bi-ru beer
932 早く hayaku early, soon
933 番組 bangumi program
934 ビデオ bideo video
935 増やす fuyasu increase
936 振る furu wave, shake
937 迎える mukaeru welcome, receive (a visitor)
938 無理 muri unreasonable, impossible
939 珍しい mezurashii rare, scarce
940 有名 yuumei famous
941 喜ぶ yorokobu be happy, be delighted
942 留学 ryuugaku study abroad
943 料理 ryouri cooking
944 野菜 yasai vegetable
945 分かれる wakareru be divided, split off
946 特別 tokubetsu special
947 理由 riyuu reason, excuse
948 自由 jiyuu freedom
949 方向 houkou direction, course
950 残る nokoru remain, be left over
951 ビル biru building
952 まとめる matomeru gather together, put in order
953 流れる nagareru flow, run
954 セーター se-ta- sweater
955 シャツ shatsu shirt
956 洗濯 sentaku laundry, washing
957 間違える machigaeru make a mistake, fail at
958 アイスクリーム aisukuri-mu ice cream
959 乾く kawaku become dry
960 冷める sameru cool off
961 色々 iroiro a variety of
962 持って行く motteiku take, bring
963 着替える kigaeru change clothes
964 石鹸 sekken soap
965 野球 yakyuu baseball
966 昼食 chyuushoku lunch
967 朝食 choushoku breakfast
968 眠る nemuru sleep, lie idle
969 初め hajime beginning
970 hi fire, flame
971 西 nishi west, western
972 higashi east, eastern
973 minami south
974 夕食 yuushoku supper, dinner
975 なかなか nakanaka rather, pretty
976 励ます hagemasu encourage, cheer up
977 namida tear
978 yume dream
979 職場 shokuba place of work, office
980 tonari next to, next door
981 マンション manshon apartment, residential building
982 エレベーター erebe-ta- elevator
983 mado window
984 押す osu push, press down
985 入学 nyuugaku enter a school, matriculate
986 to door, sliding door
987 通り toori street, road
988 亡くなる nakunaru die, pass away
989 夫婦 fuufu husband and wife, married couple
990 女性 josei woman, female (formal)
991 mori forest
992 トラック torakku truck
993 レコード reko-do record
994 netsu heat, fever
995 ページ pe-ji page
996 踊る odoru dance
997 長さ nagasa length
998 厚さ atsusa thickness
999 秘密 himitsu secret, privacy
1000 凄い sugoi great, incredible
1001 親切 shinsetsu kind, kindhearted
1002 絶対 zettai absolutely, never
1003 先月 sengetsu last month
1004 一昨年 ototoshi the year before last (colloquial)
1005 冬休み fuyuyasumi winter vacation
1006 夏休み natsuyasumi summer vacation
1007 休日 kyuujitsu day off, holiday
1008 正月 shougatsu New Year, January
1009 思い出 omoide memory
1010 たまに tamani occasionally, by chance
1011 おかしい okashii strange, peculiar
1012 浅い asai shallow, superficial
1013 kimi you (referring to fellows or subordinates)
1014 奥さん okusan (somone else’s) wife, married woman
1015 赤ちゃん akachan baby (colloquial)
1016 小学生 shougakusei elementary school student
1017 貸す kasu lend, lease
1018 数える kazoeru count
1019 生む umu give birth, produce
1020 育つ sodatsu be brought up, grow
1021 是非 zehi by all means, please
1022 kuro black
1023 おもちゃ omocha toy, plaything
1024 kutsu shoes
1025 連絡 renraku contact, communication
1026 伝言 dengon message
1027 預ける azukeru deposit, leave (something) with (someone)
1028 下がる sagaru go down, drop
1029 泳ぐ oyogu swim
1030 アルバイト arubaito part-time job
1031 コート ko-to coat, jacket (loan word)
1032 趣味 shumi hobby, interest
1033 散歩 sanpo walk, stroll
1034 幸せ shiawase happiness, satisfied (colloquial)
1035 安心 anshin peace of mind, relief
1036 大勢 oozei large numbers, a lot of (people)
1037 医者 isha doctor (colloquial, plain)
1038 運転手 untenshu driver
1039 新幹線 shinkansen bullet train
1040 往復 oufuku round trip
1041 コピー kopi- copy, photocopy
1042 oku inner part, the back
1043 重さ omosa weight
1044 親しい shitashii intimate, familiar
1045 修理 shuuri repair, mending
1046 カード ka-do card
1047 挨拶 aisatsu greet, greeting
1048 階段 kaidan steps, flight of stairs
1049 配る kubaru hand out, distribute
1050 断る kotowaru refuse, turn down
1051 グラム guramu gram
1052 濃い koi strong, concentrated
1053 壊す kowasu break (something), destroy
1054 sakura cherry tree, cherry blossom
1055 仕方 shikata way, method
1056 e picture, painting
1057 気温 kion air temperature
1058 品物 shinamono article, goods
1059 吸う suu inhale, suck
1060 案内 annai guide, guidance
1061 スキー suki- ski, skiing
1062 金持ち kanemochi wealthy person
1063 尋ねる tazuneru inquire, ask
1064 叩く tataku tap, hit
1065 帰り kaeri return, going home
1066 tamago egg
1067 koori ice
1068 留学生 ryuugakusei student studying abroad
1069 ソフト sofuto software, program
1070 歯医者 haisha dentist
1071 蹴る keru kick
1072 敷く shiku lay, spread
1073 ひととき hitotoki some moments, a while
1074 交通事故 koutsuujiko traffic accident
1075 遭う au meet, encounter, get caught in
1076 招待 shoutai invitation
1077 咲く saku bloom, blossom
1078 二十歳 hatachi 20 years old
1079 gin silver
1080 内側 uchigawa inside, interior
1081 ike pond
1082 ishi stone, small rock
1083 ai love
1084 ka section, division
1085 大学院 daigakuin graduate school
1086 台所 daidokoro kitchen
1087 カラー kara- color (loan word)
1088 すり suri pickpocket
1089 キャンプ kyanpu camping, camp
1090 オートバイ o-tobai motorbike, motorcycle
1091 建つ tatsu be built, be erected
1092 刺す sasu sting, stab
1093 言い方 iikata way of speaking, expression
1094 沈む shizumu sink
1095 組み立てる kumitateru set up, put together
1096 恐ろしい osoroshii terrible, awful
1097 外人 gaijin foreigner, alien
1098 ushi cattle, cow
1099 食堂 shokudou cafeteria, restaurant
1100 毎年 mainen every year (formal)
1101 毎週 maishuu every week
1102 何度 nando how many times, how many degrees
1103 なかなか nakanaka not easily, not readily
1104 さっき sakki earlier, only a moment ago
1105 久しぶり hisashiburi after a long time
1106 便利 benri convenience
1107 迷惑 meiwaku trouble, annoyance
1108 そんなに sonnani so much
1109 びっくりする bikkurisuru be surprised, be startled (casual)
1110 足りる tariru suffice, be enough
1111 疲れる tsukareru get tired, become fatigued
1112 ひどい hidoi cruel, awful
1113 全然 zenzen (not ) at all
1114 neko cat
1115 デパート depa-to department store (loan word)
1116 トイレ toire toilet
1117 地下鉄 chikatetsu subway
1118 駐車場 chuushajou parking area, parking lot
1119 ぶつかる butsukaru hit, bump into
1120 運賃 unchin (passenger) fare
1121 通学 tsuugaku commuting to school
1122 見送る miokuru see (someone) off
1123 泣く naku cry, weep
1124 レストラン resutoran restaurant
1125 メモ memo memo, note
1126 予約 yoyaku reservation, appointment
1127 番号 bangou assigned number
1128 注文 chuumon order
1129 パン pan bread
1130 ワイン wain wine
1131 材料 zairyou material, ingredient
1132 豚肉 butaniku pork
1133 焼く yaku bake, grill
1134 匂い nioi (pleasant) smell, odor
1135 付ける tsukeru attach, apply, put
1136 痩せる yaseru lose weight, become thin
1137 届ける todokeru deliver
1138 間に合う maniau be in time, suffice
1139 向く muku turn, face
1140 強さ tsuyosa strength
1141 得意 tokui one’s specialty, be good at
1142 塗る nuru spread on, paint
1143 投げる nageru throw
1144 習う narau learn, take lessons
1145 注目 chuumoku attention, notice
1146 未来 mirai future
1147 hako box, case
1148 右手 migite right hand
1149 左手 hidarite left hand
1150 プール pu-ru pool
1151 ピアノ piano piano
1152 光る hikaru shine, emit light, sparkle
1153 踏む fumu step on, tread on
1154 別々 betsubetsu separately
1155 ボール bo-ru ball
1156 握る nigiru grasp, grip, hold
1157 真っ赤 makka deep red
1158 拾う hirou pick up
1159 回す mawasu turn, rotate (something)
1160 ノート no-to notebook (loan word)
1161 辞める yameru resign, leave (one’s job), quit
1162 揺れる yureru shake, sway
1163 立派 rippa fine, elegant
1164 練習 renshuu practice, training
1165 割る waru divide, split
1166 部分 bubun part, section
1167 拭く fuku wipe, dry
1168 招く maneku invite
1169 kyuu urgent, steep
1170 汚れる yogoreru become dirty
1171 渡る wataru cross, go across
1172 途中 tochuu on the way, half way
1173 インタビュー intabyu- interview (loan word)
1174 盗む nusumu steal, rob
1175 普段 fudan usual, ordinary
1176 旅館 ryokan Japanese inn
1177 博物館 hakubutsukan museum
1178 ホーム ho-mu platform (for short)
1179 引っ越す hikkosu move, relocate
1180 荷物 nimotsu baggage, load
1181 家賃 yachin rent
1182 計画 keikaku plan
1183 廊下 rouka hallway, corridor
1184 天井 tenjou ceiling
1185 ベッド beddo bed
1186 ソファー sofa- sofa, couch
1187 屋根 yane roof
1188 祭り matsuri festival
1189 離婚 rikon divorce
1190 ha leaf
1191 ボート bo-to light boat, small craft
1192 燃える moeru burn, catch on fire
1193 巻く maku roll up, wrap
1194 プラスチック purasuchikku plastic
1195 訪れる otozureru go and visit (place)
1196 破る yaburu tear, breach
1197 関係 kankei relation, relationship
1198 録音 rokuon (sound) recording
1199 不幸 fukou unhappiness, misfortune
1200 外国語 gaikokugo language
1201 着物 kimono traditional Japanese clothes
1202 牛乳 gyuunyuu milk
1203 救急車 kyuukyuusha ambulance
1204 果物 kudamono fruit
1205 間違い machigai mistake, error
1206 映画館 eigakan movie theater
1207 怖い kowai scary, be afraid
1208 kagami mirror
1209 kusa grass, weed
1210 敬語 keigo polite speech
1211 欠席 kesseki absence
1212 スイッチ suicchi switch
1213 掃除 souji cleaning
1214 tatami straw mat
1215 速さ hayasa speed
1216 hayashi woods, forest
1217 プレゼント purezento present (loan word)
1218 弁当 bentou boxed lunch
1219 いつでも itsudemo at all times, any time
1220 寂しい sabishii lonely, desolate, sad
1221 少しも sukoshimo (not) in the least
1222 尊敬 sonkei respect, esteem
1223 テニス tenisu tennis
1224 広さ hirosa area, extent
1225 読み yomi reading
1226 我慢 gaman patience, endurance
1227 国籍 kokuseki nationality, citizenship
1228 恥ずかしい hazukashii embarrassed, ashamed
1229 ボタン botan button
1230 洋服 youfuku (western-style) clothes
1231 abura oil
1232 おかしい okashii funny, comical
1233 余る amaru remain, be in excess
1234 コート ko-to sports court
1235 正直 shoujiki honest, upright
1236 ドラマ dorama drama
1237 ビザ biza visa
1238 水道 suidou tap water
1239 店員 tenin clerk, salesperson
1240 電池 denchi battery
1241 ポケット poketto pocket
1242 握手 akushu handshake
1243 そろそろ sorosoro soon, it’s about time
1244 ぶどう budou grapes
1245 迷う mayou get lost
1246 見物 kenbutsu sightseeing, visit
1247 知らせる shiraseru let know, inform
1248 神社 jinja Shinto shrine
1249 注射 chuusha injection, shot
1250 めったに mettani rarely, seldom
1251 作文 sakubun composition, essay
1252 鳴る naru sound, ring
1253 真面目 majime serious and sincere
1254 申し込む moushikomu apply, sign up
1255 冷蔵庫 reizouko refrigerator
1256 気に入る kiniiru like, be pleased with
1257 クリスマス kurisumasu Christmas
1258 ネクタイ nekutai tie, necktie
1259 誕生日 tanjoubi birthday
1260 独身 dokushin single, unmarried
1261 苦い nigai bitter
1262 バイオリン baiorin violin
1263 バッグ baggu bag
1264 今まで imamade until now
1265 切符 kippu ticket
1266 ゴム gomu elastic, rubber
1267 少々 shoushou a little, a bit
1268 随分 zuibun extremely, considerably
1269 引っ張る hipparu pull, drag
1270 焼ける yakeru burn, cook
1271 鉛筆 enpitsu pencil
1272 会話 kaiwa conversation
1273 ギター gita- guitar
1274 cha tea
1275 暑さ atsusa heat (of weather)
1276 i stomach
1277 禁煙 kinen non-smoking
1278 丸い marui round
1279 写る utsuru be photographed
1280 喫茶店 kissaten coffee shop, café
1281 やっぱり yappari just as I thought, after all
1282 週刊誌 shuukanshi weekly magazine
1283 tana shelf, rack
1284 震える furueru tremble, shake
1285 磨く migaku polish, grind
1286 カーテン ka-ten curtain
1287 火事 kaji fire, blaze
1288 ナイフ naifu knife
1289 皆さん minasan everybody, everyone (polite)
1290 受ける ukeru receive, take, undergo
1291 付く tsuku stick to, cling to
1292 watakushi I (formal)
1293 結構 kekkou quite
1294 悪口 warukuchi slander, abuse
1295 広まる hiromaru spread, get around
1296 内緒 naisho secrecy, privacy
1297 つぶる tsuburu close (eyes)
1298 用件 youken matter, things to be done
1299 ロマンチック romanchikku romantic
1300 貯金 chokin savings, deposit
1301 バイク baiku motorcycle
1302 預かる azukaru take care of, keep
1303 オレンジ orenji orange
1304 噛む kamu bite, chew
1305 きつい kitsui tight, tough
1306 越える koeru go over, go across
1307 小包 kodutsumi parcel, package
1308 新年 shinnen new year
1309 配達 haitatsu delivery
1310 動物園 doubutsuen zoo
1311 封筒 fuutou envelope
1312 危ない abunai dangerous
1313 テキスト tekisuto text, textbook
1314 ビニール bini-ru plastic, vinyl
1315 アルバム arubamu album
1316 水泳 suiei swimming
1317 混む komu be crowded, be congested
1318 スカート suka-to skirt
1319 取れる toreru come off, be removed
1320 ペン pen pen
1321 mono thing, object
1322 郵便 yuubin mail service, postal mail
1323 割れる wareru crack, split
1324 駅員 ekiin station attendant
1325 おしゃべり oshaberi talkative, chatty
1326 緑色 midoriiro green color
1327 毎朝 maiasa every morning
1328 曲げる mageru bend (something)
1329 きっと kitto surely, certainly
1330 理科 rika science (school subject)
1331 下着 shitagi underwear
1332 太る futoru grow fat, gain weight
1333 冷房 reibou air conditioning (cooling)
1334 別れる wakareru separate, part
1335 空く aku become available or vacant
1336 出掛ける dekakeru go out, leave home
1337 毎晩 maiban every evening
1338 指輪 yubiwa ring
1339 腐る kusaru rot, go bad
1340 貧乏 binbou poverty, destitution
1341 おしゃれ oshare trendy, fashionable
1342 休憩 kyuukei break
1343 shita tongue
1344 ジュース ju-su juice
1345 ゼロ zero zero, none (loan word)
1346 朝刊 choukan morning edition paper
1347 丁寧 teinei polite, careful
1348 苦手 nigate not good at, be bad at
1349 hi (specific) day, sun, daytime
1350 引っ越し hikkoshi moving (house)
1351 歩道 hodou sidewalk, pavement
1352 折れる oreru break, snap
1353 見送り miokuri send-off
1354 夕刊 yuukan evening edition paper
1355 この間 konoaida the other day, not so long ago
1356 冷える hieru cool down, get chilled
1357 ピンク pinku pink
1358 グラス gurasu glass
1359 ke hair, down
1360 黒板 kokuban blackboard
1361 積もる tsumoru pile up
1362 半年 hantoshi half a year
1363 現在 genzai the present, present time
1364 利用 riyou utilization, usage
1365 方法 houhou method, procedure
1366 中心 chuushin center (of a circle, etc.), core
1367 明らか akiraka clear, obvious
1368 社長 shachou president (of a company)
1369 ほぼ hobo almost, nearly
1370 商品 shouhin goods, commodities
1371 大型 oogata large, large scale
1372 限る kagiru be limited to
1373 記録 kiroku record, documentation
1374 具体的 gutaiteki concrete, specific
1375 効果 kouka effect, result
1376 公開 koukai opening (to the public)
1377 作品 sakuhin work of art, creation
1378 迫る semaru close in on, approach
1379 大会 taikai tournament, event
1380 背景 haikei background, backdrop
1381 文字 moji character, letter, writing
1382 規則 kisoku rule, regulation
1383 近所 kinjo neighborhood
1384 グラフ gurapu chart, graph
1385 首都 shuto capital
1386 減らす herasu reduce (something)
1387 隠れる kakureru hide
1388 美術館 bijutsukan art museum
1389 ばか baka foolish, stupid
1390 hima free time, spare time
1391 絵葉書 ehagaki picture postcard
1392 あんなに annani that much, such
1393 行き iki going, bound for
1394 通勤 tsuukin commute
1395 ちゃんと chanto correctly, properly
1396 のんびり nonbiri take it easy
1397 緊張 kinchou tension, strain
1398 気付く kiduku notice, realize
1399 物語 monogatari story, tale
1400 出口 deguchi exit
1401 登る noboru climb, go up
1402 真っ白 masshiro pure-white
1403 下ろす orosu bring down, take down
1404 貸し出す kashidasu lend, lend out
1405 サッカー sakka- soccer, football
1406 暖房 danbou heating
1407 手袋 tebukuro gloves
1408 留守 rusu not at home
1409 uso lie
1410 遠慮 enryo restraint, hold back
1411 折る oru break (something), fold (something)
1412 スープ su-pu soup
1413 バナナ banana banana
1414 可哀相 kawaisou poor, pitiful
1415 パトカー patoka- police car
1416 ハンバーガー hanba-ga- hamburger
1417 毛布 moufu blanket
1418 エスカレーター esukare-ta- escalator
1419 お嬢さん ojousan young lady, daughter
1420 手帳 techou pocket notebook
1421 タオル taoru towel
1422 売店 baiten booth, shop
1423 パチンコ pachiko pachinko (Japanese pinball)
1424 謝る ayamaru apologize
1425 ケーキ ke-ki cake
1426 天気予報 tenkiyohou weather forecast
1427 hen strange, weird
1428 一生懸命 isshoukenmei hard-working, doing one’s best
1429 間違う machigau make a mistake, be wrong
1430 事務室 jimushitsu office
1431 スーツ su-tsu suit
1432 チケット chiketto ticket (loan word)
1433 チョコレート chokore-to chocolate
1434 脱ぐ nugu take off (clothes)
1435 年賀状 nenkajou New Year’s card
1436 乗り物 norimono vehicle, transportation
1437 布団 futon Japanese-style padded mattress
1438 役に立つ yakunitatsu be useful, be helpful
1439 破れる yabureru tear, rip open
1440 用事 youji errand, business
1441 写す utsusu copy, photograph
1442 腕時計 udedokei wrist watch
1443 贈り物 okurimono present, gift
1444 チャンネル channeru channel
1445 冷やす hiyasu chill (something), cool down
1446 片付ける katazukeru put in order, clean up
1447 乾杯 kanpai toast, drink (in celebration)
1448 停車 teisha stop (of a train)
1449 鳴く naku sing, cry (of animals)
1450 ガソリンスタンド gasorinsutando gas station
1451 片道 katamichi one way (trip)
1452 交番 kouban police box
1453 大分 daibu greatly, fairly, highly
1454 デート de-to date, romantic meeting
1455 梅雨 tsuyu rainy season
1456 真っ直ぐ massugu straight
1457 レモン remon lemon
1458 上着 uwagi outerwear, coat, jacket
1459 偉い erai great, eminent
1460 書き方 kakikata how to write, way of writing
1461 炊く taku cook (rice)
1462 チーズ chi-zu cheese
1463 ドライブ doraibu drive (loan word)
1464 踏切 fumikiri railroad crossing
1465 ラケット raketto racket
1466 受付 uketsuke receptionist, information office
1467 怒る okoru get angry, scold
1468 化粧 keshou makeup
1469 都合 tsugou convenience, availability
1470 ひげ hige beard, moustache
1471 本棚 hondana bookshelf, bookcase
1472 真っ暗 makkura pitch-dark
1473 沸く waku boil, get loud (crowd applause etc.)
1474 売り切れる urikireru sell out, go out of stock
1475 押し入れ oshiire sliding-door closet
1476 kawa leather
1477 ぐっすり gussuri soundly
1478 紅茶 koucha black tea
1479 邪魔 jama disturbance, blocking
1480 ソース so-su sauce
1481 足す tasu add (things of the same kind)
1482 トマト tomato tomato
1483 バター bata- butter
1484 発車 hassha departure (of a vehicle)
1485 バレーボール bare-ho-ru volleyball
1486 おかず okazu dishes to go with the rice
1487 カレンダー karenda- calendar
1488 とにかく tonikaku in any case, anyway
1489 楽しみ tanoshimi enjoyment, something looked forward to
1490 おしゃべり oshaberi chatter, idle talk
1491 読書 dokusho reading books
1492 寒気 samuke chill
1493 夕焼け yuuyake sunset glow
1494 傷める itameru damage, hurt
1495 くすぐったい kusuguttai ticklish
1496 泥棒 dorobou thief, burglar
1497 fusuma paper sliding door
1498 美人 bijin beautiful woman
1499 タイプライター taipuraita- typewriter
1500 再来年 sarainen the year after next
1501 冗談 joudan joke
1502 近付く chikaduku approach, come close
1503 電話帳 denwachou telephone book
1504 ベル beru bell
1505 干す(ほす) hosu hang (something) out to dry
1506 金額 kingaku amount of money, sum
1507 ka mosquito
1508 悲しむ kanashimu feel sad, lament
1509 クーラー ku-ra- air conditioner (cooling)
1510 失礼 shitsurei rudeness, to excuse oneself
1511 洗濯機 sentakuki washing machine, washer
1512 豆腐 toufu tofu
1513 昼寝 hirune nap
1514 不便 fuben inconvenient
1515 ミルク miruku milk (loan word)
1516 向こう側 mukougawa other side
1517 oku hundred million
1518 お礼 orei thanks, gratitude
1519 着せる kiseru dress (someone)
1520 サラダ sarada salad
1521 代える kaeru substitute for
1522 四角 shikaku square
1523 急行 kyukou express train
1524 交差点 kousaten crossing, intersection
1525 覚める sameru awake, wake up (naturally)
1526 昼休み hiruyasumi lunch break
1527 ベルト beruto belt
1528 真っ黒 makkuro black, jet-black
1529 皆様 minasama everyone, ladies and gentlemen
1530 ラーメン ra-men ramen (Chinese noodles)
1531 ライター raita- lighter
1532 ワイシャツ waishatsu business shirt, dress shirt
1533 転ぶ korobu fall down, fall over
1534 シャワー shawa- shower
1535 扇風機 senpuuki electric fan
1536 遅刻 chikoku tardiness, lateness
1537 釣る tsuru fish, catch
1538 うどん udon Japanese wheat noodles
1539 仮名 kana kana
1540 記念日 kinenbi memorial day, anniversary
1541 下り kudari downhill, going down
1542 掲示板 keijiban notice board, bulletin board
1543 凍る kooru freeze
1544 ごみ gomi trash
1545 スーパーマーケット su-pa-ma-ketto supermarket
1546 ぶらぶら burabura wander, walk around
1547 アナウンサー anaunsa- announcer
1548 自炊 jisui cooking (for oneself)
1549 止める tomeru stop (something/someone)
1550 年下 toshishita younger, junior
1551 治す naosu cure (something)
1552 hashi chopsticks
1553 花見 hanami flower viewing
1554 引き出し hikidashi drawer
1555 yaku translation
1556 いかが ikaga how
1557 交通費 koutsuuhi traveling expense, transportation fee
1558 ステレオ sutereo stereo
1559 再会 saikai meeting again, reunion
1560 滑る suberu slide, slip
1561 早口 hayakuchi speaking fast
1562 裏返す uragaesu turn over, turn inside out
1563 kado corner, edge
1564 きらきら kirakira sparkling, glittering
1565 三角 sankaku figure, area etc.
1566 激しい hageshii violent, intense
1567 経営 keiei management, operation
1568 拡大 kakudai magnification, enlargement
1569 姿勢 shisei posture, attitude
1570 周辺 shuuhen area, region
1571 ta other (Chinese origin)
1572 達する tassuru attain, reach
1573 当時 touji at that time
1574 当然 touzen natural, as a matter of course
1575 能力 nouryoku capability, performance ability of machine, etc.
1576 判断 handan judgment, decision
1577 過ぎる sugiru pass by, go past
1578 正確 seikaku accurate, precise
1579 戦争 sensou war between countries
1580 放送 housou broadcasting
1581 習慣 shuukan custom, habit
1582 フィルム fuirumu film
1583 受け付ける uketsukeru receive, accept
1584 ダンス dansu dance, dancing (loan word)
1585 こんなに konnani this much, such
1586 吹く fuku blow, play (a wind instrument)
1587 まあ Maa well (interjection)
1588 メール me-ru e-mail
1589 インターネット inta-netto Internet
1590 出身 shusshin come from, origin
1591 職業 shokugyou occupation, job
1592 スター suta- star
1593 くだらない kudaranai worthless, trifling
1594 名簿 Meibo name list
1595 通常 Tsuujou common, usually, typically
1596 家内 kanai one’s wife
1597 消防署 Shoubousho fire station
1598 再び Futatabi again, a second time
1599 大統領 Daitouryou president (of a country)
1600 入場券 Nyuujouken entrance ticket
1601 ネックレス nekkuresu necklace
1602 パジャマ pajama pajamas
1603 ボールペン Borupen ballpoint pen
1604 かゆい kayui itchy
1605 覚ます samasu awaken, wake up
1606 すいか Suika watermelon
1607 そば Soba buckwheat noodles
1608 特急 tokkyuu super-express
1609 のり Nori glue, starch
1610 大抵 たいてい generally, mostly
1611 バスケットボール basukettobo-ru basketball
1612 酔っ払う yopparau get drunk
1613 どきどき Dokidoki feel excited, feel nervous
1614 欲しがる hoshigaru want, desire (of the third person)
1615 早起き Hayaoki getting up early
1616 味噌汁 misoshiru miso soup
1617 読み方 yomikata how to read, way of reading
1618 入り口 iriguchi entrance
1619 降ろす orosu unload, set down
1620 掛かる kakaru hang
1621 サンドイッチ sandoicchi sandwich
1622 四角い Shikakui square-shaped
1623 突き当たる tsukiataru run into, come to the end (of a road)
1624 乾かす kawakasu dry (something)
1625 定期券 Teikiken commuter pass
1626 にこにこ nikoniko smilingly, keep smiling
1627 下る kudaru go down, go away from
1628 ウール wu-ru wool
1629 コーラ ko-ra cola, coke
1630 トイレットペーパー Toirettopepa toilet paper
1631 乗り換え norikae transfer, change (trains)
1632 灰皿 haizara ashtray
1633 ハム hamu ham
1634 yuka floor
1635 ローマ字 Ro-maji Roman alphabet
1636 いちご ichigo strawberry
1637 カレーライス kareaisu curry rice
1638 キャッシュカード Kyasshukado cash card
1639 停留所 teiryuujo (bus) stop
1640 床屋 tokoya barber, barbershop
1641 歯磨き hamigaki brushing one’s teeth
1642 夕飯 ゆうはん evening meal, dinner
1643 酔っ払い yopparai drunkard, drunk
1644 Rei example
1645 お辞儀 Ojigi bow
1646 横断歩道 Oudan hodou pedestrian crossing, crosswalk
1647 ぐらぐら guragura shaky, unstable
1648 航空便 Koukuubin airmail, airfreight
1649 ジャム Jamu jam
1650 スリッパ Surippa slippers
1651 畳む tatamu fold, shut, close
1652 トランプ toranpu playing cards
1653 日陰 hikage shade of the sun
1654 文房具 bunbougu stationery, writing materials
1655 免許証 menkyoshou license
1656 訳す yakusu translate
1657 よろしい yoroshii all right
1658 両替 ryougae money exchange
1659 片付く kataduku be put in order, be finished
1660 カップ kappu cup
1661 消しゴム keshigomi eraser
1662 スケート suketo skate, skates
1663 nabe pan
1664 寝坊 nebou oversleeping
1665 hasami scissors
1666 真っ青 massao deep-blue, pale
1667 汚す yogosu make (something) dirty
1668 忘れ物 wasuremono something left behind, lost item
1669 掛け算 kakezan multiplication
1670 臭い kusai stinky
1671 突き当たり tsukiatari end of a street
1672 マフラー mafura- scarf, muffler
1673 momo peach
1674 アクセサリー akusesari- accessories, jewelry
1675 あくび akubi yawn
1676 あめ ame candy
1677 上り nobori going up, ascent
1678 なるべく narubeku as…as possible, if possible
1679 じっと jitto without moving, still
1680 食器 shokki tableware
1681 延ばす nobasu extend, postpone
1682 薬局 yakkyoku drugstore, pharmacy
1683 osu male (animal)
1684 mesu female (animal)
1685 和風 wafuu Japanese inspired
1686 いびき ibiki snoring
1687 ピクニック pikunikku picnic
1688 地域 chiiki region, area
1689 勘違い kanchigai misunderstanding, wrong idea or assumption
1690 重要 juuyou important, essential
1691 主人 shujin one’s husband, master
1692 お宅 otaku (someone else’s) home
1693 ハイキング haikingu hiking
1694 hatake field, farm
1695 ボーイフレンド boifurendo boyfriend
1696 イヤリング iyaringu earrings
1697 ガールフレンド ga-rufurendo girlfriend
1698 柔らか yawaraka soft, gentle
1699 納豆 natto fermented soybeans
1700 別に Betsuni particularly, not really
1701 どうしても Doushitemo by any means, really
1702 父親 chichioya father
1703 誘う sasou invite, ask out
1704 母親 hahaoya mother, female parent
1705 昼前 hirumae in the morning, before noon
1706 ふらふら furafura be dizzy, lightheaded
1707 こぼす kobosu spill (something)
1708 持ってくる mottekuru bring
1709 振り向く Furimuku turn around, look back
1710 洗面所 Senmenjou washroom, bathroom
1711 外側 sotogawa exterior, outside
1712 段々 dandan gradually, little by little
1713 包む tsutsumu wrap, pack
1714 無くなる nakunaru get lost, go missing
1715 buta pig
1716 褒める homeru praise, compliment
1717 沸かす wakasu boil (water)
1718 暖める atatameru warm (something) up
1719 換える kaeru exchange, convert
1720 安っぽい yasuppoi cheap-looking, tacky
1721 ぎらぎら giragira glaring, blinding
1722 何とか nantoka somehow, please
1723 いよいよ iyoiyo finally, any moment
1724 がらがら garagara not crowded
1725 缶詰 kantzume canned food
1726 怪我 kega injury
1727 寒さ samusa coldness, cold
1728 祝日 shukujitsu holiday
1729 すき焼き Sukiyaki sukiyaki
1730 葉書 hagaki postcard
1731 掃く haku sweep
1732 何しろ nanishiro anyhow, as you may know
1733 どんどん dondon quickly, rapidly
1734 ぺこぺこ pekopeko hungry, starving
1735 ぺらぺら perapera fluently
1736 レインコート reinkoto raincoat
1737 アイス aisu ice cream (for short)
1738 塩辛い shiokarai salty
1739 セロテープ serote-pu scotch tape
1740 大幅 oohaba drastically, substantially
1741 教育 Kyouiku education
1742 工事 Kouji construction, repairing
1743 担当 tantou person in charge (of official duties)
1744 法律 Houritsu law
1745 maru circle, round
1746 発表 happyo announcement
1747 研究 kenkyuu research, study
1748 一方 ippou one way, the other party
1749 国内 kokunai domestic, internal
1750 全体 zentai whole, total
1751 nochi after, afterward
1752 人間 ningen human being
1753 刺身 sashimi sliced raw fish or meat
1754 ばら Bara rose
1755 ねずみ nezumi rat, mouse
1756 以下 ika below
1757 mukashi old times, the old days
1758 wake reason, sense
1759 違い chigai difference, mistake
1760 しっかり shikkari mature, responsible
1761 将来 Shourai future, in the future
1762 不思議 fushigi mystery, wonder
1763 決して kesshite never, by no means
1764 失敗 shippai failure, mistake
1765 ban one’s turn, watch
1766 出会う deau meet, encounter
1767 悩む nayamu be troubled, suffer
1768 ase sweat
1769 すっかり sukkari all, completely
1770 代わり kawari substitution, alternative
1771 一言 hitokoto single word, brief speech
1772 豊か yutaka rich, ample
1773 接続 setsuzoku connection, joining
1774 抱える kakaeru hold in one’s arms
1775 エンジン enjin engine
1776 少女 shoujo young girl
1777 無駄 muda pointless, waste
1778 自動 jidou automatic operation
1779 先輩 senpai senior, superior
1780 眺める nagameru look out, gaze
1781 書類 Shorui documents, papers
1782 年月 nengetsu years, period of time
1783 燃やす moyasu burn (something)
1784 線路 senro railway track, line
1785 水着 mizugi bathing suit, swimsuit
1786 可愛らしい kawairashii lovely, charming
1787 仲良し nakayoshi good friend
1788 梅干し umeboshi pickled plum
1789 ドレス doresu formal dress
1790 尽くす tsukusu make utmost efforts, devote to
1791 地球 chikyuu the earth
1792 不親切 fushinsetsu unkind, inconsiderate
1793 からから karakara very thirsty, very dry
1794 本箱 honbako bookcase
1795 横書き yokogaki horizontal writing
1796 そば屋 sobaya buckwheat noodle shop
1797 加工 kakou processing
1798 実験 jikken experiment
1799 愛する aisuru love, care for
1800 あんまり anmari (not) that much, (not) so much
1801 いきなり ikinari all of a sudden, suddenly
1802 omote front, outside
1803 汚れ yogore dirt, blot
1804 aida interval, space between things
1805 murasaki purple
1806 灰色 haiiro ash color, gray
1807 chi blood (colloquial)
1808 ago jaw, chin
1809 始めに hajimeni in the beginning, first
1810 暖まる atatameru get warm
1811 お世辞 oseji compliment, flattery
1812 fukuro bag, sack
1813 長袖 nagasode long sleeves
1814 半袖 hansode short sleeves
1815 katachi shape, form
1816 景色 keshiki natural scenery or landscape
1817 ざあざあ zaazaa pouring
1818 再来月 saraigetsu the month after next
1819 泊める tomeru let (someone) stay over
1820 叱る shikaru scold, reprimand
1821 騒ぐ sawagu make a noise, make a racket
1822 車道 Shadou road, roadway (for cars)
1823 掃除機 Soujiki vacuum cleaner
1824 剃る soru shave
1825 貼る haru stick, paste, put
1826 dai stand, table
1827 主に omoni mostly, predominantly
1828 倒す taosu knock down, overthrow
1829 hoshi star, planet
1830 長女 choujo eldest daughter
1831 tsume nail, claw
1832 kan can, tin
1833 とんとん tonton tapping, patting
1834 sode sleeve
1835 濡れる nureru get wet
1836 パーセント pa-sento percent
1837 上がる agaru go up, increase (in quality or quantity)
1838 拍手 hakushu applause, clapping
1839 弾く hiku play (instruments)
1840 ひも himo laces, string
1841 昼過ぎ hirusugi early afternoon
1842 fune ship, vessel
1843 まく maku scatter, sprinkle
1844 mei niece
1845 個人 kojin individual person
1846 歌手 kashu singer
1847 社員 Shain staff member, employee
1848 不動産屋 fudousanya real estate agent
1849 最大 saidai biggest, largest
1850 動き ugoki movement, motion
1851 事件 jiken affair, incident
1852 過去 kako the past
1853 協力 kyouryoku cooperation, collaboration
1854 時期 jiki time, season
1855 経つ tatsu pass, elapse
1856 kaminari thunder, lightning
1857 責任 sekinin responsibility
1858 願う negau wish, desire
1859 発見 hakken discovery, revelation
1860 ki spirit, temperament
1861 美容院 byouin hair salon
1862 状況 joukyou state of affairs, conditions
1863 目的 mokuteki objective, purpose
1864 企業 kigyou corporation, business
1865 釣り tsuri fishing
1866 漫画 manga comics, cartoon
1867 温泉 onsen hot spring
1868 トレーニング tore-ningu training, workout
1869 uwasa gossip, rumor
1870 本物 honmono real, truly worthy (things, people)
1871 アイデア aidea idea
1872 地下 chika underground
1873 マーケット ma-ketto market
1874 スケジュール sukeju-ru schedule (loan word)
1875 出張 shucchou business trip
1876 コック kokku cook, chef
1877 正午 shougo noon
1878 ブラシ burashi brush
1879 書き取る kakitoru write down, note down
1880 歓迎 kangei welcome, greet
1881 開発 kaihatsu development
1882 郵便屋さん yuubinyasan mail carrier
1883 会長 kaichou president, chairperson
1884 kin gold
1885 hai ashes
1886 hone bone
1887 風呂屋 furoya bathhouse, public bath
1888 細か komaka small, fine, detailed
1889 行き yuki going, bound for (traditional reading)
1890 人々 hitobito people
1891 tera temple
1892 niwatori rooster, hen
1893 minato port, harbor
1894 移る utsuru move, shift
1895 異なる kotonaru differ
1896 提供 teikyou offer, provide
1897 市民 shimin citizens
1898 患者 kanja patient
1899 元旦 gantan morning of the January 1st, New Year’s Day
1900 柔らかい yawarakai soft, gentle
1901 似合う niau suit, match well
1902 確かめる tashikameru check, confirm
1903 背中 senaka (one’s) back
1904 hada human skin, surface
1905 順番 junban order, turn
1906 まとも matomo sane, reasonable
1907 ぴったり pittari exactly right, perfect
1908 思わず omowazu unintentionally, unconsciously
1909 より yori even more ~, even less ~
1910 もったいない mottainai wasteful, a shame
1911 情報 jouhou information
1912 諦める akirameru abandon, give up
1913 懐かしい natsukashii fondly-remembered, long-forgotten
1914 怪しい ayashii suspicious, dubious
1915 示す shimesu show, indicate
1916 たっぷり tappuri fully, amply
1917 早速 sassoku immediately, right away
1918 偶然 guuzen by chance, coincidence
1919 続き tsuduki continuation, sequel
1920 合計 goukei sum, total
1921 kizu wound, scar
1922 面倒 mendou troublesome, difficult
1923 具合 guai condition, health
1924 中止 chuushi suspension, cancellation
1925 手続き tetsuduki procedure, proceeding
1926 結果 kekka result, outcome
1927 建設 kensetsu construction (of a building, road, bridge, etc.)
1928 販売 hanbai sale, selling
1929 機能 kinou function, feature
1930 koro time, the time when ~
1931 日中 Nicchuu during the day
1932 今後 Kongo in the future, from now on
1933 影響 eikyou influence, effect
1934 分野 bunya field, area
1935 関する kansuru relate to, regarding
1936 状態 joutai state, condition
1937 価格 kakaku price, value
1938 姿 sugata figure, appearance
1939 期待 kitai expectation, anticipation
1940 除く nozoku remove, exclude
1941 一般 ippan general, common
1942 表現 hyougen expression
1943 完成 kansei completion, finish making or building something
1944 変化 henka change, alteration
1945 参加 sanka participation
1946 土地 tochi land
1947 検討 kentou examination and consideration
1948 開始 kaishi beginning
1949 備える sonaete provide for, prepare for
1950 内容 naiyou content
1951 与える ataeru give (formal)
1952 広がる hirogaru spread out, extend
1953 事実 jijitsu fact, truth
1954 決定 kettei decision
1955 住宅 juutaku housing, residence
1956 代表 daihyou representative
1957 命令 meirei command, order
1958 立場 tachiba standpoint, position
1959 なお Nao still, in addition
1960 計算 keisan calculation
1961 可能 kanou possible, potential
1962 報告 houkoku report
1963 都市 toshi city, town
1964 政治 seiji politics
1965 競争 kyousou competition
1966 原因 genin cause, origin
1967 活動 katsudou activity
1968 歴史 rekishi history
1969 hyou table, list
1970 サイト saito website
1971 土産 miyage souvenir (plain)
1972 臭い nioi (bad) smell
1973 現金 genkin cash
1974 mushi insect, bug
1975 寄る yoru stop by, stop off
1976 田舎 inaka hometown, countryside
1977 帰宅 kitaku return home, come home
1978 重大 juudai important, serious
1979 マイナス mainasu minus, below zero
1980 稼ぐ kasegu earn, make money
1981 左右 sayuu right and left
1982 痛み itami pain, ache
1983 誤解 gokai misunderstanding
1984 文句 monku complaint, grumble
1985 欧米 oubei Europe and America
1986 面接 mensetsu interview
1987 サイン sain signature, autograph
1988 年中 nenjuu all year
1989 機嫌 kigen mood, health
1990 居間 ima living room
1991 度々 tabitabi often
1992 例文 reibun example sentence
1993 怠ける namakeru be lazy, slack off
1994 転勤 tenkin change of job location, relocation
1995 政府 seifu government, administration
1996 所有 shoyuu ownership, own
1997 いずれ izure sometime later, eventually
1998 対する taisuru face, be in response to
1999 教会 kyoukai church
2000 ご存知 gozonji know (honorific)
2001 suzume sparrow
2002 適当 tekitou proper, adequate
2003 残り nokori rest, leftover
2004 戻す modosu put (something) back
2005 体重 taijuu body weight
2006 どうせ douse anyway
2007 あれこれ arekore this and that, one thing or another
2008 mizuumi lake
2009 とうとう toutou finally, in the end
2010 負け make defeat, loss
2011 悔しい kuyashii frustrating, regrettable
2012 姉妹 shimai sisters
2013 助かる tasukaru be helped, be rescued
2014 手前 temae in front
2015 さっぱり sappari completely not
2016 ついで tsuide on the way, to take the opportunity
2017 すっきり sukkiri refreshed
2018 とんでもない tondemonai unthinkable, outrageous
2019 saka slope, hill
2020 飛び込む tobikomu dive into, jump into
2021 コメント komento comment
2022 書き直す kakinaosu rewrite
2023 看護婦 kangofu female nurse
2024 就職 shuushoku finding a job, getting a job
2025 ito thread, yarn
2026 売り場 uriba sales floor, department
2027 校長 kouchou principal, schoolmaster
2028 見学 kengaku field trip
2029 進学 shingaku advance to higher education
2030 退院 taiin discharge from hospital
2031 テント tento tent
2032 踊り odori dance, dancing
2033 植える ueru plant, sow
2034 幼稚園 youchien kindergarten
2035 エアメール eameeru airmail
2036 四季 shiki the four seasons
2037 ナイロン nairon nylon
2038 消防車 shoubousha fire engine
2039 ハンドバッグ handobaggu handbag
2040 農業 nougyou agriculture
2041 アイロン airon iron (for clothes)
2042 ラッシュアワー rasshuawaa rush hour
2043 速達 sokutatsu special delivery, express delivery
2044 予習 yoshuu preparation, previewing (a lesson)
2045 書留 kakitome registered mail
2046 深さ fukasa depth, profundity
2047 ウィスキー wisukii whisky
2048 シャープペンシル shaapupenshiru mechanical pencil
2049 取引 torihiki transaction, deal
2050 設ける moukeru set up, establish
2051 一定 ittei fixed, certain
2052 記者 kisha journalist, reporter
2053 基準 kijun standard, criterion
2054 傾向 keikou tendency, disposition
2055 契約 keiyaku contract, agreement
2056 産業 sangyou industry
2057 事情 jijou circumstances, conditions
2058 実行 jikkou practice, execution
2059 組織 soshiki organization, structure
2060 逮捕 taiho arrest, capture
2061 程度 teido degree, extent
2062 同様 douyou similar, the same as
2063 要求 youkyuu need, demand
2064 貿易 boueki (export and import) trade
2065 輸出 yushutsu export
2066 商業 shougyou commerce, trade
2067 船便 funabin surface mail, shipping service
2068 選挙 senkyo election
2069 住民 juumin resident
2070 出席 shusseki attendance, presence
2071 発言 hatsugen utterance, remark
2072 伴う tomonau accompany, entail
2073 採用 saiyou employment, adoption
2074 処理 shori handling, processing
2075 解決 kaiketsu solution, settlement
2076 全国 zenkoku the whole country
2077 作業 sagyou work, operation
2078 生産 seisan production
2079 管理 kanri management, administration
2080 増加 zouka increase, rise
2081 特徴 tokuchou distinctive feature, characteristic
2082 強調 kyouchou emphasis, stress
2083 制度 seido system
2084 kabu stock, share
2085 加える kuwaeru add (things of the same or different kinds)
2086 強化 kyouka strengthening
2087 設計 sekkei design, plan
2088 段階 dankai stage, phase
2089 行う okonau do, carry out
2090 経済 keizai economy, economics
2091 工場 koujou factory, plant
2092 技術 gijutsu skill, technology
2093 施設 shisetsu facilities, institution
2094 kami God
2095 人口 jinkou population
2096 tou party, faction
2097 輸入 yunyuu import
2098 煮る niru simmer, cook
2099 コンサート konsaato concert
2100 ガソリン gasorin gasoline
2101 パンツ pantsu pants, trousers
2102 そっくり sokkuri almost identical
2103 名刺 meishi business card, name card
2104 いちいち ichiichi every time, about everything
2105 しつこい shitsukoi persistent, pesky
2106 nodo throat
2107 身長 shinchou height
2108 何で nande why, what for
2109 味噌 miso soybean paste
2110 気の毒 kinodoku pitiful, poor
2111 そっと sotto softly, gently
2112 こっそり kossori secretly
2113 うっかり ukkari carelessly, accidentally
2114 わざと wazato on purpose
2115 がっかり gakkari disappointed, disappointing
2116 ぼんやり bonyari vacantly, absent-mindedly
2117 su vinegar
2118 羨ましい urayamashii envious, jealous
2119 捕まえる tsukamaeru catch, arrest
2120 ちっとも chittomo not at all
2121 親指 oyayubi thumb
2122 通り過ぎる toorisugiru go past, pass
2123 屋上 okujou housetop, rooftop
2124 futa lid, cover
2125 いつの間にか itsunomanika before noticing it, out of nowhere
2126 zou elephant
2127 嫌がる iyagaru dislike, be unwilling
2128 わがまま wagamama selfish
2129 徹夜 tetsuya staying up all night
2130 まあまあ maamaa now now, well well
2131 ふざける fuzakeru mess around, fool around
2132 一度に ichidoni all at once, at a time
2133 頷く unazuku nod
2134 改札 kaisatsu ticket gate
2135 手伝い tetsudai help, assistance
2136 とっくに tokkuni long ago, already
2137 洗剤 senzai detergent
2138 手首 tekubi wrist
2139 日帰り higaeri a day trip
2140 取り消す torikesu cancel
2141 あきれる akireru be amazed at, be stunned by (something negative)
2142 月末 getsumatsu end of the month
2143 seki cough
2144 あいにく ainiku unfortunately, we are afraid that
2145 近寄る chikayoru go near, approach
2146 うろうろ urouro in a loafing-about manner, not really knowing what to do
2147 重たい omotai heavy, serious
2148 かじる kajiru nibble, bite
2149 長引く nagabiku be prolonged, drag on
2150 せっせと sesseto diligently, hard
2151 横切る yokogiru cut across
2152 取り替える torikaeru change, replace
2153 からかう karakau make fun of, tease
2154 好き嫌い sukikirai likes and dislikes, taste
2155 蒸し暑い mushiatsui hot and humid
2156 支度 shitaku preparation, getting ready
2157 薄暗い usugurai gloomy, dim
2158 着替え kigae change of clothes
2159 ワンピース wanpiisu one-piece dress
2160 生年月日 seinengappi year and date of birth
2161 虫歯 mushiba cavity
2162 留守番 rusuban looking after the house
2163 張り切る harikiru go all out, be full of energy (to do something)
2164 意地悪 ijiwaru mean, ill-natured
2165 生意気 namaiki impudent, cocky
2166 シーツ shiitsu bed sheet
2167 フライパン furaipan frying pan
2168 一人一人 hitorihitori each and every person
2169 話し掛ける hanashikakeru start a conversation, speak to (someone)
2170 追い掛ける oikakeru chase, run after
2171 小指 koyubi little finger, little toe
2172 ぴかぴか pikapika shiny, glittering
2173 中指 nakayubi middle finger, middle toe
2174 まぶた mabuta eyelid
2175 面倒臭い mendoukusai troublesome, tiresome
2176 ゆでる yuderu boil
2177 できるだけ dekirudake as (much) as possible
2178 もしかしたら moshikashitara possibly, perhaps
2179 いつまでも itsumademo forever
2180 まぶしい mabushii dazzling, glaring
2181 おやつ oyatsu snack, refreshment
2182 空っぽ karappo empty
2183 ぶつぶつ butsubutsu in a mutter, mumble
2184 すっと sutto (feel) refreshed, satisfied
2185 図々しい zuuzuushii impudent, cheeky
2186 にっこり nikkori smiling brightly
2187 けち kechi stingy, miser
2188 追い付く oitsuku catch up with
2189 くしゃみ kushami sneeze
2190 冷ます samasu let cool
2191 だらしない darashinai untidy, sloppy
2192 甘やかす amayakasu be indulgent to, spoil
2193 いらいら iraira irritated
2194 薬指 kusuriyubi ring finger
2195 のろのろ noronoro slowly, sluggishly
2196 ポイント pointo point
2197 工業 kougyou industry, the manufacturing industry
2198 構造 kouzou construction, structure
2199 さすが sasuga just as expected, true to reputation
2200 居眠り inemuri doze, catnap
2201 散らかす chirakasu make a mess
2202 濡らす nurasu get (something) wet
2203 日にち hinichi date (fixed for something)
2204 苛める ijimeru bully, abuse
2205 足下 ashimoto step, under foot
2206 うさぎ usagi rabbit, hare
2207 kon dark blue, navy blue
2208 目茶苦茶 mechakucha in a mess, chaotic
2209 立ち入り禁止 tachiirikinshi no trespassing
2210 間もなく mamonaku soon, in a short time
2211 通帳 tsuuchou bankbook, passbook
2212 しびれる shibireru go numb, fall asleep
2213 ぎっしり gisshiri tightly, closely
2214 うがい ugai gargling
2215 思い付く omoitsuku think of, hit upon
2216 宛名 atena name of recipient, addressee
2217 戸棚 todana cupboard
2218 焦げる kogeru be burned, be scorched
2219 かく kaku scratch
2220 威張る ibaru be arrogant, be boastful
2221 人混み hitogomi crowd
2222 ずらり zurari lining up neatly
2223 思い切り omoikiri to one’s heart’s content, with all one’s might
2224 青白い aojiroi pale
2225 しゃがむ shagamu squat down
2226 言葉遣い kotobadukai wording, language
2227 通り掛かる toorikakaru happen to pass by
2228 御無沙汰 gobusata be out of touch
2229 市場 shijou market (industrial, financial, etc.)
2230 データ deeta data
2231 購入 kounyuu purchase
2232 ビジネス bijinesu business
2233 ore I (masculine sense)
2234 登録 touroku registration
2235 体験 taiken personal experience
2236 デザイン dezain design
2237 負担 futan burden, charge
2238 詳細 shousai details, particulars
2239 アップ appu close-up
2240 終了 shuuryou end, termination
2241 ファン fan fan, admirer
2242 予想 yosou expectation, forecast
2243 企画 kikaku planning, project
2244 財政 zaisei public finance, financial affairs
2245 総合 sougou integration, put together
2246 ケース keesu case
2247 メーカー meekaa maker, manufacturer
2248 治療 chiryou medical treatment
2249 読者 dokusha reader
2250 職員 shokuin staff, employee
2251 世代 sedai generation
2252 視点 shiten viewpoint, perspective
2253 効率 kouritsu efficiency, performance
2254 資産 shisan property, assets
2255 取り組む torikumu work on, tackle
2256 ルール ruuru rule
2257 資格 shikaku qualifications, competence
2258 成果 seika result
2259 前提 zentei assumption, premise
2260 現地 genchi local, on-site
2261 内部 naibu interior, inner parts
2262 所得 shotoku income, earnings
2263 恋愛 renai romance, relationship
2264 支持 shiji support
2265 危機 kiki crisis, danger
2266 マスコミ masukomi mass media, media
2267 証拠 shouko proof, evidence
2268 コーナー koonaa section (of a store etc.), corner
2269 マーク maaku logo
2270 減少 genshou decrease, decline
2271 緊急 kinkyuu urgent, emergency
2272 要望 youbou demand, request
2273 ストレス sutoresu stress
2274 主催 shusai sponsorship, host
2275 ベスト besuto best
2276 犠牲 gisei sacrifice, loss
2277 暴力 bouryoku violence, force
2278 赤字 akaji deficit, in the red
2279 個性 kosei individuality, unique characteristics
2280 作戦 sakusen tactic, strategy
2281 ショック shokku shock
2282 アンケート ankeeto questionnaire
2283 わざわざ wazawaza going out of one’s way to do something
2284 本気 honki serious, earnest
2285 悩み nayami troubles, worries
2286 上司 joushi boss
2287 説得 settoku persuasion
2288 ブーム buumu fad, boom
2289 体力 tairyoku physical strength, stamina
2290 正常 seijou normal
2291 ヒント hinto hint, clue
2292 地獄 jigoku hell
2293 後悔 koukai regret
2294 情熱 jounetsu passion, enthusiasm
2295 驚き odoroki surprise, amazement
2296 ジャンプ janpu jump
2297 アルコール arukooru alcohol, alcoholic beverage
2298 いい加減 iikagen irresponsible, careless
2299 わくわく wakuwaku feel excited, be thrilled
2300 言い訳 iiwake excuse
2301 ミュージック myuujikku music
2302 青春 seishun blossom of youth, adolescence
2303 あっさり assari bluntly, easily
2304 焦る aseru feel pressured, feel hurried
2305 柔軟 juunan pliable, flexible
2306 タレント tarento celebrity, TV personality
2307 どうにか dounika somehow
2308 コンテスト kontesuto contest, competition
2309 もてる moteru be popular (esp. with the opposite sex)
2310 デザート dezaato dessert
2311 クイズ kuizu quiz, quiz show
2312 中毒 chuudoku poisoning, addiction
2313 ムード muudo mood
2314 同情 doujou sympathy, compassion
2315 学歴 gakureki educational background
2316 好調 kouchou good condition
2317 アマチュア amachua amateur
2318 炒める itameru stir-fry
2319 カメラマン kameraman photographer
2320 問い合わせる toiawaseru inquire, ask for (information)
2321 しょっちゅう shocchuu frequently, repeatedly
2322 ロープ roopu rope
2323 ストライキ sutoraiki strike
2324 パンク panku flat tire
2325 コマーシャル komaasharu commercial, advertising
2326 チェンジ chenji change, exchange
2327 待ち合わせ machiawase meeting with someone, appointment
2328 時差 jisa time difference
2329 義理 giri sense of duty, obligation
2330 さっと satto quickly
2331 左利き hidarikiki left-handedness
2332 サボる saboru slack of, ditch
2333 だるい darui feel run-down, weary
2334 ポット potto pot, thermos
2335 レントゲン rentogen X-rays
2336 心強い kokoroduyoi reassuring, heartening
2337 無駄遣い mudadukai wasteful spending
2338 バッジ bajji badge
2339 眼科 ganka ophthalmology, eye clinic
2340 履歴書 rirekisho resume, curriculum vitae
2341 インフレーション infureeshon inflation
2342 gan cancer
2343 ぺこぺこ pekopeko bow, kowtow
2344 嘘つき usotsuki liar
2345 おごる ogoru treat, pay for (someone)
2346 十字路 juujiro crossroads
2347 びっしょり bisshori drenched, soaked
2348 だぶだぶ dabudabu baggy, too big
2349 おだてる odateru flatter
2350 かかと kakato heel
2351 ほっと hotto feel relieved
2352 傷付ける kizutsukeru hurt (someone), damage (something)
2353 うつむく utsumuku look down, lower one’s eyes
2354 前売り券 maeuriken advance ticket
2355 短期 tanki short-term
2356 舐める nameru lick
2357 本日 honjitsu today (formal)
2358 業界 gyoukai industry, business world
2359 ネットワーク nettowaaku network
2360 弁護士 bengoshi lawyer, attorney
2361 入力 nyuuryoku input, entry
2362 前回 zenkai last time
2363 画面 gamen screen
2364 後半 kouhan latter half, second half
2365 自信 jishin confidence
2366 素敵 suteki lovely, nice
2367 当たり前 atarimae no wonder, natural
2368 やり方 yarikata way of doing
2369 わずか wazuka meager, marginal
2370 ついに tsuini at last, at length
2371 次回 jikai next time
2372 スピード supiido speed
2373 バイト baito part-time job
2374 不可能 fukanou impossible
2375 アドバイス adobaisu advice
2376 落ち着く ochitsuku calm down, settle in
2377 せっかく sekkaku with much trouble
2378 つい tsui inadvertently, carelessly
2379 大手 oote major company
2380 部長 buchou department head
2381 前半 zenhan first half
2382 たまたま tamatama by chance, accidentally
2383 相変わらず aikawarazu as usual, as before
2384 支払い shiharai payment
2385 人数 ninzuu number of people
2386 課長 kachou section chief
2387 ファッション fasshon fashion
2388 体調 taichou health condition
2389 付き合う tsukiau socialize with, see (someone)
2390 ショッピング shoppingu shopping
2391 あり ari ant
2392 最悪 saiaku worst
2393 かえる kaeru frog
2394 おじさん ojisan Mister, middle-aged man
2395 toku advantage, gain
2396 掴む tsukamu grip, grab
2397 知り合い shiriai acquaintance
2398 ペース peesu pace
2399 作成 sakusei to produce, to make
2400 親子 oyako parent and child
2401 話し合い hanashiai talk, discussion
2402 本社 honsha head office of a company
2403 打ち合わせ uchiawase meeting, arrangement
2404 見守る mimamoru watch, keep watch over
2405 売り上げ uriage sales, proceeds
2406 かえって kaette rather, instead
2407 アイドル aidoru idol
2408 何となく nantonaku for some reason
2409 年末 nenmatsu end of year
2410 無意識 muishiki unconsciously, unintentionally
2411 駅前 ekimae in front of the station
2412 やって来る yattekuru come all the way
2413 キッチン kicchin kitchen
2414 キス kisu kiss
2415 慌てる awateru be flustered, be in a hurry
2416 都内 tonai in the metropolitan area of Tokyo
2417 残業 zangyou overtime work
2418 曖昧 aimai ambiguous, vague
2419 カタログ katarogu catalogue
2420 殴る naguru hit, punch
2421 両手 ryoute both hands
2422 仲良く nakayoku harmoniously, getting along
2423 始め hajime beginning, initial part
2424 知り合う shiriau get acquainted with, get to know (someone)
2425 お手伝い otetsudai help, assistance (polite)
2426 マナー manaa manners
2427 カラオケ karaoke karaoke
2428 二度と nidoto never again
2429 片手 katate one hand
2430 おばさん obasan middle-aged woman
2431 保育園 hoikuen day-care center, nursery school
2432 ずれる zureru go off track, go out of line
2433 ビーチ biichi beach
2434 せいぜい seizei at most, at best
2435 後期 kouki latter term, second half
2436 エアコン eakon air-conditioning, air conditioner
2437 ゆったり yuttari comfortable, easy fit
2438 ハードウェア haadowea hardware
2439 リクエスト rikuesuto request
2440 翌年 yokunen the following year
2441 キャンセル kyanseru cancellation
2442 車内 shanai inside a vehicle or a train
2443 大声 oogoe loud voice
2444 無責任 musekinin irresponsible
2445 片方 katahou one side, the other one
2446 ボリューム boryuumu volume
2447 前方 zenpou front, ahead
2448 日本酒 nihonshu Japanese rice wine
2449 青空 aozora blue sky
2450 不自然 fushizen unnatural, artificial
2451 昨晩 sakuban last night, last evening (formal)
2452 市役所 shiyakusho municipal office, city hall
2453 フルーツ furuutsu fruit
2454 年々 nennen year by year
2455 後方 kouhou back, rear
2456 お詫び owabi apologize, apology
2457 大根 daikon oriental radish
2458 むく muku peel (something)
2459 例年 reinen typical year, average year
2460 締め切り shimekiri deadline
2461 正に masani just, surely
2462 hebi snake
2463 ラッシュ rasshu rush, rush hour
2464 大げさ oogesa exaggerated
2465 無理やり muriyari forcibly, against one’s will
2466 外食 gaishoku eating out, dining out
2467 キャベツ kyabetsu cabbage
2468 手足 teashi hands and feet, limbs
2469 閉店 heiten shop closing
2470 百貨店 hyakkaten department store
2471 クッキー kukkii cookie
2472 車椅子 kurumaisu wheelchair
2473 大雨 ooame heavy rain
2474 hato pigeon, dove
2475 中級 chuukyuu middle-class, intermediate
2476 おにぎり onigiri rice ball
2477 ひょっとしたら hyottoshitara perhaps
2478 ぐるぐる guruguru round and round
2479 和食 washoku Japanese-style food
2480 どく doku get out of the way, step aside
2481 ウエスト uesuto waist
2482 忘年会 bounenkai year-end party
2483 包丁 houchou kitchen knife
2484 ゴールデンウィーク goorudenwiiku golden week
2485 シューズ shuuzu shoes
2486 未成年 miseinen minor, underage
2487 oi nephew
2488 葉っぱ happa leaf
2489 やり直す yarinaosu do over again
2490 大晦日 oomisoka new year’s eve
2491 サングラス sangurasu sunglasses
2492 病人 byounin sick person
2493 顔色 kaoiro complexion, facial expression
2494 金色 kiniro golden color
2495 にらむ niramu glare, stare
2496 つかまる tsukamaru hold on to (something)
2497 足首 ashikubi ankle
2498 散らかる chirakaru be in a mess, lie scattered
2499 上がる agaru get nervous
2500 かぼちゃ kabocha pumpkin
2501 水族館 suizokukan aquarium
2502 品切れ shinagire sold out
2503 腫れる hareru swell up, be swollen
2504 やり直し yarinaoshi doing over, redoing
2505 バーゲン baagen bargain sale
2506 男らしい otokorashii manly, masculine
2507 近道 chikamichi shortcut
2508 トースト toosuto toast
2509 好奇心 koukishin curiosity
2510 実用的 jitsuyouteki practical
2511 客観的 kyakkanteki objective
2512 抽象的 chuushouteki abstract
2513 送別会 soubetsukai farewell party
2514 敷金 shikikin deposit, security deposit
2515 日米 nichibei Japan and the US
2516 専門家 senmonka specialist, expert
2517 ホット hotto hot
2518 わさび wasabi Japanese horseradish
2519 初詣 hatsumoude first shrine visit of the new year
2520 ジョギング jogingu jogging
2521 社会人 shakaijin working member of society
2522 大急ぎ ooisogi in a great hurry
2523 セルフサービス serufusaabisu self-service
2524 くしゃくしゃ kushakusha messy, crumpled
2525 食パン shokupan bread in a rectangular shape
2526 人差し指 hitosashiyubi index finger, forefinger
2527 洋食 youshoku Western food
2528 じめじめ jimejime damp
2529 じろじろ jirojiro staringly
2530 つるつる tsurutsuru smooth, slippery
2531 こしょう koshou pepper
2532 びしょびしょ bishobisho soaking wet, soaked
2533 ぎゅうぎゅう gyuugyuu packed, crammed
2534 バツ batsu cross, x-mark (on errors, mistakes etc.)
2535 水色 mizuiro light blue
2536 領収書 ryoushuusho bill of receipt (for payment only)
2537 自然に shizenni naturally
2538 とんかつ tonkatsu pork cutlet
2539 ねぎ negi spring onion, green onion
2540 きゅうり kyuuri cucumber
2541 unagi eel
2542 まぐろ maguro tuna
2543 パイナップル painappuru pineapple
2544 ほうれん草 hourensou spinach
2545 マヨネーズ mayoneezu mayonnaise
2546 玉ねぎ tamanegi onion
2547 焼き肉 yakiniku grilled meat, barbecued meat
2548 目薬 megusuri eye drops
2549 寝過ごす nesugosu oversleep
2550 国際的 kokusaiteki international
2551 国際化 kokusaika internationalization
2552 区役所 kuyakusho ward office
2553 和室 washitsu Japanese-style room
2554 本格的 honkakuteki authentic, serious
2555 高速道路 kousokudouro freeway, expressway
2556 とりあえず toriaezu for now, for the time being
2557 先に sakini before, ahead
2558 ぎりぎり girigiri just in time, barely
2559 慌ただしい awatadashii busy and hurried
2560 今ごろ imagoro by now, at this time
2561 くっ付く kuttsuku stick, be attached
2562 北風 kitakaze north wind
2563 海老 ebi shrimp
2564 思い切って omoikitte daringly, taking the plunge
2565 はっと hatto taken aback, startled
2566 宛先 atesaki recipient’s address
2567 ばらばら barabara separately, discretely
2568 乗車券 joushaken train ticket, bus ticket
2569 ぶるぶる buruburu shivering, trembling
2570 すらすら surasura smoothly, easily
2571 終電 shuuden last train
2572 ずるい zurui cunning, sneaky
2573 すやすや suyasuya (sleep) peacefully, soundly
2574 がたがた gatagata with a rattling noise, unstable
2575 非常口 hijouguchi emergency exit
2576 ざらざら zarazara rough, gritty
2577 ぬるぬる nurunuru slimy
2578 女らしい onnarashii womanly, feminine
2579 急用 kyuuyou urgent business
2580 きょろきょろ kyorokyoro look around
2581 ぐずぐず guzuguzu slowly, tardily
2582 ぽかぽか pokapoka pleasantly warm
2583 洗い物 araimono dishes to be washed
2584 かっと katto in a temper, in a rage
2585 どきっと dokitto surprised, shocked
2586 乗り遅れる noriokureru miss (a train, bus, etc.)
2587 くたくた kutakuta exhausted
2588 すべすべ subesube smooth, silky
2589 にやにや niyaniya grin to oneself
2590 あだ名 adana nickname
2591 後片付け atokataduke cleaning up
2592 イカ ika squid
2593 うきうき ukiuki excitedly
2594 可愛がる kawaigaru love, cherish
2595 餃子 gyouza Chinese dumpling
2596 げらげら geragera (laugh) out loud
2597 ごめん gomen sorry
2598 明々後日 shiasatte three days from today
2599 削減 sakugen cutdown, reduction
2600 贅沢 zeitaku luxury, extravagance
2601 そのうち sonouchi before long, sooner or later
2602 でこぼこ dekoboko unevenness, bumpiness
2603 手のひら tenohira palm
2604 裸足 hadashi bare feet
2605 べたべた betabeta stick together, sticky
2606 眉毛 mayuge eyebrows
2607 割り箸 waribashi disposable chopsticks
2608 日付け hiduke date (written in a document, etc.)
2609 ぴたりと pitarito suddenly, coming to a dead stop
2610 まな板 manaita chopping board
2611 筆記用具 hikkiyougu pens and pencils, writing materials
2612 くすぐる kusuguru tickle
2613 かんかん kankan furiously angry, in a rage
2614 白線 hakusen white (warning) line
2615 見覚え mioboe recognition, remembrance
2616 これまで koremade until now, until here
2617 からす karasu crow, raven
2618 噛み付く kamitsuku bite
2619 白菜 hakusai Chinese cabbage
2620 プロ野球 puroyakyuu professional baseball
2621 かみそり kamisori razor
2622 何十 nanjuu several tens
2623 何百 nanbyaku several hundred, hundreds
2624 何千 nanzen several thousand, thousands
2625 がくんと gakunto sharply, significantly
2626 飛び下りる tobioriru jump off, jump down
2627 通行止め tsuukoudome road closed
2628 行き止まり ikidomari dead end
2629 真ん丸 manmaru perfect circle, perfectly round
2630 いつの間に itsunomani without anyone noticing
2631 くっ付ける kuttsukeru attach (something), stick (something)
2632 付け足す tsuketasu add on, append
2633 得する tokusuru profitable, beneficial
2634 損する sonsuru lose, suffer loss
2635 言い返す iikaesu talk back
2636 体温計 taionkei (clinical) thermometer
2637 後戻り atomodori turning back, retreat
2638 話し声 hanashigoe talking voice
2639 くるくる kurukuru round and round, spin
2640 怖がる kowagaru be afraid of, fear
2641 人違い hitochigai mistaken identity
2642 取り返す torikaesu take back, regain
2643 乗り降り noriori getting on and off
2644 口喧嘩 kuchigenka quarrel
2645 起き上がる okiagaru get up, rise
2646 ぶら下がる burasagaru hang down, dangle
2647 飛び上がる tobiagaru fly up, fump up
2648 泣き声 nakigoe tearful voice, sound of crying
2649 持ち物 mochimono one’s belongings
2650 細長い hosonagai long and thin, long and narrow
2651 出入り口 deiriguchi doorway, gateway
2652 正座 seiza sitting on one’s heels
2653 大喜び ooyorokobi great joy
2654 落とし物 otoshimono lost property
2655 じゃんじゃん janjan many times, repeatedly
2656 見違える michigaeru look completely different
2657 合理的 gouriteki rational, logical
2658 自主的 jishuteki voluntary, independent
2659 全面的 zenmenteki full-scale, complete
2660 円高 endaka strong yen
2661 消費者 shouhisha consumer
2662 日中 nicchuu Japan and China
2663 明日 asu tomorrow (rather formal)
2664 結構 kekkou all right, no thank you
2665 辛い tsurai hard, painstaking
2666 まずい mazui problematic, troublesome
2667 上下 jouge top and bottom
2668 nama raw, fresh
2669 よける yokeru avoid, dodge
2670 がやがや gayagaya noisily, loudly
2671 赤ん坊 akanbou (human) baby
2672 ワープロ waapuro word processor
2673 新聞社 shinbunsha newspaper publisher
2674 寝かす nekasu put (someone) to bed
2675 mono person (humble)
2676 chuu middle, medium size
2677 sei gender, sexual activities
2678 kai meeting, association
2679 koto thing, incident
2680 今日 konnichi these days
2681 ten point (of concern), dot
2682 バック bakku back, reverse
2683 記事 kiji article, story
2684 dai big, large size
2685 hou law, rule
2686 非常 hijou emergency
2687 ただ tada simply, merely
2688 感じ kanji feeling, impression
2689 環境 kankyou environment, surroundings
2690 理解 rikai understanding, comprehension
2691 ken prefecture
2692 使用 shiyou use
2693 主義 shugi principle, -ism
2694 国民 kokumin citizen
2695 moto under (someone’s) supervision
2696 ba occasion, situation
2697 労働 roudou labor, work
2698 機会 kikai opportunity, chance
2699 製品 seihin product, manufactured goods
2700 自身 jishin self
2701 かかる kakaru catch (a cold, etc.), come down with
2702 求める motomeru seek, yearn for
2703 下さる kudasaru give (honorific)
2704 昨日 sakujitsu yesterday (formal)
2705 moto origin, former
2706 kata type, model
2707 それぞれ sorezore each, respectively
2708 地方 chihou local region
2709 men surface, side
2710 実は jitsuha actually
2711 yoru night, evening
2712 chi ground, place
2713 議論 giron discussion, debate
2714 以前 izen before, ago
2715 専門 senmon specialty, profession
2716 申し上げる moushiageru tell, say (humble)
2717 行動 koudou action, conduct
2718 ritsu ratio, rate
2719 監督 kantoku supervisor, film director
2720 意識 ishiki consciousness, awareness
2721 認める mitomeru recognize, permit
2722 参考 sankou reference, consultation
2723 チーム chiimu team
2724 現実 genjitsu reality
2725 価値 kachi value, worth
2726 テーマ teema theme, subject matter
2727 含む fukumu contain, include
2728 sai opportunity, time
2729 全て subete all, everything
2730 大臣 daijin minister
2731 国家 kokka state, nation
2732 試合 shiai match, game
2733 結局 kekkyoku after all, finally
2734 消費 shouhi consumption, spending
2735 人生 jinsei one’s life (to lead)
2736 ryou quantity, amount
2737 精神 seishin mind, mentality
2738 レベル reberu level
2739 我々 wareware we (literary)
2740 指導 shidou guide, instruction
2741 明日 myounichi tomorrow (very formal)
2742 資料 shiryou materials, data
2743 団体 dantai group, organization
2744 最も mottomo the most
2745 完全 kanzen perfect, complete
2746 shina goods, item
2747 男性 dansei male, man
2748 gun military
2749 描く egaku depict, draw
2750 最終 saishuu final, last (of something repeated)
2751 センター sentaa center (for an activity, etc.), hub
2752 障害 shougai obstacle, disorder
2753 医療 iryou medical service, healthcare
2754 頂く itadaku receive, eat (humble)
2755 金融 kinyuu finance
2756 学ぶ manabu learn, study
2757 成長 seichou growth
2758 登場 toujou appearance (on stage, etc.)
2759 知識 chishiki knowledge
2760 友人 yuujin friend (formal)
2761 イメージ imeeji image
2762 トップ toppu top, the best
2763 zei tax
2764 変更 henkou alteration, change
2765 限り kagiri limit
2766 shiki ceremony
2767 展開 tenkai development, storyline (plot)
2768 興味 kyoumi interest
2769 含める fukumeru include
2770 編集 henshuu editing
2771 選択 sentaku selection, choice
2772 無料 muryou no charge, free
2773 mi body, oneself, one’s status
2774 分析 bunseki analysis
2775 予算 yosan budget
2776 目標 mokuhyou target, goal
2777 通信 tsuushin correspondence, communication
2778 向ける mukeru turn toward, point at
2779 時刻 jikoku time (formal)
2780 gyaku reverse, opposite
2781 最高 saikou supreme, best
2782 利益 rieki profit, benefit
2783 事務 jimu office work, business
2784 出版 shuppan publishing, publication
2785 プロ puro professional
2786 様々 samazama various, diverse
2787 shuu state, province
2788 共通 kyoutsuu commonality
2789 現代 gendai present age, modern times
2790 被害 higai damage, harm
2791 新た arata new, fresh
2792 相当 soutou suitability, equivalence
2793 更新 koushin renewal, update
2794 得る eru obtain, gain
2795 uchi inside
2796 維持 iji maintenance, upkeep
2797 料金 ryoukin charge, fee (for using facilities, etc.)
2798 到着 touchaku arrival
2799 なま物 namamono uncooked food
2800 shou chapter
2801 メンバー menbaa member
2802 演奏 ensou musical performance
2803 an plan, idea
2804 希望 kibou hope, wish
2805 記憶 kioku memory, remembrance
2806 モデル moderu model
2807 方々 katagata people (polite)
2808 発売 hatsubai launch, release (of a product)
2809 話題 wadai topic of conversation, being talked about
2810 目指す mezasu aim for
2811 建築 kenchiku construction, architecture
2812 印象 inshou impression
2813 権利 kenri right, privilege
2814 学習 gakushuu study, learning
2815 発展 hatten development, expansion
2816 現場 genba scene, job site
2817 気分 kibun feeling, mood
2818 移動 idou movement, shift
2819 発行 hakkou publication, issue
2820 宗教 shuukyou religion
2821 改正 kaisei revision, amendment
2822 bai double, times
2823 不安 fuan uneasy, worried
2824 自ら mizukara (for) oneself, personally
2825 広告 koukoku advertisement
2826 共同 kyoudou joint, cooperation
2827 年代 nendai generation, era
2828 タイプ taipu type
2829 sa difference
2830 営業 eigyou business, sales
2831 役割 yakuwari role, duty, responsibility
2832 改善 kaizen improvement
2833 撮影 satsuei photographing, shoot
2834 エネルギー enerugii energy
2835 憲法 kenpou constitution, constitutional law
2836 感謝 kansha gratitude, thanks
2837 感覚 kankaku sense, feel
2838 tabi journey, travel
2839 合わせる awaseru match (something), adapt (oneself)
2840 既に sudeni already
2841 現状 genjou current condition, situation
2842 先日 senjitsu the other day, a few days ago
2843 中央 chuuou center, middle
2844 似る niru resemble, be alike
2845 平均 heikin average
2846 sue the end, in the end
2847 追加 tsuika addition, supplement
2848 なさる nasaru do (honorific)
2849 様子 yousu the state of affairs, how someone appears
2850 活用 katsuyou practical use, application
2851 交換 koukan exchange, bartering
2852 整備 seibi maintenance
2853 想像 souzou imagination
2854 ああ aa like that, that much
2855 満足 manzoku satisfaction, contentment
2856 以降 ikou thereafter, later than
2857 比較 hikaku comparison
2858 クラス kurasu class, category
2859 犯罪 hanzai offense, crime
2860 おっしゃる ossharu say, tell (honorific)
2861 特定 tokutei specifying, identifying
2862 基礎 kiso base, foundation
2863 流れ nagare flow, stream
2864 どうも doumo for no special reason, somehow
2865 mura village
2866 安定 antei stability, composure
2867 本人 honnin the person himself, the said person
2868 雰囲気 funiki atmosphere, mood
2869 会場 kaijou venue, site
2870 電子 denshi electron, electronic
2871 bun sentence
2872 範囲 hani range, scope
2873 常に tsuneni always, at all times (formal)
2874 失う ushinau lose, miss
2875 日常 nichijou everyday life, daily life
2876 回答 kaitou reply, answer
2877 体制 taisei system, structure
2878 調整 chousei regulation, adjustment
2879 疑問 gimon question, doubt
2880 応援 ouen support, cheering
2881 感想 kansou thought, impression
2882 解説 kaisetsu explanation, commentary
2883 シリーズ shiriizu series
2884 公共 koukyou public, community
2885 民間 minkan private, civilian
2886 裁判 saiban trial, judgment
2887 組合 kumiai union, guild
2888 本来 honrai originally, primarily
2889 一体 ittai what on earth
2890 宇宙 uchuu universe, space
2891 申す mousu say, tell (humble)
2892 zu figure, diagram
2893 クラブ kurabu club
2894 観光 kankou sightseeing
2895 提出 teishutsu presentation, submission (of a report, plan, etc.)
2896 以来 irai since then
2897 離れる hanareru get away from
2898 sei life, living
2899 性格 seikaku character, personality
2900 検査 kensa inspection, examination
2901 信頼 shinrai reliance, trust
2902 人物 jinbutsu character, person
2903 触れる fureru touch, come in contact with
2904 記念 kinen commemoration, memory
2905 yaku role, part
2906 費用 hiyou expense, cost
2907 指定 shitei designation, appointment
2908 感情 kanjou feeling, emotion
2909 kara emptiness, hollow
2910 関わる kakawaru be involved, be concerned
2911 仲間 nakama comrade, peer
2912 整理 seiri putting something in order, sorting out
2913 至る itaru come to, reach
2914 独立 dokuritsu independence, self-reliance
2915 shou prize, award
2916 誕生 tanjou birth
2917 いらっしゃる irassharu come, go (honorific)
2918 to metropolis of Tokyo
2919 全員 zenin all members, entire staff
2920 明確 meikaku clear and specific
2921 少なくとも sukunakutomo at least, at a minimum
2922 セット setto set
2923 魅力 miryoku charm, attraction
2924 きちんと kichinto properly, neatly
2925 手段 shudan means, way
2926 有効 yuukou effective, valid
2927 集中 shuuchuu concentration, convergence
2928 現象 genshou phenomenon
2929 感動 kandou to be impressed, to be touched
2930 禁止 kinshi prohibition, forbiddance
2931 会員 kaiin member (of an association, society, etc.)
2932 過ごす sugosu spend (time)
2933 納得 nattoku to fully understand and accept
2934 収入 shuunyuu income
2935 レポート repooto report, paper
2936 年齢 nenrei age
2937 舞台 butai stage, setting
2938 交通 koutsuu traffic, transportation
2939 他人 tanin other people, stranger
2940 kumi school class, group, pair
2941 否定 hitei denial, negation
2942 扱う atsukau handle, deal with
2943 修正 shuusei correction, revision
2944 一応 ichiou tentatively, just in case
2945 生じる shoujiru happen, occur
2946 訪問 houmon visit
2947 引用 inyou quotation, citation
2948 芸術 geijutsu art, arts and crafts
2949 解釈 kaishaku interpretation, explanation
2950 gyou line, row
2951 結論 ketsuron conclusion
2952 困難 konnan difficulty, hardship
2953 回復 kaifuku recovery, recuperation
2954 適用 tekiyou application, coverage
2955 集団 shuudan group, mass
2956 事態 jitai situation, state of affairs
2957 スタート sutaato start, begin
2958 更に sarani furthermore, still more
2959 活躍 katsuyaku (successful) performance, action
2960 inochi life (colloquial)
2961 医師 ishi doctor, physician (formal)
2962 おる oru be present, stay (humble)
2963 現れる arawareru appear, emerge
2964 講演 kouen lecture, talk
2965 瞬間 shunkan moment
2966 交流 kouryuu interaction, contact
2967 標準 hyoujun standard, norm
2968 まるで marude just like
2969 スタイル sutairu style, physique
2970 関心 kanshin concern, interest
2971 取り上げる toriageru take, confiscate
2972 伝統 dentou tradition
2973 民主 minshu democracy
2974 制限 seigen restriction, limit
2975 投票 touhyou vote, ballot
2976 心理 shinri mentality, psychology
2977 大体 daitai about, anyway
2978 突然 totsuzen suddenly
2979 思想 shisou thought, conception
2980 応じる oujiru answer, comply with
2981 不足 fusoku lack, shortage
2982 コード koodo cord
2983 世の中 yononaka the world, society
2984 項目 koumoku item, topic
2985 kyuu old, former
2986 次第 shidai as soon as
2987 長期 chouki long period
2988 著者 chosha author, writer
2989 tsumi crime, sin
2990 raku comfortable, easy
2991 操作 sousa operation, manipulation
2992 支配 shihai control, rule
2993 態度 taido attitude
2994 過程 katei process, course
2995 バランス baransu balance
2996 連続 renzoku continuation, series
2997 機関 kikan agency, facility
2998 ron argument, theory
2999 tou island

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